Blogs from Lima, Lima, Peru, South America - page 100


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco January 17th 2008

MAR E MORADA DE SODADE Num tardinha na camba di sol Mi t'andá na pr'aia de Nantasqued Lembra'n praia di Furna Sodade frontán 'm tchorá Mar é morada di sodade El ta separá-no pa terra longe El ta separá-no d'nôs mâe, nós amigo Sem certeza di torná encontrá M'pensá na nha vida mi só Sem ninguem di fé, perto di mim Pa st'odjá quês ondas ta 'squebrá di mansinho Ta trazé-me um dor di sentimento O MAR É A MORADA DA SAUDADE Na tardinha, ao pôr do Sol Estendido na praia de Nantasqued Lembro a praia de Furna A saudade faz-me chorar O mar é a morada da saudade É ele que nos leva para terras distantes Ele separa-nos da nossa mâe, Dos nossos amigos Sem certeza de os tornar a ver A pensar na minha ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco January 17th 2008

Agora em Lima. Num bairro tranquilo a descansar. Amanha em Punta Hermosa, um pouquinho ao sul. ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco January 17th 2008

Deixamos Pichilemu ha alguns dias. Recomecaram as grandes viagens de autocarro, de dias inteiros. Atravessar o Chile, de Santiago ate Iquique ( no norte) é atravessar um grande deserto. O que vi foi areia e pedra de cores diferentes do branco ao negro. Paisagem lunar, espectacular e mutante com o passar do dia. Se me mostrassem fotografias e dissessem que era a lua ou marte eu acreditaria. So um deserto de varios tons e relevos (Andes), a estrada cortando-o e o ceu azul como fundo. So o deserto. A paisagem arida e vazia. Silencio. No meio do nada, uma estrada. Silencio. ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima January 17th 2008

Hi Everyone, Sorry I've been incommunicado for the last couple of days - it's been so busy!!! My last update was on Monday after I had my meeting with MIMDES. Tuesday wasn't much to write home about, as I pretty much enjoyed a day to myself - longish lie and liesurely lunch. On Tuesday afternoon, I transferred over to Villa Molina in Miraflores (the posh touristy part of Lima) to meet up with the Vine Trust Group who were arriving later that evening. On Tuesday night after they arrived, we headed out for some food an an opportunity to get to know each other a bit better. The Vine Trust is a Scottish charity - you may have seen the TV documentary about them sailing mercy ships up the Amazon River providing medical support to the ... read more
Scripture Union Girasoles Centres
Girasoles Mamas and Papas

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 16th 2008

For my last few days in Peru I returned to Lima to spent Christmas and some time with Sylvia. Christmas was great I spent it with Sylvia's, I have to say it was very different from the USA. In Peru you do not start any of activities till after midnight on the 24th, then you have a toast, then dinner. After dinner you start opening presents. In the end I think I returned to the hostel around 5am on the 25th. I unfortunatly forgot my camera so I cant show you at this point I hope to get some from friends. On my last night I went out with Sylvia and Lee, another one of her friends visiting from the UK.. We went to a local bar and met up with a bunch of her friends ... read more
Sylvia and friends

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 14th 2008

Hola todos, This is our last blog entry from South America. It´s so hard to believe that we are half way through our trip as at times it feels like we have only been away a few days. We have that fantastic feeling when you really know you´re on holday - when you have no idea what day or date it is. Since we last wrote we have done a trip south to Puno and Lake Titicaca, then to the White City of Arequipa, into the mountains to Colca Canyon, then along the coast to Lima via Nasca. Quite a bit of travelling so these will be the edited highlights. Lake Titicaca was an amazing experience. There are 3000 people there who live on about 40 islands of Uros which are the islands made of reeds. ... read more
Petrol Station Island Style
Baby Condor
Bill and friends

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima January 14th 2008

Hi Everyone, Thanks so much again for all of your texts and e-mails. Very much appreciated!! I said goodbye to Ayacucho at the unearthly hour of 5am this morning. My flight from Ayacucho to Lima was scheduled to leave at 7am, and you have to be at the airport a full two hours before your flight per AeroCondor terms and conditions. So - I set my alarm for 4.15am and checked out of the hotel at 4.45am. The hotel bus arrived to take myself and some other guests to the airport just on 5am. Vicki - I managed to get there with everything I needed, hope you are impressed!! When I arrived at the airport the only check in (of the three that they actually have at Ayacucho airport) was AeroCondor. LC Busre and Andes checked ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 9th 2008

Hi Everyone, Can you believe that I´m back in Peru again!! Vicki - thanks for your comment and your e-mails. I was also thinking about our travels two years ago and will be thinking of all my CCS friends as I head back to Ayacucho tomorrow. I arrived in Lima at 17.25 Peru time - that´s 22.25 GMT, and got a taxi from the airport to take me to the hotel. My first experience of being back here was having to slow for another taxi that was being pushed out of the airport in front of mine!! The taxi driver introduced himself as Artur - a man in his mid 40s, married with three childen (youngest 2 years old) and with 9 brothers and sisters. That´s what I love about the Peruvian people - so friendly ... read more
En Suite bathroom
Presidential Palace
Security at the Palace

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 6th 2008

The first few days in Lima have been a mixture of experiences - the highs of a bustling city full of friendly and enthusiastic people and the lows of a poor and desperate society reaching out for any bit of help they can get. We have been staying in the Miraflores district where the well-off frequent. Very comfortable vibe throughout with the pacific on the doorstep and cliffs home to many stylish bars and restaurants. Our first steak out here has been pretty damn good (it was worth fighting the jetlag on our first night for that feast!). The first couple of days we explored some of the more well known sites - The Franciscan church was impressive, mainly for the catacombs under the church where 25000 people are believed to have been buried with the ... read more
Beauty and the beast
Parque del Amor
Chicken on a bike

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 5th 2008

Emma writes - I definitely think we hit Lima at its best in early January. The infamous smog that can plague the city at other times of the year was taking a break. We had some top tips from the folks from Lima we met in Mancora. Stay in Miraflores and drink in Baranco. So that's what we did. We stayed one night in backpacker hostel Loki, but were so jet lagged from the 19 hour bus trip, (yes nineteen hours!) that we made the schoolboy/girl error of having a disco kip at 7pm, before heading out for the nightlife, only to wake up at 1am. Still, much needed. Lima is great. I'm really taken by the city. Overall, really clean and beautifully kept. Gardens everywhere with gorgeous flowers. Great bars and places to eat. A ... read more
Changing of the Guard
Did Gaudi visit Peru?

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