Blogs from Cochabamba, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, South America - page 7


Its amazing to me how the first time I started telling people I was going to Bolivia they asked me why? what for? Your Crazy? Learn spanish here? They were all looking at the appearance of what Bolivia was. They werent Looking for the meaning behind it. There are 2 people in this world those who will look at something broken and toss it away and buy a new one and those who will prye open whatevers broken and analyze all the parts and functions of the broken object and will Figure out how to fix it. Same goes for Reality. One can look at the appearance of everything and derive meaning for one look at reality; and one can derive meaning and reality from scientific definition through numbers and concepts explaining the functions of rules ... read more

Glad Im over whatever terrible Bug I had. Feeling great today a little light headed but other than that better than ever. Got ready but MIrza wouldnt give me any bread which frustrated me a bit. O well I ate some cookies with tea and was soon on my way to class once again. walking down I saw my Truffi I was supposed to take and for some reason didnt take it and there was some empty seats. All the other truffis were full so I caught a cab. Getting to class I didnt recognize anyone around so grabbed a cup of water and sat down. There is always like 2 pitches with a bunch of clean plastic cups for anyone thirsty. Soon I saw Brooke in the corner after I had taken a Seat. She ... read more

Woke up at 1am with one of the worste headaches Ive ever experienced. Not knowing what to do and rolling back and forth due to pain I was confident that I was having some sort of anuerysm. Cursing the gods and what not I had a feeling not knowing whether to shit or throw up and decided that maybe if I went to sleep this aweful headache would cease. After 5min it seemed to intensify. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! I shouted as I rushed to the bathroom literally right next to my room and fiercly vomited everything I had eaten the day before. NOt good! Cursing to whatever God I no longer believed in I decided that It was time to wake my Mom. I knocked twice and explained how I was feeling. Mirza was barely awake ... read more

Just shaved off my mexican mane that was creating a look like I was the caveman character in the Geiko commercial. Feeling a whole lot better no longer want to just give up and die on the floor even though my first insights of the morning told me different. Lets see...(currently listening to the stones sticky fingers album and tatoo you) Well woke up once again before anyone at my house was awake and started shitting my brains out. when I was done Mirza actually told me she was going to take me to the hospital again. NO NO NO im fine ...(I think). I just refused everything she wanted of me and climbed back into bed. 7am??? ahh why is it so early...Well an hour passed and Mirza brought me some apple juice tea of ... read more

I have come to be fondly in LOVE with the rain and everything about her/it. Everything about it that used to be an inconvenience has long been forgotten and it has more of a cold comfort for my current state. Today has been by far the coldest day of Bolivia I have experienced and considering I woke up thinking that today was my last everything has come to be relaxing in a sort of ill way. Some say that the light is found in the darkest hour. The rain and wind howl and moan outside my window as the infinite patterns immerse to a language I was oblivious to before. If one listens closely its music. well..woke up and felt like my tongue was cracked, literally thats how dehydrated I must have been. I do recall ... read more

First off...DOnt feel well at all and my stomache is turning and making all sorts of F'd up noises Ive never witnessed before. Well I have only come to be recently sick since last night and was puking my guts out like 5 different times before going to sleep hoping to sleep it off. If I can recall... it was the bolivian burgers that Daniellea made me for lunch yesterday which was the last solid meal ive come to consume. AFter literally played volleyball from 5pm to 10pm 2 different courts I still wonder what has gotten me sick. I didnt take too much precaution from others and kept consuming and consuming and consuming so apparently itwas a matter of time. I Met alot of new friends but not sure these sports have come to be ... read more

1st time Ive tried to post photos from my new camera. Tried to update a video I recorded but was taking a vast amount of time so decided against it. OH and going on a city tour bringing my camera that is if I can arise at 7am tommrow...... read more
basketball from 3rd stor
View from house
one of my Neighbors

Stayed up quite late writing my blog/note collection last night and awoke at 6am wondering why my alarm hadnt gone off. Oh thats right I set it for 7am...ah what am I doing up so early. Passed out again for another hour which actually seemed like I slept for another 3 hours. When I awoke to the sound of my alarm I was all disoriented and had no more time to sleep in because orientation was at 8am and I didnt want to be late. I have nearly completely given up on trying to take a morning shower for has required too much distress and has made my life simpler by not doing so. walking downstairs noticed no one was around. Is this the twighlight zone??? I thought but then decided to look around the kitchen ... read more

very tired and must have played like 10+ games of volleyball explanation will come later. Hope I recall everything That happened today and might just pass out in the middle of this entry. Its currently 1130 and listening to more Grateful Dead who I have concluded are more musically advance than zeppelin, the stones, the beatles and Even hendrix. To understand this one must listen to their live albums or live videos. Today was my first day of class so when I woke up I remember Mirza telling me to use the shower downstairs but when I walked down with my towel and what not at around 7am (class being at 8am) Mirza said alot. Having no idea and not really caring because I just woke up decided against the shower. Spanish in the morning is ... read more

Let me start off by noting that the band "Grateful dead" is amazing (currently listening). Lets see...well woke up around 9am and remembered during the walk home with daniellea last night that she said that there was hot water in the shower I just had to give it time. So taking her advice turned the shower on and walked back to my room to play some guitar and wait for the water to become hot. About 15min later The water was still cold. Hmmm..Well I climbed in the shower and decided that it should become hot in no time considering alot of time had passed. I waited and waited and actually thought maybe it is getting warmer. No way to tell so about what I thought was at least a half hour later decided well might ... read more

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