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Anyone else receive a message from www.SlenkDeeLLC.com

I got a message from www.SlenkDeeLLC.com, and I honestly don't know what to make of it.
12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 1 Msg: #149614  
It says that they are making a book with bloggers. The website looks impressive, but I have no idea why they write me, and whether they are just writing everyone (which seems likely). Have anyone received similar messages? Anyone know what it is? I suppose I am a bit intrigued since the website is so fancy.

Anna Reply to this

12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 2 Msg: #149620  
To be honest with you, while the site may look impressive, it looks like it has been set up by a guy who simply wants to sell his travel stories. The only books that are on offer are the webmasters own publications.

Travel autobiographies are now unfortunately ten a penny and you have to have done something really special or unconventional to sell books in this day and age especially when you consider that there are so many great travel stories which you can read for free. Our very own TravelBlog is a great example 😊
[Edited: 2012 Jan 01 14:54 - Cockle:46288 ]
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12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 3 Msg: #149629  
Yes, I was thinking that myself. And to be honest, I don't believe that people buy books full of other peoples travelblogs, especially when they can read such for free on the internet. And yes, power to TravelBlog.

My intrigue lies in that it looks like a really fancy site and I imagine a lot of hours was put into creating it. It seems like someone is trying to work out his dream here.

Moreover, I keep wondering whether this guy targeted me personally (which I imagine highly unlikely) or sents out messages to everyone on various travelblogs.

If the latter, can it then be formulated as a new kind of spam, where he tabs into other peoples dormant dreams of being recognised writers and in that way attempt at his own entreprenurial dream to publish a travel book.

Jezz, does this even make any sense.

Anyhow, the email which was very long and detailed fascinated me and got me thinking about this sort of entrepreneurial thing and these kinds of emails. And I was interesting in knowing if anyone else got the message and what they thought of receiving them.

Cheers, Anna Reply to this

12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 4 Msg: #149631  
B Posts: 72
It's a $15 Wordpress theme. It's a nice-looking one, but anyone with a credit card and a domain name could build the same site in half an hour. I'm not detracting from this guy's site or purpose, or denegrating the use of pre-built themes, but I'm responding to your inclination to trust a site more if it looks fancy. That's not a great indicator of effort, with so many nice one-click install themes out there. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 5 Msg: #149636  

If the latter, can it then be formulated as a new kind of spam, where he tabs into other peoples dormant dreams of being recognised writers and in that way attempt at his own entreprenurial dream to publish a travel book.

Sometimes it is an attempt by other sites to poach bloggers from well established sites, to starter sites. They usually offer some minor incentive to get the blogger to their site. Of course, there is always the chance that a major publisher or media body will contact bloggers, and that of course would be an opportunity not to miss, both for the bloggers and for TravelBlog.
What did they say they will offer you, in return for your blogs, Anna? Do they take the copyrights for your blogs, or do you get to hold onto it?

We have not yet had any other reports of this, so maybe you are the only one.

I don't believe that people buy books full of other peoples travelblogs, especially when they can read such for free on the internet.

There was a TravelBlog book one year, produced by TravelBlogs partners, droptheworld.com
I dont know how well it sold.

I will send a message to Ali, to ask him if he will comment on this thread, about if this site is making a good offer or not, and if they should be allowed to approach bloggers like this. 😊

If you want, you can send a copy of the email to webmaster (at) travelblog.org, in case we can find out more about this site and its reputation.
[Edited: 2012 Jan 01 20:42 - Mell:49612 - Spelling]
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12 years ago, January 1st 2012 No: 6 Msg: #149639  
Here is is a link to some information about the founder of SlenkDeeLLC.com

www.linkedin.com/in/davidslenk Reply to this

12 years ago, January 2nd 2012 No: 7 Msg: #149656  
I also received an email from David Slenk. He wanted to include my blog on the Marathon in Rome; why he picked that I don't know as there are many more interesting blogs, both by me and by others. I haven't committed to anything yet, and would be interested in what others have to say, before I proceed. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 2nd 2012 No: 8 Msg: #149660  
B Posts: 5,200
I don't know whether this is the case with this particular site - but there is a branch of scam vanity publishing that works like this.

1 - contact a bunch of bloggers - saying you want to publish them.
2 - do very low print runs - eg 20 - and sell at very high price to the 20 bloggers who are thrilled to see their work in print.

I would be very wary of this, the guy is an IT independent with no publishing experience. On the other side, self-publishing through kindle is successful for some people.

