Blogs from Iguaçu National Park, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 14


Da var vi endelig i Brasil :) Etter en 8 timers flytur med en mellomlanding i Lima var vi paa plass i Sao Paulo. Der maatte vi henge paa flyplassen noen timer foer vi kunne sjekke inn paa hostellet. Vi skulle kun overnatte en natt for saa aa dra videre til Foz do Iguazu. Etter en dag i Sao Paulo satt vi igjen med et daarlig inntrykk av byen. Ingen kunne engelsk, og vi brukte 4 timer og en formue paa taxi for aa faa kjoept bussbillettene til Iguazu. Men, tidlig paa morgenen den 19.januar, etter en 15timers busstur var vi fremme i Iguazu. Det ble kun to hele dager her, men til gjengjeld var det to fantastiske dager. Vi tilbrakte en dag i Iguazu parken pa brasiliansk side, og neste dag tok vi en ... read more
Iguazu fra brasiliansk side..
vi er paa baattur!! :) brilleglasset til vilde synes da.. :)

So my first overnight bus ride (17 hours!) started rather unreassuringly when the guy sat next to me decided to say "you now we run the risk of being hijacked on this route dón´t you?". Sometimes speaking the local lingo is more of a hinderance than a help. Fortunately an hour of hearsay tales wasnt enough to stop me from sleeping, aided by the confort of long-distance buses in Brazil. This is no National Express. There is legroom for even the tallest of people (I had to stretch out a long way to touch the seat in front), the seats recline almost horizontally, and there is a foot rest - essentially you get a chair bed. So I arrived in Foz de Iguaçu uneventfully and without being hijacked.....pheww! Foz de Iguaçu is a brazilian town at ... read more
spider watch!

Oh yes! So we arrived into Foz de Iguacu yesterday afternoon. (the Brazilian side of the falls) Now clearly we havent done much since yesterdays blogs, as we are heading off to see the falls from this side this afternoon. However, last night when I was typing them up, the Spurs vs Arsenal 2nd leg of the League Cup semi-final was on. I started to watch on the net, but then the lady was closing the shop, a bit grumpy we started walking down the street only to find a really small bar showing the game! What a result!.....the only result better than that was the 5-1 drubbing we gave the Wenger boys!! Oh yes people 5-1!! Needless to say we were ridiculously excited! So much so that when we were a bit lagered up and ... read more
JJ!! Always said whe was a legend!
Its all smiles.....
Oh dear!

At 17:00 on the 16th of January, we leave Iguazu Provincial Park in Argentina and go for a short drive to Brasil. We drive thru the town of Foz de Iguaçu and arrive at Paudimar, an international hostel/camp site. The place is already full. Our tents are squeezed in. The two bathrooms and showers seem fine, well supplied with paper and giving forth reasonably warm water. For dinner a buffet cooked by Paudimar staff is available. Since we are kilometres from town it seems the only choice … no cooking on the truck being agreed upon by all … it is doubtful that there was anything beyond tuna on offer. After the short drive from Argentina across the border to Brasil, the view of the Foz de Iguaçu becomes dramatically different. The truck takes us within ... read more
Welcome to Iguacu National Park
From the Viewing Tower
The Brasil Side of the Wonder

After spending a relaxing weekend in São Paulo, soaking in the sun in Pareque Ibirapuera, getting to know Karene´s lovely family at their ´sitio´in the countryside and just spending some time with Karene, MOnday morning Samantha and I took the plane to Foz do Iguaçu - yet another UNESCO world heritage site. According to the Lonely Planet, ´A total of 275 individual falls occup an area more than 3 km wide and 80m high, which make them wider than Victoria, and higher than Niagra. Thousands of years before they were ´discovered´ by Europeans, the falls were a holy burial place for the Tupi-Guarani and Paraguas tribes.´ In fact, Iguaçu is the Tupi-Gurani name for ´Great Waters´. ´The falls are unequally divided between Brazil and Argentina, with Argentina taking the lion´s share.´ Our plan was to visit ... read more
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

