Blogs from Valdes Peninsula, Chubut, Argentina, South America - page 2


South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula January 20th 2010

Hi all, This time the entry is fully written by me, Tal, as a pause for Nitzan, Omer & Lilach, who are seriously trying their best to bridge the almost one-month gap between our last entry and our current location. Today, 6th of February, we are almost 5000 Km up north from Ushuaia, in the city of Puerto Iguazu, gateway to the famous Iguazu Falls. In this entry - take a long breath, I will take you from the cold winds and endless rains of Ushuaia - in the southernmost tip of Argentina, all the way to the scorching heat and humidity of lovely and lively Buenos Aires (only... I will not make it all the way to Iguazu). So Let's start: After 3 rainy yet beautiful days in Ushuaia, we started to head north (we ... read more
Seagull Hovering, Pt. San Julian
Red Legged Cormorant, Pt. San Julian
Cormorants Colony, Pt. San Julian

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 4th 2009

Al día siguiente me levanté resacoso, comenzando un resfriado y con un horrible sentimiento… TENÍA QUE HABLAR CON MIS AMIGOS. Así que fui al súper mercado y les hice un regalo: unas toallitas perfumadas, para que se ducharan, les pague el autobús que me habían comprado y me despedí de ellos… si querían morir como los de la peli de “Viven” no podía hacer nada por ellos. Reorganice mi viaje, cambie los autobuses, solo perdí un 10%, y decidí ir a otros lugares de Patagonia durante esa semana en la que mis amigos iban a convertirse carnívoros… eso sí… sin mi. Así que lo primero que hice fue aprovechar el sitio tan maravillosos donde me encontraba el parque natural de la Península Valdés. El primer día “visionameinto de ballenas”, posiblemente de las mejores experiencias de todo ... read more
la miramos a ella o ella a nosotros?
Mr. Pinguino
Las llamas

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula November 20th 2009

A 19 hour bus journey from Buenos Aires and we arrived in Puerto Madryn, gateway to Peninsula Valdes. We´re here to see Southern Right Whales, Sea Lions, Elephant Seals and Penguins. Puerto Madryn is functional at best so don't hang about too long. The Peninsula is mainly scrubland but in the water the action really gets going. The whales are obviously the main attraction but the penguin and seal colonies are really cool too. The boat trip was brilliant and we got so close to so many whales we couldn't have been happier. ... read more
Fluking whales
The Boat
Whale watching

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 23rd 2008

Hoewel we net 2 dagen van lang in de auto zitten achter de rug hadden, besloten we toch om vandaag ´s ochtends vroeg mee te gaan met een boottocht om walvissen te spotten. Ook al betekende dit dat we erg vroeg ons nest uitmoesten en we ons net hadden verheugd op lekker uitslapen. Echter de kans om een walvis te zien wordt met de dag kleiner en leek ons een zo bijzonder iets dat we de beslissing om te gaan snel hadden genomen, ook al was de kans dat we er daadwerkelijk een gingen zien inmiddels al zeer klein. Hoewel we de afgelopen maanden overspoeld zijn met natuurgeweld, het een vaak nog mooier dan het ander, wilden we beiden graag nog een walvis toevoegen aan de lange lijst gespotte dieren in het wild. Bovendien was dit ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 16th 2008

The right whale was right under the boat. The head was just below the gunnel, the rest disappeared beneath the hull. The head nearly broke surface it was so shallow. The captain laughed at my concern as I stepped off the seat to the 'safety´ of the deck. At the start of the cruise the naturalists on board cautioned us that it was the end of the season and we might not see any whales. Once underway they did a great job of prepping us on how to behave. Don’t stomp around on the deck as the noise could scare the whales away. Don’t rush from one side of the boat to the other. And stay in the boat at all times... From the town of Puerto Piramides we powered out for maybe 15 minutes and ... read more
Right Whale approaching the boat
Right Whale blowholes
Right Whale next to the boat

