Blogs from Middle East - page 929


Middle East » Syria » North » Aleppo April 19th 2008

After breakfast we took a cab to the Citadel. A very interesting old structure in the center of the city. We then made our way to the city’s bazaar. This place goes on and on. One after the other covered streets filled with vendors selling anything and everything you can imagine. There are little to no tourist here, mostly the locals doing their shopping. We took some pictures, haggled with the vendors and walked away with a few things to bring home with us. In the afternoon we drove to see some ruins in a little town of Afarmia (Qal 'at al Madiq). This place was had to find and very remote, but well worth it. It was late in the day and the low light was amazing on these very impressive ruins. We also met ... read more

Middle East » Oman » Muscat April 19th 2008

Had a fantastic couple of days in Dubai, visited many places, the skidubai centre rocked - kind of trippy that it's in the middle of a shopping mall!!! checked out the rest of the City - everything is on the largest scale you can imagine, an amazing place, I could and now have the option to live there, being able to Dive or Ski any day of the year is quite appealing!!! did a dunes safari which took me close the the Dubai Oman Boarder, had a fantastic time around the Dunes, quite entertaining - had to tow the other truck out a few times - I don't think the other driver had done any 4 wheel driving in Sand ever before!!! (he stuff the power steering - so had to head to the Garage halfway ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai April 19th 2008

Nous avons adoré Dubai !! C'est une ville super futuriste et vraiment très agreable mais très très chère pour notre budget de routards !!! Ils ont construit des trucs de fous ici : une tour atteignant 800m de hauteur, des iles artificielles pour les milliardaires qui ont la forme des continents du monde entier, des plages privées, du shopping à gogo, une station de ski à l'interieur d'un centre commercial !!! La ville est très agreable et très cosmopolite, c'est un mélange intéressant de gens, de religions et de notre hôtel, la mosquée nous réveillait tous les matins à 4h30 avec des chants d'Allah. Darian et moi nous imaginons parfaitement vivre à Dubai prochainement. Ils ont besoin d'ingénieurs pour toutes leurs constructions de folie donc, si Darian se mettait à apprendre l'arabe, ce serait parfait !! ... read more
La 'Grande Mosquée' en face de notre hôtel, qui tous les matins à 4h30 nous réveillait en fanfare avec différents chants de prières musulmans
Darian est sur le point de faire de nouvelles connaissances !
La mode 'dubaïenne' est quelque peu différente de celle de Bayeux !

Middle East » Syria » North » Aleppo April 19th 2008

After breakfast we took a cab to the Citadel. A very interesting old structure in the center of the city. We then made our way to the city’s bazaar. This place goes on and on. One after the other covered streets filled with vendors selling anything and everything you can imagine. There are little to no tourist here, mostly the locals doing their shopping. We took some pictures, haggled with the vendors and walked away with a few things to bring home with us. In the afternoon we drove to see some ruins in a little town of Afarmia (Qal 'at al Madiq). This place was had to find and very remote, but well worth it. It was late in the day and the low light was amazing on these very impressive ruins. We also met ... read more
Aleppo, View from Citadel
Aleppo, Mo & the school Kids
Aleppo, Bazaar

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia April 19th 2008

Well, goodbye Syria and hello Turkey! Not quite that smooth of course, border crossings in the Middle East never are. Turkey has started enforcing a law that says foreign registered vehicles older than 30 years old are not allowed into the country. Our Frosty (our overland truck - appropriate name for the desert I know) is over thirty and so that made life interesting. A coach and drivers had been arranged for us to swap into at the border, but the day before crossing we learned that the driver didn't have a Syrian visa. Hmmm. So at the border we had to unload the truck of all the camping and cooking gear as well as ourselves and our packs, transfer into taxis to cross the border, unload and reload the coach on the Turkish side. A ... read more
Goreme doorway
Church painting
More painting

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 19th 2008

Well this was a very exciting trip yet again! We were so looking forward to this and now that we have come back we can honestly say we experienced no disappointement whatsoever, but fully enjoyed ourselves. We're bringing up "disappointment" here due to all those stories we've been told about Turkey, therefore we expected a bit of surprises, however as already mentioned, this was not the case. istanbul is a wonderful destination indeed. Things we got to do and places we saw, were unbelieveably stunning and we still can't come to terms with the end of this amazing experience! "The name Constantinopole, or Istanbul, stirs visions of Ottoman sultans, harems and palaces", which did take our breaths away! Apart from its historic wonders, Istanbul presents with a surprising urban view. It is then "an eminently sophisticated ... read more
nice Turkish meal
Turkish performance

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale April 19th 2008

We wake before dawn and are on the road as the sun rıses. It hovers ın my drıvers sıde mırror - ın the east. Thıs ıs one of the few tımes ıf ever ı have been awake at dawn and have been headıng west. Gallıpolı - Gelıbolu - ıs 4 1/2 hours away. The fırst hour ıs spent gettıng through the suburbs of Istanbul. The aır ıs crısp. We pass "ınto rollıng farmland" (Traılways Bus - Paul Sımon). Thıs sunrıse and temperature ıs what they must have experıenced ın 1915. we keep the water on our left as we traverse gentle rollıng hılls and wıde flat areas. The journey ıs punctuated by vıllages and every thırd one by a cıty wıth ıts combınatıon of hıgh rıse and suburban houses. We leave the maınland behınd and enter ... read more

Middle East » Oman » Muscat April 19th 2008

Some Photos of things I've seen.... read more

Middle East » Lebanon » Beirut April 19th 2008

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus April 18th 2008

When we got on the bus, we realized that we had forgotten to stock up on food and water for the journey. We knew we would get water on the bus, and a little bit of food, but probably not enough to sustain us for the whole trip. After the first time they handed out water and snacks, we both tried to get some rest. Around 2:00, we pulled into a rest station where we could go to the bathroom and buy food. We both took advantage of the bathroom (and thank god I didn’t have to pay at this one), and debated whether or not we had time to buy food. Mikkel didn’t think so, so we went back to the bus. When we got on, we realized that there were still a lot ... read more

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