Blogs from United States, North America - page 6989


North America » United States » Idaho February 5th 2005

Today we drove to Idaho. It was a beautiful drive, because near us all the flat land was covered in snow, and beyond that we could see snow-covered mountains. Idaho is only 20 minutes from Logan. We passed the Pepperidge Farm factory in Richmond, Utah and went all the way to the town in Idaho where they filmed Napoleon Dynamite.... read more

North America » United States » Utah February 5th 2005

Katherine hasn't been feeling well. She was up last night from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m. Then she slept in my bed for 2 hours, and got up for breakfast. After a night of listening to crying, we were looking forward to nap time, but Katherine didn't take a nap. Pam got a guinea pig today. His name is Jeremiah and he's extra sweet. Katherine wanted to look at the guinea pig all the way home and she actually said her first complete sentence in the car. "It's my pig!" We're supposed to have snow showers tomorrow and Monday. Maybe we'll be able to catch up on our sleep.... read more
Mommy and Katherine
In the Car
At Home

Horses, cows, calves, bulls, clowns, cowboys and cowgirls. . . We attended the Los Fresnos PRCA 16th Annual Rodeo. We arrived a little early so walked around the carnival grounds and found some food booths. Kathy had a turkey leg and Will picked a briquette sandwich. The wrap the turkey leg in tinfoil and put it over a mesquite wood grill. The meat is so juicy and just melts in your mouth. We watched the hog judging while we ate. The Rodeo started about 3pm with the bull rides. Then came the roping events and the bucking horses. Last was the barrel racing the girls go. We watched world champions like Guy Allen, steer roper, Speed Williams, team roper, Monte Lewis, tie-down roper, Dustin Elliott, bull rider and Kelly Kaminski, barrel racer. The entertainment was Allen ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Austin February 4th 2005

After 3 days of travel on the interstates, with heavy truck traffic, Jim and I arrived in Texas. My first impression of Texas is it is BIG and with lots of WIDE OPEN SPACES. So far it is also flat with big billboards everywhere. It is also booming. Austin is fast growing and up-to-date. In the pitch dark, we hunted for "Joy's Country Cabin". I can't imagine a better place than this lovingly restored pioneer cabin for exporing Austin, San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country. It is Texas Rustic, but with all modern conveniences. The hill country is between the two cities. Our cabin is near Sequin a small town near Rt.10 northeast of San Antonio. The weather is in the 50's, and it is sunshining right now. In Texas this can vary, especially when ... read more
In Murrysville
Jim riding on FM1339
Jim in kitchen

The Panhandle of Florida’s West coast, the forgotten coast “Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness”--- Seneca We decided to bike today. The morning was cool so we biked out of the park some 4.8 miles and then into the town of St. George. It was sunny and a great day to bike. We stopped at some real estate offices to check on all the signs we saw. We discovered most of the signs were for rentals and the other were investments, an ocean front lot goes for one million, so much for our thoughts of getting a little place on the beach. We can’t complain the state park will always be there, I hope. Our trip to the end of the island ran into a private gated community, bikers ... read more
Boat Motor

North America » United States » Texas » Austin February 4th 2005

My friend Emi is a member of this website and is really happy with it. I have decided to start one of my own so that those of you who want to keep up with my life can read all about it and make comments when desired. Please do because I would love to hear from each and everyone of you. I am going to try to catch myself up on my trip here in Chile on this Travel Blog so it may be a while before things get current. So, bare with me! Contribution to My Family: The day I was supposed to be leaving for Chile (Feb. 3rd) was a day filled with mixed emotions and lots of chaos. I felt like my mind was left at home and the only thing keeping me ... read more

We have moved on board. We moved Paper Moon to a neighbors dock. We have rented house for $900 a week. We are experimenting with rentals. It will also show us what actually living in the boat will need. Trying to get ready to go sailing for a few months or maybe a couple of years, maybe the Caribbean.... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » Hollywood February 3rd 2005

Hey folks, Here we are - our final spot in the 2 weeks of the US of A. We opted for the money saving option of travelling overnight on the greyhound from San Francisco to Hollywood. Fortunately this time we foudn a seat by the emergency exit, which meant extra leg room...and that was about it really. The journey took a dooable 8 hours, during which we had a stop at a Burger King, in the middle of nowhere. Had to make a loo stop so followed the other bus dwellers into the BK and foudn the restrooms. And then I went back to the bus. Some people, on the other hand, thought it a good plan to have a BK whopper meal at 3am in the morning. Now, I was hungry at this time, but ... read more
One of the stars of Tinseltown
The view from Mulholland Drive
Venice Beach

North America » United States » Utah February 3rd 2005

It's still very cold here. The past two days we've spent most of our time at home. Since we're in the country's most conservative state, we decided to celebrate Bush's state of the union address by playing the "state of the union drinking game". That didn't go over too well, though, because Katherine kept begging for alcohol, so I couldn't bear to drink it in front of her. We ended up turning off the TV, putting away the alcohol, and reading to Katherine. Even though I missed most of Bush's speech, he still made me upset. I got nervous when he started talking about Iran and Syria (no more wars, please), and I really didn't like the way he said we needed to help males in the inner-city. What about females? Anyway, at least the state ... read more
The Back

Click on the to see more about the state park St George State Park “ Always be a little kinder than necessary” -James m. Barre We walked around Manatee Springs in the AM, the water is so warm, I can understand why the manatees like to come here. It is a wonderful place to picnic and walk the boardwalks and view the rare birds nestled along the Suwannee River. We didn’t see any manatee but there were lots of vultures, doing their clean up job. We fueled up and continued our journey west and north along the panhandle coast. We arrived at St. George State Park. This area is called the forgotten coast of Florida, and that is a wonderful secret. The campground is just beautiful, it is set back some 4.5 miles from the park ... read more
Kelly and Bob on Beach

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