Blogs from South America - page 5333


South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia March 8th 2006

I am now at the self proclaimed "End of the World" as Ushuaia is literally the southern most city in the world before hitting Antarctica. We arrived after about 14 hours on three different buses. The first bus left Puerto Natales at 7:30am and we went along in a sleepy daze for two hours when we stopped in the middle of nowhere, another bus pulled alongside, and our deaf yet touchy bus guy pointed that we should depart, switch our bags to the next bus, and get on it like a sketchy drug deal. So off we went. We were on this bus for several hours, including a brief ferry ride and the border crossing into Argentina. I keep coming and going from these countries so often that I will have 6 or 8 Argentinian stamps ... read more
Sea lions
Light house

South America » Argentina March 8th 2006

I definitely never imagined spending any birthday, much less my thirtieth, in a tiny strange city called Los Antiguos. This little pueblo seems to barely be breathing. It is the last stop in Argentina before reaching Chile, and for this it is known by many. Supposedly there is also a cherry festival there in January or February- bummer we had to miss that. Anyhow, there we were with our travel buddies from Kendall, England-James and Caroline, and everyone was determined to make the day special, regardless of the surroundings. James and Caroline gave me a birthday card, and we spent most of the day at Lago Argentina (Lake Argentina). It was cold and windy, but we pretended that it wasn´t and took a swim in the freezing lake waters. As we were drying off after our ... read more
Griff at the end of the earth.
Patagonian Sunset
El Chaten

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia March 8th 2006

Hmmm - not sure how to explain this, but it´s probably something to do with the 6 hour hike up a mountain we did the day before...we got to the airport here in Ushuaia this lunchtime for our flight to El Calafate to see the big glacier there. We had spent some of the previous evening and this morning deliberating over whether paying a lot of money for a 10 day boat trip to Antarctica was something we wanted to do, and having spoken to a number of people who¨d done it we were a little unsure whether to go for it. In the end, we decided it´d be best to stick to the plan, and maybe come back later (as if). When we got to the checkin, however, the flight was delayed "for at least ... read more

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia March 8th 2006

Still covered in the dust from the fossil park, we arrived in Ushuaia on Saturday evening. It{s the most southerly city in the world and has a stunning setting on the Beagle Channel, surrounded by mountains on most sides, and looks almost nordic in many ways. Guess there is a style of house that suits this kind of weather, so it makes sense there is a similarity between the northern regions and here. It almost came as a surpise to hear people speaking in Spanish though. ´ Saturday night was spent sinking beers in the cosy hostel bar with an American who's been inspiring us with stories of his travels and treking expreiences. The next day, all 3 of us, all feeling a bit sluggish, decided a nice trip aong with Beagle Channel was the right ... read more

Hallo allerseits, die Zeit rennt! Inzwischen haben wir unser Bergfest schon lange hinter uns, aber ein bisschen Zeit bleibt uns ja noch. Mit ein wenig Schadenfeude verfolgen wir die Wetterverhaeltnisse in Hamburg und Finnland aber keine Angst, Schnee hatten wir hier auch und nass geworden sind wir auch oft genug. Aber immerhin faehrt hier die Muellabfuhr regelmaessig und Anzeichen von Vogelgrippe und Schweinepest haben wir auch noch nicht festgestellt. NP "Los Glaciares" Von Puerto Natales sind wir mit dem Bus nach El Calafate gefahren, eine grausame Stadt, die nur von der nahegelegen Touristen- Hauptattraktion, dem Perito Moreno Gletscher lebt. Diesen haben wir uns am naechsten Tag natuerlich angeschaut. Dafuer mussten wir eine teure Busfahrt und Eintritt bezahlen aber es war das Geld Wert. Man sitzt einfach fuenf Stunden vor einem 60 Meter hohem und etwa fuenf ... read more
Fitz Roy
Essen!!! / Ruokaa!!!

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu March 8th 2006

I realised that I haven't written anything since the end of the carneval. Hmm... A lot of things have happened. After Salvador, which I loved, I have been visiting Floripa, very beautiful and another one of my favorite places of the trip. In the end I unfortunately only got one and a half day there (the plane from Salvador was late so I had to spend one night at a five star hotel in Brasilia, paid for by the airline, too bad for me, hehe...) which was way to short. Luckily I met a very interesting and nice Brazilian girl that showed me around and told me where to go and what to do, so I ended up doing the most of my short trip. Now I am in Foz do Iguacu and I have visited ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande March 8th 2006

Jordan and I are back in Rio after our short trip to Ihla Grande and have met up with old Gav Wilson today. The amount of stuff that he has brought with him is an inspiration to us all and something to maybe work towards (he only has a small day back). I guess I should start with a few words about Carnival and the whole experience: street parties, skol, and more skol. Everywhere you went you could easily find a guy with a cooler full of skol willing to sell. For 2 Reals, it´s hard to complain. For the most part we just wondered around going from street party to street party, and would eventually end up in Lappa where there was always thousands of people roaming the streets. Down Hippie Alley - named ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires March 8th 2006

The University I´m studying at, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, specializes in social sciences and is modeled off U.S. liberal arts schools. It´s pretty expensive by Argentine standards (like a U.S. private school is) but with US dollars, it´s relatively cheap. The school is less than 20 years old and only has one PhD program, but lots of masters programs. Most are two years, part-time, but the Masters in Finance is only a year-long, which is why I chose it, since it allows me to leave here with a degree. Plus, I don´t know anything about finance and it´s econ-related. Many of the profressors got their degrees in the U.S., so the teaching style and expectations are similar to U.S. universities. My classes started on Monday. The masters programs meet at night because most of the students ... read more

South America March 8th 2006

Through the Panama Canal. Uo at six to see us through the Miraflora Locks. What a triumph the canal is. Sailed across the Gatun Lake with endless dense jungle to watch for birds. Went ashore to the Gatun yacht club and then in a bus (seeing howling monkeys on the way)to an open water bus and drifted round the islands. Snail Kite. Turkey Vultures. Very sleepy three toed Sloth and finally a much more mobile Two Toed Sloth. Late back to the boat but the tender waited for us. Down to the Atlantic where it was as rough as we have known and now lurching off to bed.... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires March 7th 2006

Bueno ya paso tanto tiempo no se ni donde empezar. Oh wait, English, right. I am getting them mixed up more and more as the days roll by. Why, last night with Marcelo the three of us were jabbering away in English and Spanish so interchangeably that the waiter didn’t know where the heck we were from. Anyway, what I wanted to say was: So much time has passed by that I don’t even know where to start. School will start tomorrow, (Monday March 13th) and so today we just relaxed and went to a weekend fair and cultural museum. (Same one as last weekend). I suppose the easiest and most efficient way to do this is in sections. Here we go, COUNTRY CLUB Last weekend Lindsay and I paid 90 pesos each and arrived promptly ... read more
silly swimmers
the babes

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