Blogs from Amazonas, Brazil, South America - page 16


South America » Brazil » Amazonas January 9th 2009

bonjour a tous, ca fait longtemps que je n ai pas donne de nouvelles car il n y a pas grand chose a dire si ce n est qu en preparant les derniers trucs administratifs la police federal m a explique que j aurais du quitter le bresil le 2 janvier. ce qui fait que j etais illegale au bresil. ce qui c est passe c est que quand j ai fait un saut en argentine et que je suis revenue ils ne m ont pas donne les 3 mois mais 40 jours. ce qui fait que j ai 5 jours pour quitter le bresil. je suis donc en route pour la guyane pour une nuit et ensuite je reviens a manaus, a parts dormir jouer aux cartes regarder des films on ne fait strictement rien. ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 31st 2008

ah oui j avais oublie que j avais oublie de vous parler de mon projet. j ai achete une pirogue et je vais avec un grecque remonter l amazone jusqu a tabatinga qui se trouve a la frontiere avec le perou et la colombie. ca fait a peu pres 1000 km et cela va me prendre environ 1 mois. la plupart du trajet se fera a la rame et nous dormirons dans des villages le long du chemin. nous aurons quand meme un petit moteur.... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 31st 2008

je tiens a vous souhaiter a tous une bonne annee et je vous souhaite de comme moi un jour realiser votre reve. je suis revenue d un stage ou j ai appris les bases necessaires pour pouvoir remonter la riviere jusqu a tabatinga. la premiere lecon fut consacre a l apprentissage de la rame.En pirogue c est tout une technique. le deuxieme jours on a pris la peche a la ligne et avec le filet. j ai attraper 4 piranaha et ensuite on nous a appris a salvas (le grecque qui m accompagne dans mon aventure) et a moi. le soir je suis alle attrapee un caiman a main nue dans le lac. le troisieme jour on a pratique avec le moteur et on allee sur la riviere que l on va remonter et on appris ... read more
l opera de manaus
l opera de manaus

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 19th 2008

bonjour a tous, ca fait un petit moment que je n ai pas donne de nouvelles. j ai pu reparer l appareil photo qui avait un virus donc je peux a nouveau mettre des photos sur le blog.j en ai deja ajoute quelques unes et les autre se sera pour demain car l ordi de l hotel est vraiment lent. j ai donc passe 3,5 jours sur le bateau et c est une experience assz exceptionnel et 3 jours ca suffit amplement.en fait c est un bateau pour 130 personnes et on etait entre 250 et 300 donc on dormait hammac sur hammac. la premiere nuit j ai dormi sur le pont avec un bresilien ( homosexuel ) et son chien car je ne savais vraiment pas comment acceder a mon hamac sans taper la vielle ... read more
andreas et son chien
l endroit ou je dormais
une fine equipe

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 17th 2008

Manaus Capital do Maior Estado Brasileiro, Estado este onde encontra a maior Floresta Tropical do Mundo! Capital Manaus of the Been greater Brazilian, where if it finds the biggest forest tropical of the world!... read more
Bairro antigo de Manaus
Antigo Bonde de Manaus

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 17th 2008

Day 1 (Monday) - Marta and Andre, who were so helpful in getting across the border, were on the same bus. We were planning on splitting a cab but it turned out we were in opposite directions. The bus terminal had a tourist information desk with someone who spoke English, which seemed great at first. However, this gentlemen proved to be nothing more than an obstacle. He spoke English but either he didn't understand what he was saying or what I was asking because every answer he gave seemed contrary to the last. For instance, I pointed at a map and asked, "Is this where we are?" To which he responded, "Yes, but it will take you a 10 minute bus ride to get there." And so it went until I gave up and decided to ... read more
Market 1
Huge Fish
Opera House

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 15th 2008

I was in such a rush I didn't transfer my blanket from my big bag to my carry on. Big mistake. I was in the front row again on my journey from Manaus to Santa Elena, the border town on the Venezuelan side. I had two seats to myself the whole journey of 21 hours. The scenery was beautiful along the way but the most memorable part will be the temperature. I am not sure but I would guess the bus was set to 40 degrees farenheit or 5 degrees celcius. I was in shorts, t-shirt and sandals. I was wondering if it was just me but everyone else had taken all the clothes out of their bags and were wearing them all at the same time. It was the bus of the human wardrobes. I ... read more
Tow Truck

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus December 1st 2008

We woke up early to catch our flight from Sao Paulo to Manaus, an arduous ordeal to say the least. The flight ran smoothly however and once in Manaus we found our hostel, read, watched a film and bedded down for the night. Wednesday was again an early start, and we headed to the ferry port, not the airport our taxi driver had misinterpreted, to catch the 2 day boat to Tabbatinga, a small port on the three frontiers between Peru, Brazil and Colombia. Much to our dismay it transpired that the 2 day boat leaves Manaus west only once a week. That day was Tuesday and Manaus was a dive. F***k! Was the word of the hour. So resigning ourselves to the 6 day cargo boat trip we went about packing, grabbed a hammock each ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Tabatinga November 6th 2008

As a word 'travelling' implies movement, but as many of you may correctly suspect, this isn't always the case. Often travelling involves little more than sitting on a beach somewhere like Goa, buying a pair of fisherman’s pants and coming home claiming you've discovered yourself whereas all you've really discovered is fire juggling and hallucinogenic drugs. For others, travelling is going to Bangkok and seeing things you've never seen before...often flying across the room out of things you have seen before, but never doing the things you're seeing them do now. But occasionally travelling means just that. Projecting yourself on a course across a large patch of earth, with your only objective to get from A to B, and usually that in itself is difficult enough. And that's what we've been doing for the past few ... read more
Baby Llama at Kuelap
Mountain Road
Eduardo VI

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus October 22nd 2008

2 weeks later, just the time for us to get an insight of the Amazon river & jungle and to reach Peru. End of Belem, Pará: We did not like this city as it was too hot, big, and expensive. However, we managed to spot a few interesting things and live a funny experience at the post office. We wanted to get stamps. The salesman thought we were stamp collectors so he started showing us his catalogue. A few phonecalls + questions from other people later, we finally got our stamps (the ugliest ones of course). Total duration of the purchase: 30min for 10 stamps (all of the same kind)... but with precious air conditioning ! We also visited a park where some animal species present in the Amazon jungle. A good idea indeed as ... read more
Hammocks labyrinth
Selecao lifting the feet (= envoyer les yeps)

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