Blogs from Lake Titicaca , Puno, Peru, South America - page 8


South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca August 2nd 2012

Hola amgios, nach meiner ersten Nacht in Peru, wurde ich vom Inca-Tour-Operator aus meinem Hotel abgeholt. Nachdem die Abholtour zu Ende war fuhren wir zum Hafen in Puno. Bevor wir die Faehre bestiegen, kaufte ich noch ein paar Malstifte von den in Suedamerika ueblichen Strassenverkauefern. Der Tourguide wirkte sehr professionel und erzaehlte alles zunaechst auf Spanisch und dann auf Englisch, immerhin waren wir doch knapp ueber 20 internationale, meist Mitfuenfziger auf dem Tourboot. Nach einer halben Stunde Bootsfahrt auf dem Titikakasee dockten wir auf einer der "schwimmenden Inseln der Uros". Die Uros sind Ureinwohner Perus, welche sich ihre Kultur sehr stark erhalten haben. Das besondere an den Uros ist, dass sie auf "dem Wasser" leben. Hintergruende: Vor einem halben Jahrhundert waren die Inkas ein kriegerisches Volk und sehr stark. Da die Uros das Kaempfen verweigerten, ha ... read more
Boatride to the Uros
Uro Island

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Taquile Island July 28th 2012

Coming back from Machu Picchu was long. After getting there at 6am, we stayed till about midday and then took the 1000 steps , that I´d neglected to go up earlier (it was still a bit hard actually, ha). WE then, incredibly tired as we were after 4 days of constant walking upppp and doooown, and upppp and doooown, and actually the most tiring and blister creating bit of all, the time when we just walked alooooooooong, just wanted to go to a bed. Any bed. However, our train back to Ollytaytamboo (some of those letters may not be correct) wasn´t until 6.45 so we basically just had to hang around for hours. Which is when I last blogged.Did i say all this already? Ah whatever - you´re only skim reading anyway aren´t you hmm? The ... read more
Isla Taquile.... pretty eh?
How you build an island...

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca July 10th 2012

Other than reading about Lake Titicaca in Guiness Book of World Records as being the highest navigable lake, (I loved that book when I was in seventh grade) I knew little about that region and didn't really understand all that it had to offer. Originally, I wanted to go to Puno as a starting point to head over to Bolivia, but given the short amount of time I had, negligible Spanish, and the tiniest bit of fear, I decided instead to explore the region of Puno, the lake, and a group of people I had heard of who lived on "floating islands." I was intrigued. I began by taking my trusted "Cruz del Sur" from Cuzco to Puno on a Friday afternoon so that I could visit Lake Titicaca and see some of the surrounding terrain ... read more
Two solis for a picture with a llama.
A WWII ship on Lake Titacaca.
Steering the Yavari?

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca June 28th 2012

Armed with plenty of coca leaves to chew to combat the effects of altitude, we departed Cusco on the “Wonder Peru” bus, a scenic bus service stopping at places of interest between Cusco and Puno. Our first stop was the San Pedro Church in Andahuaylillas at 3112 metres above sea level. It was built in 1631 and is full of art work and carvings. At 3480 metres above sea level we visited the remains of the Incan Wiracocha Temple in Raqchi. The 15th century structure is 100 metres long and 20 metres wide and made of adobe built on top of volcanic stone foundations. It is surrounded by many other buildings which were used to house people, supplies and food and the area has the usual amazing water system characteristic of all Incan sites. The remains ... read more
View after La Raya pass
Puno from Lake Titicaca
Uros Islands reed boat

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca May 22nd 2012

7.00a.m. 23.5.2012 - After having some lessions on Pisco Sour making - Elder said you haven't been to Peru unless you eat Guinea Pig - so we shared one between us - wasn't that psyched up for it - but it really was a couple of mouthfuls - bit like quail - not much meat and a lot of bones. Anyway we have tried it!!!! Can't believe we did that !! lAlso John tried a Alpaca steak which he thoroughly enjoyed. 22.5.2012 Headed off at 9.00a.m. in three cyclos down to the wharf area in Puna to catch our motor boat out to the floating islands of the Uros people, it was absolutely fantastic, there are groups of families who live on these floating islands, there’s a president and he presides over the community on each ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island March 29th 2012

