Blogs from Cochabamba, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, South America - page 8


I write my Blog entries on windows note pad so when I transfer it to my blog the formatting is all messed up so excuse any gramatical errors. ( I know my dad is catching all of them because hes a teacher). It would be a different story if I had internet at my house but unfortunately I dont otherwise I would be in closer contact with friends and loved ones. My writing is not a journal, and is not especially created for others to read but more of a large collection of notes so I dont forget what occurs day by day. Sometimes my writing reminds me of charles Bukowski for those who dont know who that is maybe you should do some research and find out. Also note that just because it is in ... read more

Had the worste nightmare ever seemed like it came from a movie I saw earlier in the United States. I actually woke up several times and fell into the same dream which really sucked. I woke up at around 9am knowing that John and I were going to be meeting up with Brooke and her husband Tom. I made my way downstairs and was greeted by Mirza and Danielle who seemed to be waiting for me to arise. They prepared me the tea i liked (not the coca) and I tried to figure out whether it was black, green, or red tea but they said it was normal tea. Normal tea? Daniellea and I conversed the best we could while eating a different version of Pan that I hadn't eaten yet during my stay, while Mirza ... read more

Woke up at 7am today remembering that the night before I was going to the institution early in the morning. Had some columbian coffee,orange, and some bread and butter and prepared for a 15 min walk on foot with Mirza. (I am currently living with a Mom named Mirza and her 28 yr old daughter Daniellea). Not knowing the number to Johns new house I had Mirza call him and planned to meet up with him at the school at 10am. The walk with Mirza was pretty intense considering that she only speaks spanish. I pretty much have no idea what there saying half the time but none the less my stay has been very enjoyable thus far. I can see how this is considered a 3rd world country because there is trash literally everywhere, but ... read more

So I think by the time my trip is over i will have frogotten English completely. Long story short I traveled for 36 hours total to get to my final destination. Saw La Paz briefly and drank some coca Tea with a priest at the Maryknoll institute in la paz then passed out for like 4 hours waiting for my friend John honey to arrive that afternoon as we were to fly to La paz together. Well...when I first arrived in La Paz at 5am my Driver Rogelio Mirando who was supposed to meet me there was no where to be found. I sat down with my luggage took a deep breathe as the altitude took a hold of me. The Drive was crazy and the adventure ahead started to set in. I called Rogelio and ... read more

Tuesday 6.7.2010 day 265 Bus from Cococabamana back to Puno Today we got to sleep in for the first time in over a week. So we got up and looked around for a good bfast place. The first one we went into we ordered and after a bit of a wait got juices and there was a European couple trying to change $B100 which is imposable. The waiter asked us if we had change but we did not. So he went out side 3 times looking for chain but could not find any. He then asked us again for chain and I said no. Then the couple came over and were telling us to give him change and to pay for our meal even though we had been there over half an hour and had not ... read more
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Photo 14

Monday 5.7.2010 day 264 Isle del sol We got up at 7:30 and organised our boot trip to the Isle del sol. It cost $B20 ($Aus3) per person for a full day trip. We then grabbed a quick coffee and got on the boat. Once we got on the boat we realised it was not what we were expecting there were about 10 rows of 6, the seats where old school chairs nailed to the wooden floor. Every seat was full and there were about 20 people sitting on the roof of the boat and then the crew of about 3. There were two out board motors and the captain (I do not think he had a boating licence and the boat was not licensed) sat at the back of the boat looking around the side ... read more
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Photo 81

Sunday 4.7.2010 day 263 Buss to Copacabana in Bolivia We got up a 6am as we had to be at the bus station at 7am to get our bus. We got our coupon transferred to tickets and paid our taxes at another counter and got on what was supposed to be a 2 hour bus trip. It took a bit over 2 hours to get to the Bolivia boarder where there was some ceremony going on with lots of police, soldiers with sub machine and trumpets and officials. It took us about an hour to get out of Peru and into Bolivia. We then only had about another 20 minutes to Copacabana. Copacabana is a fantastic little town on the Lake Titicaca as we did not have a booking we had a walk around and found ... read more
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The bus unbelievably made it in early to Cochabamba (I thought everything was always late in South America?), at 5am, which was not what we wanted as we couldn’t go to the hostel till about 7am, so we had a 2 hour wait in the terminal. It was actually quite an interesting few hours as we people watched the whole time. The place was absolutely rampacked, even at that hour, and we saw crazy things like a sheep getting on a bus, ladies carrying round petrol jerry cans filled with tea and coffee for sale, lots of indigenous ladies, machine like in strength yet rather on the large side, kids running around playing the Daytona machine happily and helpful bus employees watching the women lug around their heavy bags while chatting to their mates. Outside the ... read more

martes, 25 de mayo We arrived (still with Dan in tow) to Cochabamba at 6.30am. Right, executive decision - we're not gonna stay. Time is tighter than a duck's butt (thanks to our 5 day stay in Samaipata) and what there is to see can be done in a day. It's kind of a shame - we're off the altiplano finally and the weather is gorgeous. Possibly the hottest yet. It isn't enough though, just walking to the centre of town you can tell the place is devoid of personality, kind of like your average X-Factor or Britain's Got Talent viewer. There's plenty of mini-skyscrapers though to let you know what Cochabamba lacks in character it makes up in wealth. We came here for one reason and one reason only. Jurrien had told us that Cochabamba ... read more
Hiding behind the bushes...
Well heeded warning
The view from the top

Blog to appear at a later date.... read more
Pamela & I
Me & mi mujer
My Love

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