Hope that helps... Reply to this

12 years ago, January 2nd 2012 No: 9 Msg: #149670  
Thanks everyone,

To be honest I don't know if I should be flattered or irritated that someone is spamming me. I could imagine that both Mell and Ali are right. That this dude wants to attract bloggers and perhaps seeks a profit. However, it was interesting what Home and Away said, about this guy wanting a particular blog. In my case he didn't specify. Anyhow, I'll send the mail to the webmaster, because if it is a scam he should be stopped, but if it is merely visionary spamming from someone who truly thinks publishing such a book is a good idea, I don't want to stop him in his quest, though I don't really fancy participating either.

Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts,

Anna Reply to this

12 years ago, January 3rd 2012 No: 10 Msg: #149756  
Hi Anna,
He approached me as well. To give him the benefit of the doubt, I would like to believe he is trying to begin experience as a self-publisher. He offered payment that aligns with what journalist are paid per word for articles..He is accessible and has a lot of information on him. We have been chatting a bit. It isn't unusual to confront this, many people are trying out new inventive ways to make money with start-ups etc.

If you do feel like participating, I would get everything in writing to document it legally. Ask him for a permission to publish form or some sort of contract stating the rights to your article, all information for both parties, all expectations, and if you are selling for a one time print or if the article will be published elsewhere (online, digital media, etc) because of course then your wage would change.

Good luck and I hope for the best!
Gaby Reply to this

12 years ago, January 3rd 2012 No: 11 Msg: #149757  
The comforting thing is that the consequences are severe in terms of plagerism and publishing without permission. These are serious issues. While you don't take it lightly, if you have all emails and contract information in writing, there is really no way around him delivering what he promises you. Just be very clear about all expectations and compensation. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 3rd 2012 No: 12 Msg: #149758  
Also, (last thing I promise!) LLC implies he has obtained a business license. So ask him about that as well. He has responded very quickly to all questions I have had so far and seems to have a plan with deadlines and dates of publication. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 3rd 2012 No: 13 Msg: #149759  

In response to: Msg #149636
Hmm..but then what about travel books that are published in general? Storytelling is away for people to learn how to do things they have not yet experienced. By reading essays and blogs, they can learn where to do, how to do it, how to handle situations, they can feel like they are traveling through the perspective of the narrator and the experiences of the characters. Im sorry but I really don't agree with this statement. It sort of implies travel writing as some sort of easy, willy-nilly thing. People publish things and find their sources in all sorts of places. That is exactly WHY they would contact you and pay you..as they recognize the value in it even if you may not. While I can't specifically go into detail, trust me, I have confronted many people thinking I was scamming them when I requested photos for articles at NGT. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 14 Msg: #149763  
Thanks, Gabrielle for your input. I think I will continue contact with David taken the precautions you suggest. If I want a book of my blogs I will publish my own through the link provided by Travelblog...indeed I have started that process but am having difficulty with pictures, but they are being helpful working through the issues. If he wants to pay me for a blog, that's fine with me! Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 15 Msg: #149764  
Haha, exactly! Good luck! Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 16 Msg: #149767  
Oh! I forgot, also, a lot of the time in journalism of course they will try to pay the lowest price, but it also is in direct relation to his budget. He is not going to pay you the same way a major magazine would, but it is honorable that he is offering payment that aren't insultingly low. A lot of people would request it for free, because your a writer or photographer..make sure if there are photos included to charge for the photos. separately unless specified in your contract. Ok, Ill get down from the soap box now. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 17 Msg: #149769  
I just looked at your blogs and found that you are in the business so know what you are talking about.

I received a Kindle for Christmas so will download the books your recommended, although the autobiography by your friend may be a bit edgy for me.

I also subscribed to your blog, so you now have another reader out here.

Before moving to Colorado I lived in Falls Church for 10 years so know something about what you are living through, although your blogs are much better written than mine. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 18 Msg: #149771  
Wow! Thanks so much for subscribing. I really do appreciate all the support. It means so much! Admittedly, I haven't been able to keep up with it as much as I would like to. I am trying to dedicate a bit more time to it now.

I understand. If anything, most people can't believe that her story is actually true. She is currently working on her second! I am so proud!

When did you leave? Any suggestions for your favorite spots? I am just not getting time to really read up and explore DC (I know, I know..for shame), I am always looking for local input 😉 Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 19 Msg: #149784  
I'll send you a message with a response. I started to write, but it became too long, and it's off topic. Reply to this

12 years ago, January 4th 2012 No: 20 Msg: #149813  

I started to write, but it became too long, and it's off topic.

I(and other moderators) can branch threads, to make new topics. So, just let me know when you go off topic and I will make a branch for the new discussion. I think, it is a good thing, when topics develop and then flow into new topics. That is what happens in offline social situation afterall. 😊 Reply to this

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