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula September 30th 2008

大南下之旅 離開首都又是廿多個小時的巴士,我們會一直向南,直到「世界的末了」~ (haha~ 講到好似好型咁~) 總之,我們現在就向Patagonia出發~ 而第一站就是以野生動物聞名的Peninsula Valdes~ 在這個季節,Peninsula Valdes的主角是Southern Right Whale,因為牠們會成群的回來繁殖,而這也將這個地方連帶附近的小鎮Puerto Madryn變成了觀鯨熱點~ 不過都真係唔係講笑,就在我們的巴士前往Puerto Madryn車站的途中,我們望出窗口,遠眺藍色的大海,已經見到數次V型的水柱~!! 都真係咪話唔勁~ 不過因為架巴士遲咗開也遲咗到(難道巴士係有時差的?),所以令我們一度以為要勁趕咁轉乘巴士入Peninsula Valdes....但原來架巴士實際的開出時間又無咁早...haha...總之就順順利利咁入到去啦~ 野生動物天堂~ Peninsula Valdes的確是個野生動物天堂~ 看看它的地圖,幾乎度度都話有o野睇!! 當然首要梗係去睇咗Southern Right Whale先啦~ 我們都係第一次去咁近距離睇野生鯨魚,見到幾乎四圍都係,都真係好興奮!! 而且鯨魚們都好像只顧做自己o野...都完全唔理我們條船~ (雖然我們坐o個隻都唔係細船...但係其實成年的鯨魚比我們的船還大...只是...希望我們唔好撞到牠們...) 也許我對觀賞野生動物真係無咩「抵抗力」~ 我結果睇咗兩次鯨魚呢~!! (美中不足的是也許船上絕大部份都係阿根廷人,所以領隊只是隨便問了一下想聽英文定西班牙文。我們雖然舉咗手要英文....但係領隊問完已經直接轉咗去西班牙台......) 除了鯨魚,我們還參加了陸上的tour,看過sea lions, elephant seals, 企鵝, sea birds還有其他陸上的mammals~ 對於愛好野生動物的朋友們,這裏真是個天堂~ haha~ 不過原來Peninsula Valdes的「景點」還不至於止,如果你在... read more
4xHK go whale-watching~
Sunset on the way to Peninsula Valdes 1
Sunset on the way to Peninsula Valdes 2

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula July 7th 2008

We saw whales and dolphins swimming together yesterday. It was really magic. The whales were huge and there were several of them playing and splashing around. No killer whales unfortunately as they´re not here at this time of year, but we saw flamingoes and elephant seals too. The nature here is out of this world. Just strolling down the beach you can see whales in the water. Not like Blackpool beach where you might see the odd condom float past! Peurto Madryn is really nice. It´s a summer tourist town, but as it´s winter here it´s not that busy. Meeting so many people and everyone is so welcoming. The hostel were staying in is superb. Were heading to Bariloche today which is in the Andes. About a 20 hour bus ride from here. Apparently there is ... read more
Me looking slightly odd in a life jacket!
Weird birds. Not penguins which I was corrected on!
Family of Whales playing

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula April 21st 2008

So off we set on our day trip with a quick skittle around town to pick up others from the various hostels. At the final pick up our tour guide came back from buzzing the bell at the hostel looking very frustrated. Apparently the last couple were still in bed. After waiting a good 10 minutes and seeing a few frustrated passengers, suddenly the doors swung open and we both looked at each other and burst into laughter as 2 scarecrows approached the bus rubbing their eyes with hair in all directions. Yes they were laid back Kiwis. The trip was very enjoyable although a little disappointing as we were out of season for a lot of the sea life. The Southern Right Whales which are the main attraction can only be seen in the winter ... read more
Sea lions at play
Mr Armadillo thingy

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 29th 2007

It feels like i am covering a lot of ground in Argentina in a very short period of time. But thats because i am quickly realising its a massive country to try and get around. The distances to cover are fairly immense. In the last week since leaving Iguazu, i have taken 1 flight and 3 overnight bus trips to stay in 2 different towns. Its a bit crazy and i am forgetting what day is what already as they tend to merge into one a bit. In the last week i stayed in Bariloche firstly. Its a lovely town in the Lake District of Argentina. The town sits right on a lake, with snow covered mountains surrounding the town. The town has a very Swiss feel about it, with chalets everywhere and it produces the ... read more
View from Refugio Lopez
Monument of the Welsh landing in Patagonia
The happy couple

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Valdes Peninsula December 6th 2007

Over the course of three days, and 25 hours on buses, we made our way from El Calafate to Puerto Madryn on Argentina's east coast. On the first night after leaving El Calafate we stayed in a place called Perito Moreno (nothing to do with the glacier, and famous in our eyes for topping the "Most Boring Town We've Been To In South America" list - or anywhere come to think of it). Not only is there nothing to do there, but we were there on a Sunday, when even the church closes. (Not really of course, but that's what it seemed like). We amused ourselves by hitting the bottle early: 11am. The only place we could find open was a cafe, so we sat and nursed a couple of glasses of wine until they started ... read more
Southern Right Whale.
Pichi (a small armadillo)
A solitary penguin.

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