Blogs from Iguaçu National Park, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 10


salut sandra, je vais essayer de telecharger la photo du serpent mais c est pas facile car on nepeut pas dire qu il ait les ordi les plus rapide du monde donc ca plante a chaque fois. je vais bientot me rendre dans le pantanal et je devrais voir d autres serpents et plein d autres animaux alors je vous enverrais les photos. gros bec a tous et aux chevaux Jenny... read more

Today we went to Brazil. Even though the place is within the stone reach, so to speak, crossing the border is always a hassle and means lots of passport stamping. The park on this side is much smaller. Somewhere I read that if compared to a football game the Brazilian side is like a skybox: great overview of it all; while the Argentina side is like being in the curve, with the supporters, experiencing it all from where it is happening, from close by. After seeing also this side, we must say that the comparison is spot on. Yesterday's panoramas were impressive, but you never got to see the whole picture in one glance. From here instead, left and right, only waterfalls until eye can see. Also today we went on a catwalk to check it ... read more
The view from the skybox
Rainbows everywhere
Waterfalls everywhere

VERSION FRANCAISE Et Dieu créa les splendides cascades d'Iguaçu... Il a fallu plusieurs millions d'années à "Dame Nature" pour créer autant de beauté en un seul lieu, mais il ne nous aura fallu que quelques secondes pour en tomber amoureux ! Les chutes d'Iguaçu, inscrites au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, sont situées au beau milieu de la forêt tropicale, à la frontière entre le Brésil et l'Argentine, et à quelques kilomètres seulement du Paraguay. Pour admirer de près l'ensemble des quelques 275 cascades qui compose le Parc National d'Iguaçu, nous avons pris notre mal en patience lors d'un énième trajet en bus nous faisant traverser près de 1200kms de paysages brésiliens depuis Rio de Janeiro. Mais quel spectacle au bout de ces 22 heures de bus ! Deux jours de promenades intenses du côté brésilien et ... read more
Un toucan "Toco"
Les chutes d´Iguacu (cote bresilien) - La Gorge du Diable (90m de haut)
Les chutes d´Iguacu (cote bresilien)

My first go in Leito bus started the trip from Marias place in Curitiba. I left there with a warm fuzzy feeling from being looked after and cared for like I was a prodigal son. Leito buses are basically night buses which carry half the passengers as the seats lie practically flat when you push them back. They are twice the price but I haven´t decided if they are worth the money as I havent exactly slept like a log on them. They are like being in one of those virtual funfair rides (it´s dark and all the curtins are drawn)where you are thrown about but the rollercoaster screen is turned off - for that matter so are the TV´s that are supposed to show videos. Anyhoo I arrived bleary eyed in Foz and thwarted the ... read more
alan 264
alan 265
alan 266

Arrived here late as the plane was diverted to another airport because the weather here in Iguassu was bad. So couldn´t do much except check in and catch a bus to the town of Foz for dinner. Got talking to a tour rep at the bus stop. She gave us some much information about what to do in Foz and at the falls. Should have taken her photo and added her to the blog. 3.11.08 - In the morning we walked to the entrance to the falls, not far from our hotel. Got a ticket and caught the bus to the falls. On the bus we got talking to Else (now on the blog, again should of got a photo) from Belgium whose is an archaeologist and an American called Gerry. We all walked the 1km ... read more
Brazil - Iguazu falls
Brazil - Iguazu falls
Brazil - Iguazu falls

Gday again Well today was the day that the weather caught up with us. In the National park, we are in a rain forest. We had plans to go to the Argentine side, walk over and beneath the falls, then do the jet boat ride under the water. We did all of that - and we knew that we would get wet in the boat. What we didnt know was that the skies would open up and drench us before we even got anywhere near the falls. It was all good fun but following on from last night, your correspondent was a little seedy and forgot to pack his cape. Not to worry. 12 Reais later (about $8) I had a flimsy white plastic cape like another 5000 walkers - all of whom got soaked despite ... read more

Checked out of Rio Just in time. Shrouded in mist and fog as a cool change swept in from the Atlantic. Uneventful flight to the falls and checked into our hotel (whose name I havent worked out - but it is now part of the Órient Express' group) which gives it the right to charge stupidly for everything. Fine old place but a bottle of wine costs $60 and I bought 2 for mum's party! The fallsh are great (from the Brazil side so far) and the hotel is fine too, and Mum's first party went Verrrrry well! - Another when we (and Mandy and Steve get home)! BTW, did I catch it for yesterday's blog. Im still not entirely out of that one - and I can see it costing me money! A note for ... read more

