Blogs from Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 16


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington May 7th 2013

Hey ihr Lieben. Es ist mal wieder so weit - es ist schon wieder ein ganzer Monat vergangen, seitdem ich das letzte Mal geschrieben habe - und so will ich Euch ein bisschen an meinem Monat Mai teilhaben lassen! :) MEINE HIGHLIGHTS: * CAFES / BARS / NIGHTLIFE :) Macht weiterhin einfach Spaß und habe ein paar Cafés, Bars und Clubs mehr erkundet.. :) Highlights der Besuche waren dabei eine Chai Latte mit Thesi & Eva in meinem Lieblingscafé am Lyall Bay mit diesem superschönen Blick auf den Strand, die Möwen und das Meer und ein Besuch bei einem bei Travellern berühmt-berüchtigen mexikanischen Restaurant mit Luca - sehr entspannte und alternative Atmosphäre und für mich superleckre vegetarische Enchiladas *yummy* :).. gute Parties gab es natürlich auch weiterhin! ;) * WOCHENENDBESUCH AUF WAYNE'S FARM AUF DER SÜDINSEL ... read more
Touristy & cool arty statue at the harbour :)..

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 30th 2013

Hey Ihr Lieben, nachdem bei mir im März ein Stimmungshöhenflug den nächsten gejagt hat und ich mich vor Glückseligkeit und Dankbarkeit oft innerlich überschlagen habe, musste ich im April leider feststellen, dass es in Wellington wirklich auch echt graues Wetter geben kann und Neuseeland für mich doch nicht automatisch immer mit drogenähnlichen Glückszuständen verbunden ist ;)... (ja, unglaublich, aber wahr! :)) Um es kurz zu fassen: HIGHLIGHTS: * Wandern mit meinem 'Buddy' Caitlin und ihren Freunden im Wilson Bush ...von der Uni aus konnte man im 'Buddy-Programm' einem einheimischen Studenten zugeteilt werden, der einem als Ansprechpartner in Uni- und neuseeländischen Lebensfragen ein wenig zur Seite stehen soll... - und ich hatte Glück! Caitlin ist einfach superlieb und hat mir schon mehrfach angeboten, mir verschiedene Dinge in Wellington zu zeigen... und s... read more
Abendspaziergang <3..
Wilson Bush mit Caitlin & ihre Freunden.. :)

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 16th 2013

Tuesday, 16th April - Day Thirteen: now in the North Island and a trip to the magnificent Te Papa Museum in Wellington, capital of NZ, and onto Upper Hutt, a short distance, but we get lost in Wellington during the rush hour and arrive after dark. I am somewhat appeased to hear that several other couples also misread directions and got lost too. The Bluebridge Interisland Ferry left at 10:30 on its three hour journey across the Cook Strait. Having made great friends with another couple, June and Bruce from Canada, six of us spend most of our time on board having a very lively conversation about religion and politics, the two subjects we were told was not a good idea to discuss in a group situation. We’re still very good friends regardless of the difference ... read more
men can be daft too
Bluebridge Ferry Terminal
Trains are loaded on the lower deck

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 16th 2013

This morning all three of us head out together, Mike dropping Caroline off at a course and then me outside the Te Papa museum in Wellington. After a quick wonder, and a hot chocolate stop in a lovely little coffee house to shelter from the chilly weather I head back to the museum for 10am. David, who came walking with us in Nelson Lakes in also now in Wellington, so we have planned to meet to go round the museum. Like Ana and many others, all of us travellers follow the same route, so you often bump into people again. The museum is amazing, much like the Science Museum in London. The sections include Fire, Land to Sea etc. The whole place is interactive and very informative, spread over 6 floors you could easily spend several ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 15th 2013

Well everything is ready to go, only two weeks to go then I'm out of here for six weeks of adventure... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 15th 2013

Another lovely lay in (I am clocking up some sleep hours in the sleep bank for the next few weeks) before some climate change discussions with Mike over breakfast. This morning I walk down the ferricous hill and into Petone which takes around an hour. I spend several hours wandering on Jackson street (the high street), observing again, the eclectic mix of shops. Its very undeveloped, which is nice, I enjoy seeing the real side of New Zealand, so you get the odd posh high end boutique, followed by a odds and ends shop, an second hand shop, the Dutch shop, the British shop, all dispersed with several query really nice coffee houses. After trying one out (for an fresh apple juice I have to add, I haven’t started drinking coffee), I make a cute little ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 14th 2013

Still feeling heavenly after my pampering yesterday, we all have a nice lazy Sunday morning, tucking into the freshly baked break Mike has made. We all head into Wellington at 10.30am and up the incredibly windy roads to Mount Victoria look out. With the sun shining and limited cloud, we are rewarded with the most fabulous views of Wellington, all the suburbs, the bay, and out to sea. Mike and Caroline then drop me in the city so I can have a wonder round – as its sunny I explore the doc area which has been redeveloped and is lovely, with some nice buildings and decking/path all around the whole of the bay – stretching as far as the eye can see, most of which I walked. I then wonder through the fresh produce weekend market, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 13th 2013

What a way to wake up on your birthday…totally refreshed after an amazing night’s sleep, in not only your own room but a double bed as well! Luxuries I don’t even have at home! I then read the several text messages which have appeared on my phone overnight, including one informing me to be at 30 Knights Road, Lower Hutt at 9am. Luckily I didn’t sleep in, and after some breakfast we all head in to town. Mike and Caroline drop me off and we organise to meet in the shopping precinct whenever I give them a call and I am ready, and they head off shopping. So 30 Knights Road is a place called ‘total image’ and I have been booked in for some girly pampering…. an hour facial and 30 minutes massage. Well, I ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington April 12th 2013

Goodbye to the South Island – the hostel offers a free transfer to the ferry terminal (very handy) and I am checked in and relieved of my bags by 9.30am. I wander to the bakery in town to pick up a nice fresh roll to accompany and pad out my left over tuna and vegetables from yesterday’s dinner. The ferry departs at 10.30am, and the crossing is stunning – cruising through the Marlborough Sound. As we enter the Cook Straight, you can see the North Island in the distance, and also, all the way along the East Coast of the South Island to Kaikoura. I am very lucky, as the sun is out and the water is as still as a mill pond, so I spend the crossing outside on the front deck, admiring the view, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Wellington » Greytown April 4th 2013

After 5 months in Asia we arrived to we would call civilization. English speaking radio, radio advertising! road safety! supermarkets and people mostly concerned with the weather, we are nearly home :) Within 24 hours we had managed to secure a caravan and drove 3 hours over to the Coromandel Peninsula on the North coast of the North Island. Once we reached the coast line we were met with what can only be described as dramatic scenery. Coastline with a drop back of mountain scenery with dark clouds and sun shining through. I could only relate to something you may see in Scotland. Our first night was spent drinking le vino and eating le cheese with the back of the van opening out onto the beach! it really is the hard life :) After that we ... read more
no place like home

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