Blogs from Oceania - page 7311


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Timaru March 7th 2006

Kia Ora - Hej igen Sikke en masse vi oplever paa kort tid. Det er svaert at holde tridt med opdateringerne her paa siden. Hvor slap vi sidst... Ahh, Queenstown. Foer vi stak af derfra naaede vi lige et sidste adrenalinrush og en bytur. Foerstnaevnte bestod i at flyve et lille jetfly, dinglende i en snor, mellem to bjergskraaninger. Hernede kendt som Fly-by-Wire. I 6 minutter styrede vi dette hurtige fartoej og opnaaede hastigheder paa opmod 150 km/t. Svedigt opperen... Tilbage i Queenstown campede vi for at bade, vaske toej og oplade el-ting. Stedet laa ikke mere end et stenkast fra centrum hvilket passede fint med vores planer. Da morket havde lagt sig sneg vi os ind paa en poolbar og senere fandt vi byen hippe diskoteque. Flere EG mennesker dukkede op her, men det var ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington March 7th 2006

Wed. 22nd. Feb. Absolute chaos at the bus terminal, people being put on one bus, then being transferred to another. We could do without this at 8:00 a.m. Finally under way, only to stop 1/2 hour into the journey to swap more people over.. Crazy! Eventually the scenery was lovely, blue lakes going on forever and Southen Alps set off to perfection by the sunshine. Then the rain came and the scenery disappeared until we arrived in Franz Josef. A quaint town, with mountains in the distance topped by snow. We stayed at Montrose Backpackers, which was ok except for the automatic doors that made a heck of a noise closing. Lie-ins are not an option here. Thurs.23rd. All hell broke loose at 7:00a.m., when a Yorkshire couple burned their toast, and set the fire alarm ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Concord March 7th 2006

alkaa ottaa vähän päästä, ku kukaan ei oikein oo meistä vastuussa ja sit ei oikein itekään tiedä mitä sitä pitäs tehdä. Mentiin aamulla taas heräämöön niinku oli puhe ja luultiin, et ollaan koko päivä siellä, niinku eilen sovittiin. Noh oli tosi hiljasta ja sit tunnin istuskelun jälkeen meidät pistettiinki kattoon leikkausta. Noh siinä leikkaussalissa mihin oltiin menossa, niin edellinen leikkaus oli melken loppu eli mentiin morning tea:lle. Siellä istuskeltiin melken sit tunti. Ja ha haa! me saadaan syödä kirurgeille tarkotettuja voikkareita, joita siellä pöydällä on.. :P Sit anestesialääkäri tuli hakeen meidät mukaansa ja mentiin hakeen seuraavaa potilasta osastolta. Istuskeltiin sen naisen kaa vähän aikaa ja juteltiin/rauhoteltiin sitä ennen leikkausta. Sille tehtiin selkäleikkus. Jotain lannenikamiin L4-5. Sitte se mukava kirurgi anto meidän kattoo selkytimeen, ku ne oli parikytäsent... read more

OK, this is almost too much for me to handle. Like a heroin addict dipping into a back alley and finding a fix, here I am being told that we have more time (!) in this little internet cafe in the middle of Queenstown (Melissa is putting some pictures on her blog entry and the slow computer is giving her fits). So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to start writing about our trip to Milford Sound. This will be written by both melissa and me, as I am also working on uploading some photos... Milford Sound is the most well-known of the fiords in New Zealand's Fiordland National Park. Its a World Heritage Site (others include the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids, etc). Check out this link for more info: Fiords are created by the ... read more
Rainy and wet!
Some cloud clearing in the morning ...
Checking out more waterfalls from the Friendship

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales March 7th 2006

Ok la jeunesse, je commence a me familiariser avec ce Blog, je vais donc pouvoir etre un peu plus explicite. Le voyage a commence ( avec quelques difficultes au niveau de la registration de mon vehicule, mais bon c regle maintenant ). Je suis donc sur les routes de la cote Est. Voici les premiers commentaires a faire concerant la conduite sur les routes Australiennes : *** La conduite se fait a gauche bien entendu, un peu delicat au debut mais apres deux jours on s'y fait bien. La grosse difference, c'est que ce n'est plus le bras gauche qui bronze au soleil mais le bras droit.... *** On rencontre toutes sortes d'animaux sur la route, mais malheureusement ils sont morts.... *** Il faut faire super gaffe aux poids lourds parce que eux, ils se moquent ... read more
Le Vehicule de la liberte
Un terrain.....Plat
La capitale !

Oceania » Australia » Tasmania » Hobart March 7th 2006

So I went to Cadbury Chocolate factory yesterday. The tour was interesting and smelled damn good. I really felt like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory….though I didn’t see any Oompa Loompas. I was tempted to dance and sing and steal candy but I didn’t. Last night I went out and had Kangaroo steak…a lot like venison. Today I went to a wildlife park and saw Kangaroo’s and Tasmanian Devils.. I had lots of pictures but as I mentioned those pictures seemed to just disappear from the XD media. Bullocks is all I say to that. I’m ready for NZ, I go there on Friday.... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 7th 2006

Hello All, Another Tuesday has come and gone....our only day off. This time Heather, myself, Ed & Holly went surfing. We took the ferry to Manly and started our course at 2pm. I figured they would have done more work with us on the shore but basicly gave us a board showed how to stand up, which is easier on shore, and sent us in the water. After the first big wave hit us, I could tell on Heathers face that she wasn't having fun, and wanted to get out, the instructor also picked up on it and helped get to where we were, and set her up for the first run, and of course she stands up right away and has the best run out of any of us...I sucked...I stood up once, for about ... read more

A few more photos for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy, Lau xx... read more
Our Kyaking Crew
Arriving On The South Island

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 7th 2006

We have been asked by Dave and Mal who were referred to in a Chiang Mai entry to clarify any erroneous impression that may have been created. We are happy to confirm that the bottle of vodka in question was theirs. Furthermore the whole idea was theirs, anybody who knows us will understand that it was totally out of character for us to be led astray in this way. We are also happy to confirm that, yes, we did promise to provide the next bottle, and are determined to keep that promise soon after we get back to UK. Cheers Dave and Mal, it was great meeting you, not everyone we meet gets a mention on the blog you know!... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Katoomba March 7th 2006

Got up way too early for train to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. Hopped straight on to the Explorer Bus, a bright red London double-decker, they get everywhere! Did some walks through forest and jungle, past waterfalls and fantastic scenic lookouts over the canyon. The blue haze comes from oil vapour rising from the eucalyptus trees. Walked to echo point for the classic postcard photo of the Three Sisters then walked over to one of them. Walked through the jungly hills around Leura Cascades and towards Gordon Falls, which was more of a trickle due to the lack of rain. Got the train back and ate a late fry up and sampled a pint of the local VB beer. Another tiring but fun day.... read more
Cable car
A cliff
Steepest railway in the world

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