Dag 128. Vi trodde vi hadde staatt opp tidlig, men i lopet av natten hadde Brasil stilt klokken til sommertid. Kl. 10:30 tok vi bussen til vannfallene. Vi var spent paa hvordan det var i forhold til den argentinske siden, som vi besokte i begynnelsen av turen! Vi betalte 41 reias i inngangsavgift. Jane kjopte en caps i suvenirbutikken der, for haaret er blitt veldig bleket paa toppen av den sterke solen. Vi tok saa en 2 etg. guidebuss til gangveien ned til fossefallene. Gangveien ned var 1200 meter, og ved enden kunne man ta en heis tilbake opp til toppen. Paa toppen var det flere restauranter og kafeer, i tillegg til suvenirbutikker. Det var kjempe lang ko for aa ta heisen opp, saa vi gikk heller det lille stykket. Hovedforskjellen mellom den argentinske og den ... read more
Begynnelsen av gangstien
Tucan i Parque Foz do Iguacu
Salto Union

Mein kleiner Abstecher nach Iguazu hat sich sehr gelohnt. Aufgrund des eher bescheidenen Wetters haben sich die Tiere etwas verhalten gezeigt, aber ich habe trotzdem die wilden Meerschweinchen, Echsen und Nasenbaeren erlebt. Der Besuch der Wasserfaelle ist ein einmaliges Erlebnis und bringt einen zurueck an den Ursprung unserer Welt, die Kraft der Natur zeigt sich hier in besonderer Art. Der Besuch ist auf der argentinischen wie brasilianischen Seite empfehlenswert, die argentinische ist ruhiger, naturnaher und weitlaeufiger, die brasilianische turistischer. Bilder sprechen hier mehr als Worte. An Portugiesisch kann ich mich schlecht gewoehnen, die Intonation der Worte macht es schier unmoeglich auch nur eine Redewendung zu verstehen. Militaer ist in dieser Region allgegenwaertig, der taegliche Kampf gegen Drogen- und Elektronikschmuggel von Paraguay nach Brasilien ist ein wohl n... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu » Iguaçu National Park September 27th 2008

非一般旅程?! 究竟我o地o既旅程有幾非一般? 其實離開Rio後,我o地下一個目o的地就係千幾公里外o既Iguassu Falls (巴西串法 - 葡萄牙文...講緊巴西...就用返巴西版啦~)~ 雖然距離有返咁上下...但係因為省錢o既問題...搭飛機就唔啱我o地啦...我等毅然踏上巴士之旅~ 而呢個都似乎係當地人遠行最常用o既方法...南美o既巴士網都可謂四通八達,幾乎度度都總會有車去~ 而且都價錢都同內陸機有一段距離~ 要付出o既....可能就是閣下的「八月十五」...因為如果好像我o地咁由Rio去Iguassu,係要搭成廿一二個小時的(真係搭差唔多成日...雖然...中途一定有得停下o既)... 可惡的「巴西特色」?! 講到南美o既交通,真係不得不提巴士~ 廿幾個鐘頭巴士,雖然聽落都幾「恐怖」下,但係對於我們呢o的能夠o係車上瞓到傻o既人們(甚至俾人拎走埋個袋都唔識醒(係我o地自己人做o既測試o黎o既...)...)都還可以啦~ 而且佢都唔係真係廿幾個鐘頭不停咁行,每隔幾個鐘同埋食飯時間都可以俾我o地落地行下同埋食飯~ 不過說真的,晚上o的路勁黑,而o的司機們又開得勁快,都咪話唔恐怖,無事都真係感謝主~ 咁究竟搭咁耐車中途可以有咩食呢? 雖然我們曾經幻想過程車會包o野食,但係好快就證明我o地真係諗多左啦...不過午餐的時候,司機倒是停o左o係一處食自助餐的地方。o個度地方都幾大,而且都幾多o野食可以揀喎~ 我o地落車o既時候,o個度o既職員每人派o左張咭俾我o地,令我o地重燃「包o野食」o既希望~ 唔通真係可以食返餐豐富o既午餐? 後來,我o地見到攞完o野食o既人出去都要俾人「嘟一嘟」張咭,所以...都係唔會有咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳o架啦,於是我唯有盡揀一o的飽肚o既食物啦...不過...事情係無咁簡單的...當我o地攞完o野食去到o的counter o既時候我們發現了一樣東西,就是一個 --- 磅~!! 話說o係Rio陣時,我o地有問過下人究竟有o的咩食,佢o地有提及過一種... read more
4xHK at Iguassu
Food per kg
Wasted nothing...

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