Blogs from Valdes Peninsula, Chubut, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula April 5th 2019

Para el espagnol vean la pagina que habla de la Peninsula Valdés : Y debajo del texto en frances encontraran algo mas de mi parte !... Nous connaissons bien cette péninsule pour y être venus déjà deux fois... On vient en principe ici entre novembre et mars pour y observer le passage des baleines franches qui descendent vers l'Antarctic avec leurs petits... Ce n'est pas le moment, mais nous aimons cette région aussi pour le reste de sa faune... La péninsule Valdés ou presqu’île de Valdés est une particularité côtière de la province de Chubut, en Argentine. Elle forme une portion de terre quasi-rectangulaire et unie au continent par l'url=https://fr.wikipedia... read more
une visite un peu insolite
un droit d'entrée est demandé de plus ou moins 15 €
On vient ici surtout pour observer la baleine franche

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula March 8th 2017

Après un long trajet en plusieurs parties, et l'agréable rencontre d'Isabelle et Laurent (qui ont eu la gentillesse de partager leur véhicule pour plusieurs centaines de km), nous arrivons enfin à Puerto Madryn, aux portes de la Péninsule de Valdes, un endroit très sauvage où les mammifères marins sont nombreux! La Peninsule est connue pour être le lieu de rassemblement de nombreuses espèces comme les manchots de Magellan, baleines, orques, éléphants de mer et autre lions de mer. Nous décidons alors de louer une voiture pour explorer la péninsule depuis Puerto Pyramides, où nous passerons la nuit face à l'océan. Le lendemain réveil à 6h pour le levé du soleil et pour peut être voir des orques en marée montante! En effet, c'est la période où les gros mammifères viennent se rassasier sur les côtes de ... read more
Péninsule Valdes
Péninsule Valdes
Péninsule Valdes

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula February 23rd 2014

DAY 5 Much better sleep last night, hopefully our bodies have adjusted to the local timezone. Despite the amazing land based Eco systems we experienced yesterday, it's the unique marine environment and it's World Heritage listing that attracts visitors to the Valdes Peninsula. While Patagonia is remote in itself the Peninsula is further protected with all land access via a narrow Isthmus (7 Km's wide) which splits the waters of two gulfs. Being so close one would think that the Eco systems of these waters would be very similar however this is far from the case. The peninsula is the meeting place of warm waters moving south from Brazil with cold water moving north from Antarctica and they crash together dropping vast amounts of nutrients which attracts and sustains migrating whales (Southern Right), orcas, dolphins, elephant ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula September 22nd 2012

Some blogs do not need any text, and this is one of them, the pictures should be more than enough to tell the story...even with less than average pictures.... But than, it would be only half of the story and some words still need to be written. So first thing first, one more time, I would like to thank my friends Mercredes and Sergi from Koh Lipe who told me "you've got to go there!". Even with those infos, I did few mistakes...first...Puerto Madryn is not into the Peninsula Valdes, Puerto Piramides is IN the Peninsula Valdes...small issue, there is 100km between the two small cities. You can dive out of Puerto Madryn...but I did dive out of Puerto Piramides. Second fun story...Mercredes told me, you've got to dive with Captain Pinino...she is right...but after blogging, ... read more
Balena Franca Austral
Tiffany and Leslie....before entering the water...
Magellanic Penguin

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula October 17th 2011

Rebonjour chers lecteurs ! :oD Étant donné que vous nous lisez, j’en déduis donc que vous êtes prêts pour la dernière partie concernant la Patagonie, n’est-ce pas ? Alors allons-y sans plus tarder… Nous sommes à Ushuaia, il est 4h du matin lorsque nos réveils sonnent ! Pffff dur dur de se lever, surtout que la nuit passée le sommeil a été dur à trouver. Mais bon, pas le choix, le bus n’attendra pas… Nous nous extirpons donc péniblement du lit et, après avoir rangé nos affaires, nous rejoignons Susana et son mari qui se sont levés exprès pour nous ! Nous avons même droit alors à un parfait petit-déjeuner de prince, à cette heure-là du matin ! Magnifique ! C’est Federico, l’époux, qui nous amène à la station de bus, où nous rejoignons alors d’autres ... read more
La plisse pour tous
Ca gazouille par ici...
Petit tatou poilu de la Péninsule

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula April 4th 2011

Every single day, 7 persons settle down in Puerto Madryn. Well, I can understand them, unemployment is low, tourism and industry growing and the weather great :) A 2-room apartment close to the beach is about 2000 pesos/month...maybe I should move to Puerto Madryn ;) Puerto Madryn was founded by Welsh people and close small cities such as Gaiman are still very Welsh. I did the trip to the Península Valdés today. It's an UNESCO World Heritage Site with sea lions, Magallan penguins, sea elephants, and the only place where orcas partly leave the sea in order to hunt penguins and sea lions. Unfortnately, we didn't see the orcas today, but young sea lions, some sea elephants and many cute penguins. The península is a semi-desert with many guanacos and ñandús as well as grey fox, ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula April 2nd 2011

Patagonia, kraina stepow, wyzyn, unikatowych zwierzakow, kilometry przestworzy bez zywej duszy. Naszym pierwszym przystankiem w Patagonii byla miejscowosc Puerto Madryn - zwabil nas polwysep Valdez - unikatowa flora a szczegolnie fauna - zobaczyc mozna orki. Niestety nie mielismy szczescia ich zobaczyc ale za to widzielismy kolonie sloni morskich, ktore przybywaja tu specjalnie aby przywitac na swiat potomstwo, na ktore z kolei Orki poluja w godzinach przyplywu - szczegolnie szczeniaki, ktore ucza sie plywac - sa bardzo lakomym kaskiem. Niestety orki tego dnia chyba byly na diecie. Oprocz tego widzielismy lwy morskie, odwiedzilismy kolonie pingwinow, ktore zmienialy upierzenie. W sezonie (lipiec-listopad) polecam odwiedzic te miejsce - mozna zobaczyc wieloryby. Z Puerto Madryn pojachalismy do El Calafate podziwiac lodowiec. Niesamowite zjawisko przyrodnicze, musze przyznac, ze jed... read more
Puerto Madryn-w drodze...
Szkielet wieloryba

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula October 8th 2010

As many of you already know this week is the beginning of my 2 month trip to South America where I will be working for a start-up technology company in Montevideo, Uruguay called Lynkos. The trip is part of a program sponsored by Ernst & Young and Endeavor, a non-profit, to assist developing countries in South America. Before I start work, I am spending the first week and a half of the trip traveling around Patagonia with my brother, Jeff. A couple years ago I took a trip around the world for a few months and wrote about nearly all of the places that I visited on this website. More than anything it was a good way to share pictures with my friends and family back home, but it turned out that I actually enjoyed writing ... read more
Punta Norte
Whale Breaching

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula February 2nd 2010

We arrived at 9am after our 18 hour bus trip to a small town called Puerto Madryn which was founded by the Welsh!! The town itself is nice but would be nothing without its local peninsula which is the only reason we were there. On arrival we found out where the campsite was and set up camp straight away. We headed back into town to see what we were going to do about the Peninsula. We went to a few agencies and they were all charging extortinate rates for a day trip which we politely turned down. After w while of thinking we bumped into a couple we met the day before at the bus station from spain (Vivi and Gustavo). They too were in the same predicamint. I suggested we rent a car and DIY ... read more
Our Beach
The Whale skeleton in the museum
The Seals chilling on the beach

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