Peninsula Valdes

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April 21st 2008
Published: April 21st 2008
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Orca watchingOrca watchingOrca watching

Where are they??
So off we set on our day trip with a quick skittle around town to pick up others from the various hostels. At the final pick up our tour guide came back from buzzing the bell at the hostel looking very frustrated. Apparently the last couple were still in bed. After waiting a good 10 minutes and seeing a few frustrated passengers, suddenly the doors swung open and we both looked at each other and burst into laughter as 2 scarecrows approached the bus rubbing their eyes with hair in all directions. Yes they were laid back Kiwis.

The trip was very enjoyable although a little disappointing as we were out of season for a lot of the sea life. The Southern Right Whales which are the main attraction can only be seen in the winter months. Although we got see sea lions, elephant seals and maganellic penguins the numbers were well down as only the last few remained with the rest out hunting at sea or migrating. It is the season to see Orca Whales snatching baby seals from the shore, but today was not our lucky day. Elephant seals are amazing creatures growing up to 5mtrs and weighing
Coastline Coastline Coastline

What a view
up to 4000kg. They can dive to a depth of 1.5km. Although looking at them lazing on the beach you would think that even a back scratch would be too much hard work. Much to our surprise, Peninsula Valdes is dry and baron with a few llama, sheep and horses with the odd local fox. We also met a few other friendly creatures such as Mr Armadillo and Mr "run for your life" big hairy spider.

We awoke this morning and went for a run which although in great scenery was just a normal run until we neared a hill at the half way mark. Here we saw a ute rolling down the hill followed by 4 baguette holding nuns riding skateboards. Make of that what you want because we are still confused and for the record we have not been eating any strange cactus.
Today we take an over night bus to El Calafate which is glacier country, so out come the woollies!

p.s we uploaded a few wedding pics on an earlier entry if your interested.

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Sea lions at playSea lions at play
Sea lions at play

lazing the day away
Mr Armadillo thingyMr Armadillo thingy
Mr Armadillo thingy

Fancy a feed mate
ok we saw a few but.....ok we saw a few but.....
ok we saw a few but.....

Where have your penguin friends gone?

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