Spent a few days in Foz do Iguacu so as to go see the Iguacu Falls. Over twice the size of Niagara for the yanks reading this who probably thought Niagara was the worlds biggest. Following courtesy of Wikipedia for those interested: The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along 2.7 kilometres (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River. Some of the individual falls are up to 82 metres (269 feet) in height, though the majority are about 64 metres (210 feet). The Garganta del Diablo or Devil's Throat (Garganta do Diabo in Portuguese), a U-shaped 150-metre-wide and 700-metre-long (490 by 2300 feet) cliff, is the most impressive of all, and marks the border between Argentina and Brazil. Most of the falls are within Argentine territory. About 900 metres of the 2.7-kilometre length does not have water ... read more
Literal Translation
Devils Throat
Devils Throat Brazil Side

Na twee dagen verlaten we Rio en nemen we de bus (26 uur) naar Foz de Iguaçu. Hier logeren we in het sympathieke Pousada da Laura, een klein hostel met een gezellig binnentuintje. Het ontbijt is hier heerlijk: vers fruit, vers geperst watermeloensap (hmmmm!). ’s Avonds maakt de eigenaar lekkere Sangria met aardbeien (we eten hier genoeg fruit)! Een echte aanrader. Tijdens de zwoele avonden genieten we van een boekje en een pintje = het goeie leven! We zijn naar Foz gekomen om de Iguaçu-watervallen, één van ’s werelds grootste natuurfenomenen, te bezoeken. De watervallen liggen op de grens tussen Brazilië (noordelijke kant) en Argentinië (zuidelijke kant). Bij het zien van al dat vallend water, zei Eleonor Roosevelt spontaan: “Poor Niagara!”. En inderdaad, met z’n 275 watervallen over een afstand van 3 kilometer doet Iguaçu de ... read more
Tussen Rio en Foz 2
De boog kan niet altijd gespannen staan...
Wild in het park

In the southern interior of South America, close to the three borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. a world wonder continuously crashes and pounds day and night as the Igauaçu river plunge into a canyon etched into the landscape over millions of years. The name Iguaçu/Iguazú comes from the native tribal language, meaning "Big Water" and it's not wrong - the falls are stretched along 2.7 km with over 270 discreet falls and something like 1.5 million litres of water crashing over the side every second - the impression is of a flood plain just meeting the side of a canyon. Shared ownership of the falls belongs to Argentina (Iguazú) and Brazil (Iguaçu) - Paraguay used to control the territory but lost a war 150 years ago, the spoils went to the winners and Paraguay became ... read more
Mouth of the Devils Throat

Dear Family and Friends, zu diesem Eintrag muss man nicht viele Worte verlieren. Die Wasserfaelle von Iguaçu im Dreilaendereck Brasilien, Argentinien und Paraguay sind ein Naturschauspiel ohnesgleichen. Gewaltig, beeindruckend, berauschend!! Der eigene Blick ist nicht umfassend genug, um alles in seiner unglaublichen Groesse und Schoenheit einzufangen. Meint man. Iguaçu bedeutet in der Sprache der Tupi-Guarani "großes Wasser". Sehr treffend! Einer Gedenktafel zufolge entdeckte Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca im Jahre 1542 diese "Schönheit der Natur". Eleanor Roosevelt soll beim Anblick dieses atemberaubenden Naturwunders nur folgende zwei Worte ausgesprochen haben: „Poor Niagara!“ („Arme Niagarafälle“) (aus Wikipedia). Auch sehr treffend! Wir haben uns fuer die Wasserfaelle zwei Tage Zeit genommen. Einen kompletten sollte man auf der argentinischen Seite verbringen. Die brasilian... read more
Cataratas do Iguaçu
Cataratas do Iguaçu
Cataratas do Iguaçu

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