Post breakfast we were picked up at our hostal by a van that took us to the boat dock. Our tour was the longest offered out of Puno. 2 days in which we would visit the Uros Islands and Amantani Islands (where we would stay with a host family) on the first day and Taquile Island on the second. The Uros Islands are about an hour boat ride from Puno, then 3.5ish hours to Amantani, 3ish hours to Taquile and 3ish hours back to Puno...although the boat was extremely slow so it wasn´t really that far between islands. There were about 10 tourists on the trip, which unfortunately included a bratty British mom and the most bratty little kid we have ever been around. We spent the whole time trying to avoid them, they were awful. ... read more
Uros Presentation
Uros home
Inside Uros home

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca March 12th 2012

10 mars Je traverse la frontière pour le Pérou aujourd´hui. Direction Puno. La frontière de Yunghuyo (Pérou) n´est qu´à 8 km de Copa. Aucun problème pour sortir de la Bolivie...mais pour entrer au Pérou, ça se complique. Manifestations. Des paysans mécontents ont bloqués l´entrée au Pérou. C´est peut-être à cause de la hausse du prix de la patate... ou peut-être qu´eux aussi veulent savoir d´où viennent les truites servit dans les restos. Bref, aucune idée mais ça dévie un peu la trajectoire de mes plans. En fait, j´apprend que le bus dans lequel j´avais posé les fesses doit se rendre autrement de l´autre côté et que nous, passagers, devont traverser à pieds la frontière. Je m´accroche donc à mon packsack et je me mets à trotter le long de la route en otage. Ici, les habitants ... read more
Bateau de roseaux sur Uros
Bateau sur le Lac Titicaca

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca March 7th 2012

Hi again, So back to Lake Titicaca! The lake is home to many islands, some within Peru and some within Bolivia. The biggest island is Isla Del Sol in Bolivia and the second biggest is Amantani which I will tell you more about later. The first stop after half an hour on the lake was the Uros Islands. This are not natural islands, instead they are man-made. The islands are made from a reed called Tortura which grows in the shallow areas of the lake. The islanders create these floating islands by using the root base as the foundations and then literally piling up layers of reeds on top. At any given time, they estimate the depth of the island to be about 2 metres, that is 2 metres of reeds and roots. As the bottom ... read more
The Uros Islands - Homes
The View from our Window at Amantani
Sunset from the top of Amantani

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island February 19th 2012

Had breakfast, left our luggage in the hotel store room and the whole group took a rickshaw to Lake Titicaca's shore. Fortunately, it was mainly downhill. We both really hate taking these pedalled powered taxis but they were arranged for us by the guide for the day.We always feel so guilty that the poor person has to pedal two not particularly light people around! We would rather have walked but it was too far. All piled into a fairly plush boat. It had a toilet on board which is always useful after 4 cups of coffee for breakfast! About an hour out onto the lake. Lake Titicaca is vast and extremely deep in parts. However, the reed islands were in a shallow part. Moored up at one of the smaller islands on which about 6 families ... read more
Uros - Lake Titicaca

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca February 10th 2012

A ten hour journey from Cusco to Puno took us through The Andes, visiting more Inca sites on the way. We visited a lot of markets along the way and bought yet more bargains! In this area most of the buildings are unfinished to avoid building taxes due on completion of the house. It all looks very messy. Our hotel in Puno was on the edge of lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world at 3,800metres, and we had our own jetty for the boat trip. The first stop was at the floating reed islands of the Uro Indians. The islands are made of cut reeds on a reed bed, feels like walking on a waterbed. They add a new layer of reeds every week and eventually the island becomes so heavy it starts ... read more
Old lady
The Woods at Raqchi Inca ruins
Granary at Raqchi

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