Blogs from Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 19


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington January 29th 2013

Wellington today, up early and off the boat soon after 8.30a.m. Went out to breaky which was a nice change and also caught up on emails etc as internet on ship very slow and expensive. Left Betty and Muz as they wanted a sleep in after a few whiskey shots last night before retiring, will catch them up at 10.30 or so. Another gorgeous day here in Wellington, went to the Te Papa Museum, did the cable car to the botanical gardens and had a good look around Wellington. Caught up with Betty and Muz and had a late lunch at a lovely Thai restaurant down near the harbour. Don't know why we haven't been to New Zealand before, it really is very lovely - already talking about our next trip here. Heading back to the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington January 27th 2013

Getting ready to go even though its still 4 months away.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington January 17th 2013

I have travelled the continents and crossed the seas to discover a family down under just like Captain Cook discovered these far lands and the emotion is wondeful. What wonderful people, each one so individual but linked by an invisible bond of belonging.A huge thank you to sister Julia, brother David and niece Carol Karen and nephew Chris. So back to the travelling experience...good and short Qantas flight from Syndey to Wellington in under 3 hours with a good dinner on board. we arrived, survived immigration and customs ( very strict on importing food ), were met by Les from A2B carrental who whisked us through the paperwork and we were off to Martinborough by midnight. It was about a 90min drive on the empty mountain road and we arrived at Riesling Retreat to our little ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 26th 2012

Today we docked at Wellington. We took the shuttle bus into town and walked to the cable car which took us up to Kelburn(e). The town was originally spelt with the final "e" but by the time we got there it changed its spelling :-} The views of Wellington were stunning. We seem to be running out of adjectives to describe New Zealand. We walked around the top of the mount and went to the cable car museum. This was really interesting. Don bought me a cardigan in the museum shop. We came down in the cable car and walked around the stores. Being Boxing Day the sales started. It is a long time since I went to the sales on the day after Christmas. Sales give Boxing Day its modern meaning! Oh we found a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 15th 2012

I am currently wring this from the Premier Lounge of the 'Kaitaki' enroute from Picton (South Island) to Wellington (North Island) in the Cook Strait. We decided to upgrade our journey to include lunch, afternoon tea, free Internet and a private lounge away from the hassle of the rest of the ship. This very much after Joe Loader's mindset in Singapore. Well worth it! We left Christchurch at 7am (!) on the 'Coastal Pacific' for the 5 hour train journey to the ferry at Picton through a variety of country including the vine growing area of Malborough. The journey was excellent with a running commentary over headphones of the geological, cultural and political highlights of the landscape we passed through. The train has more windows than conventional carriages in England and there is also an open ... read more
Malborough vineyards
Premier Lounge
Wellington from the Rydges Hotel

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 15th 2012

Well, Christmas is almost on us and Chris, Hege and the 2 girls are on their way from Norway and will be here Monday. Runa and Lillien are already in Australia and will be here in a weeks time. So.!! Guess what I have been up to over the last few weeks. Yep!!! Getting the place ready for every one to enjoy their stay and Christmas day at our place. Every thing needs to be spot on as we have 16 adults and a few kids to enjoy the day with. I don't seem to have had time for much else, and, fishing, I should be so lucky. So this blog is just to say all is well and I am very excited about every one arriving and the fact that I won't have to keep ... read more
More exciting times
Garden planted.
B'Que clean.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 7th 2012

We hoped for a clear sunny morning for our three hour trip on the ferry to the North Island, but funnily enough it was thick cloud and rain for the duration. The weather didn't improve as we reached Wellington and we were welcomed by gusts of wind and diagonal rain, we now know why they call it 'Windy Welly'! We parked up, and had a forty minute walk into town to avoid the pricey parking charges and made our way whilst being battered by the wind and rain to Te Papa, NZs national museum. It was a fantastic museum, we saw a great collection of Maori artefacts and we especially enjoyed the floor all about earthquakes and getting inside the house shaking as if one was taking place! After a good few hours exploring Te Papa ... read more
Rock Rat
Cuba Street
Fiery Redhead

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 7th 2012

Hello everyone, Our day was fine with the exception of the wind. Very strong. Got back at 5 pm and the sky opened up and poured cats and dogs. Spent 3 hrs at the national museum "Te Papa" Some of the images are from there. This has been the most I have been challenged in my driving. Big city, unbelievable hills (makes San Francisco seem flat). Wrong side of the roads, steering wheel on the right, small mirrors, etc etc BUT, I will do it. You should see our driving videos. Gloria shoots while I try to avoid hitting anyone. HA! Doesn't seem like Christmas here. God bless Lowell... read more
Small lighthouse
Old dockage
St Johns

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 6th 2012

Hi Everyone Have Arrived at Annas in Wellington. Yes it is windy Wellington.It was awful weather in the National park yesterday so nobody could do the walking trips. The scenery was amazing. We had a lovely barbeque with the bus group. We all had to prepare it and it was quite a boozy night. It has been a lovely first week made lots of lovely friends. visited the gloworm caves yesterday. Very special.Looked at the geysers and mud pools. Went to a Maori feast. Done so much. Seems like I have been here longer than a week. There has been a tornado in Aukland and Roturua where I was yesterday. It has been terrible weather but luckily we had moved on. Forecast better for next 2 days. Its so nice to see my friend Anna from ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington December 6th 2012

We arrived in Wellingto yesterday. It sure has lived up to it's bookings. Windy foggy rainy! But today started out very nice but somewhat windy. We took our rental car in to have the brakes checked and the windshield wipers replaced. Drove around ome of the bays and inlets which are 100's. The weather turned sour again so we opted to go grocery shopping and return to the homestay. Supposed to be nicer tomorrow so we will "give it a go" as they say here. Wellington is at the very bottom of the North Island and is where we will take the large car ferry to the South Island nxt week. The images are not so good, because of the foul weather. L... read more
Small light house
Image from BR window

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