Blogs from Chubut, Argentina, South America - page 13


South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn January 25th 2010

This time with English translation below Die Region Die Region um Puerto Madryn ist in zweierlei Hinsicht touristisch interessant. Einerseits ist der Strand von Madryn ein Magnet fuer Badegaeste, andererseits gibt es in drei Naturpaerken in der Naehe viele verschiedene Tiere zu beobachten. Unter anderem sind dies Walfische, Delfine, Seeloewen, Seeelefanten und Pinguine. Die Walsaison ist momentan leider vorueber, aber die anderen Tiere koennen wir in grosser Zahl und aus kuerzester Distanz beobachten. In der Umgebung von Madryn und insbesondere auf der Halbinsel Valdes halten sich die Pinguin- und Seeloewenkolonien immer an den gleichen Straenden auf, weshalb man sie gut finden und sehen kann. Landschaftlich gibt die Region hingegen auesserst wenig her. Alles ist flach und besteht ausschliesslich aus sehr trockener Steppenlandschaft mit Bueschen, die nie hoeher si... read more
Strand von Madryn
Kueste Peninsula Valdes

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn January 23rd 2010

Hola! I am really trying to keep up with these blogs! I am currently in La Serena in Chile, so fingers crossed I will soon be on top of it all! Just a little note to anyone who was offended by my taking the piss out of hardcore trekking gear, GET A LIFE! I got a note from some random person who had read my blog, saying ´cotton kills´ and telling me to go and get some synthetic trousers. Ok, that is fine for some people, but I am quite happy walking in my cotton combat trousers thank you very much, and I am not going to change that! You have got to chill out. Anyway...Puerto Madryn was reached after a long old bus ride from El Calafate via Rio Gallegos. And I loved Puerto Madryn. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula January 20th 2010

Hi all, This time the entry is fully written by me, Tal, as a pause for Nitzan, Omer & Lilach, who are seriously trying their best to bridge the almost one-month gap between our last entry and our current location. Today, 6th of February, we are almost 5000 Km up north from Ushuaia, in the city of Puerto Iguazu, gateway to the famous Iguazu Falls. In this entry - take a long breath, I will take you from the cold winds and endless rains of Ushuaia - in the southernmost tip of Argentina, all the way to the scorching heat and humidity of lovely and lively Buenos Aires (only... I will not make it all the way to Iguazu). So Let's start: After 3 rainy yet beautiful days in Ushuaia, we started to head north (we ... read more
Seagull Hovering, Pt. San Julian
Red Legged Cormorant, Pt. San Julian
Cormorants Colony, Pt. San Julian

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn January 9th 2010

Geo: -42.7667, -65.0333The ship docked in Puerto Madryn , Patagonia, Argentina. You don't visit this continent to see the architecture so we took the tour to the Valdes Peninsula jutting out between the Gulfs of San Jose and Nuevo. This is a vast nature reserve which also lives in symbiosis with the sheep farmers. The sheep are Merinos a hardy variety which can survive on the flat gorse filled steppes. On the way we saw a grey fox about the same size as the ones we see in our back garden at home but much more shy. There are also lots of Guanacos which are a type of Llama. They are elegant but have a fierce temper with the ability to spit like camels and are not domesticated but live on the same land as the ... read more
baby with fur

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn December 9th 2009

Mucho Animales. Whales, Guanacos, Sea Lions, Elephant Seals, Armadillos, Rheas, Maras, etc...... read more
Sea Lion

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 4th 2009

Al día siguiente me levanté resacoso, comenzando un resfriado y con un horrible sentimiento… TENÍA QUE HABLAR CON MIS AMIGOS. Así que fui al súper mercado y les hice un regalo: unas toallitas perfumadas, para que se ducharan, les pague el autobús que me habían comprado y me despedí de ellos… si querían morir como los de la peli de “Viven” no podía hacer nada por ellos. Reorganice mi viaje, cambie los autobuses, solo perdí un 10%, y decidí ir a otros lugares de Patagonia durante esa semana en la que mis amigos iban a convertirse carnívoros… eso sí… sin mi. Así que lo primero que hice fue aprovechar el sitio tan maravillosos donde me encontraba el parque natural de la Península Valdés. El primer día “visionameinto de ballenas”, posiblemente de las mejores experiencias de todo ... read more
la miramos a ella o ella a nosotros?
Mr. Pinguino
Las llamas

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn December 3rd 2009

Después de haber pasado unos días en Buenos Aires esperando a recibir mi visado para Brasil, cogí mi primer autobús argentino. Los autobuses argentinos si coges una clase preferente estas prácticamente en primera clase de un avión. El sitio se convierte en cama, te dan la comida son asientos espaciosos y te ponen películas, experiencia recomendable. Mi primer trayecto fue de 15 horas así que me prepare con empeño, cogí el portátil el libro, el ipod… dormí unas 12 horas! no vi ni las películas! Cuando por fin llegue a Puerto Madryn, había quedado con Debbie y Alex, la pareja que había conocido en la isla de Pascua y como teníamos planificados las mismas fechas para hacer la Patagonia decidimos hacerlo juntos. Bueno eso y que ellos ya habían organizado su viaje y yo no, así ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula November 20th 2009

A 19 hour bus journey from Buenos Aires and we arrived in Puerto Madryn, gateway to Peninsula Valdes. We´re here to see Southern Right Whales, Sea Lions, Elephant Seals and Penguins. Puerto Madryn is functional at best so don't hang about too long. The Peninsula is mainly scrubland but in the water the action really gets going. The whales are obviously the main attraction but the penguin and seal colonies are really cool too. The boat trip was brilliant and we got so close to so many whales we couldn't have been happier. ... read more
Fluking whales
The Boat
Whale watching

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn November 18th 2009

The hostel had insisted that I get to the airport v early so I got almost no sleep for a 7:20 flight... it was great to BA from the air, but then I quickly passed out, only to be woken for food... grr!! Flew in to Trelew, over Puerto Madryn and my first view was of cobalt seas and semi desert scrub, with next to no hills. The road to PM confirmed this - it only had about 4 bends in it! Also no trees. Talking to our guide he said they get the same amount of rain as Essex, but the wind.. Wow, i'd heard about it, but assumed they meant the south, near the mountains, I could barely hold my camera still! Yesterday we went to Peninsular Valdes, saw elephant seals, but no orcas ... read more
the sky
about as close as we could get
...the whales were a lot closer

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn November 9th 2009

Well here we are in Puerto Madryn on the Atlantic coast. we left Ing Jacobaci two days ago and went to Las Grutas, but not without a bit of drama, about 5km out of town we came apon Tom at the top of a hill overlooking Las Grutas, I assumed he was taking a photo of the panoramic view that confronted us, BUT he never had a hand on his head, so we went back to make sure he was OK. HE WAS NOT !! The rear chain had parted company at around 100 kms an hour and had completely destroyed the rear underside of the poor KLR, he was lucky that it never came forward and hit his leg, and that it never jammed up the rear wheel…. what a big BUGGER! We left Tom ... read more
Puerto Lobos
Puerto Lobos
Ruta 1

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