Blogs from Oceania - page 7837


Oceania » Australia » Victoria October 24th 2003

24 October 2003 I'm sitting in a Budget Motel in the town of Morwell. Below us, lies one of the largest deposits of the brown coal in the world. The ore is taken from large open cut mines not far from the town. It is then processed and used to feed the furnaces that in turn keep the generators working. In most directions from my motel you can see plumes of clouds produced from the steam that feed the generators. In the evenings at sunset the clouds turn pink and give a surreal effect to the town. I haven't photographed anything on this trip because the weather hasn't been the best. Churchill is a small community just a few kilometres south of Morwell and work at the kindergarten has been busy for the last two days. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland October 23rd 2003

Oceania » Australia » Queensland October 23rd 2003

Through the looking glass: On a day trip to Green Island, we took a submarine out onto the Reef and did a fish feeding....... read more
Great Barrier Reef

Oceania » Australia October 23rd 2003

Here are a few pictures....will update you all on everything soon! Stay tuned for a travel blog!... read more
Katumba Waterfall
Cape Tribulation Lookout
Myall Beach

Oceania » Papua New Guinea October 22nd 2003

NEWS FROM PNG #2 - First village encounter. Last weekend's visit to Rempi village, part of our in-country training, was extraordinary. I mean really extra ordinary, or in Pisin "gutpela tru". Sleeping underneath a mosquito net directly on the floor - PNG fashion. This was on the porch of a bamboo hut on stilts overlooking the ocean, which was carpeted by sharp coral. Eating freshly caught & BBQ'd parrot fish with my hands. Four young men, out of our group of fourteen, netted the fish by swimming in tandem with the net. Village men and boys climbed coconut trees after fashioning rope out of branches. The coconuts thundered down with large thuds while the "natnats" mosquitoes feasted on the blood of the white skins. Using sharp, large and intimidating bush knifes, the villagers shucked the fruit ... read more
golf course and bike

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island October 20th 2003

Back on the grey (in mijn geval) screen! Zit je met een vrolijk gezicht achter de computer, of een boos gezicht? Misschien verdrietig, of in gedachten verzonken? Als ik naar mezelf kijk, zie ik een happy person met een fijne dag achter de rug! En daar ben ik blij mee :-) Vandaag mijn visum voor 6 maanden verlengd, dus ik ben veilig (en legaal). Inmiddels weet ik, dat je slechts 9 maanden in totaal als toerist in NZ kunt blijven. Daarna moet je minimaal 9 maanden uit het land zijn. Er zijn echter 2 opties: Optie 1: Een extra 3 maanden verlenging krijgen en middels een brief aangeven waarom je langer wilt blijven. Optie 2: Voordat de 9 maanden (of 12, lees hierboven) zijn verstreken een verzoek indienen voor een work-and-holiday visum. Dan hoef je het ... read more
80 meter waterval

Oceania » Australia » Victoria October 14th 2003

12 October 2003 My journey to Bendigo gave me one more chance to get shots of scenes of interest along the way and as I write in this journal another twenty shots are stored on the cameras memory card. Just around the corner from the Budget Motel is a pub that sells great meals and Kangaroo was on the menu tonight and it was cooked to perfection. 13-14 October 2003 Two days at the same centre and both days were busy but the teacher who was in charge was very good to work with and by time the children were ready for their lunch, I was on my way to do some sight seeing. The afternoon of the first day I returned to my unit to eat breakfast, which I chose not to have before leaving ... read more

Oceania October 13th 2003

NEWS FROM PNG #1- From concept to reality. I never sent this first email to my friends and family. My son was one of the thirty-six recipients of my series of emails from Papua New Guinea and I was not sure I wanted to share my sexual fantasies with him. I began the habit with email number two and continued on through my sixteen months. Is this really my birthday? I am 17 hours ahead. This is an adventure. The unknown. One more plane ride. The weariness hits me with the humidity. I am sitting beside Sean, an Englishman who is reading The Sea Wolf by Jack London. The plane has some difficulty - power problems we are told on the return to Port Moresby after the 10-minute ride in the clouds. Sean guides me through ... read more

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