Family Ties

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February 4th 2005
Published: May 5th 2005
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My friend Emi is a member of this website and is really happy with it. I have decided to start one of my own so that those of you who want to keep up with my life can read all about it and make comments when desired. Please do because I would love to hear from each and everyone of you. I am going to try to catch myself up on my trip here in Chile on this Travel Blog so it may be a while before things get current. So, bare with me!

Contribution to My Family:

The day I was supposed to be leaving for Chile (Feb. 3rd) was a day filled with mixed emotions and lots of chaos. I felt like my mind was left at home and the only thing keeping me sane was my company. I think I checked my bag to make sure I had my passport and flight tickets about a hundred times. The stress, excitement and anticipation were beginning to fill my entire body I didn't know how to respond towards this intense feeling. This time it was different than when I left the country for Costa Rica. This time I was fully independent without any other students and completely ready to explore a new culture, new land, new people, and basically- a new life. Every step of the way, from the first day the idea of studying in Chile crossed my mind my family was right there by my side. Even though they didn't like the idea of me leaving the country for half a year they helped me achieve this goal in every way possible. Often I wonder what other people in the world think of when they think of the meaning of a family. Who are they and what sets them apart from everyone else in your life? For me, family is supporting every decsion made in life even if you do not like the choices that are made. It's telling someone you love exactly what you think about something and knowing they are going to love you just the same. It's being that shoulder to cry on when things go wrong in life and you don't know what to do except cry. It's being quiet together and that being one of the best times in your life. It's being silly and acting out parts of Saturday Night Live (QUIT IT, He looka likea man). It's sharing your fears, your hopes, your dreams, and your entire life. It's calling at any hour of the night and not feeling bad about it because you know you can call at what ever time and it wouldn't matter. It's picking up the broken pieces and doing everything you can to put a smile on a face that you can see pain in. It's giving advice even when it's not asked of you. It's helping a little sister, a daughter (or step daughter), a grand-daughter, a friend, or a sister-in-law (but let's forget the in-law part right Kevin?) in every way possible to make her dreams come true even though you ache inside seeing her leave the country for half a year. It's seeing tears in their eyes while you drive away in the rain with a truck load of garage sale items, but knowing they are really tears of pride. It's sitting around a dinner table at a restaurant in Austin Texas with a video camera to capture each person's response about what is going to be missed the most about that person leaving (physically) your life for a period of time. It's adding a little benjiness (that being a goofball) so that the discussion doesn't turn into a crying fest but knowing that it'll become a cry fest for some anyway because their hearts are just made that way (you know I love you mama). It's the hugs you get when you leave for the boarding gate and the feeling you get inside when you think of them while being miles away. For me, family is a contribute to the person you become in life and is so much more than I can write in a travel blog and more than I could ever describe in words.

I don't thank yall enough for all that you have done for me in my life. There are too many things to list of which you have all helped me with, but I thank each and every one of you. Each of you have impacted my life so much and have helped to shape me into the person I have become today. Miss you all bunches and Love you all LOTS AND LOTS.


4th May 2005

Tears of Joy and Sadness
Oh Mandy how can I word this all right. First off I am having a hard time seeing through the fog and tears on my glasses. Sorry Mandy I am crying. I am so PROUD of YOU. I wish I could help you a lot more, I would do anything for you. I hate it that you are so far away. But you are so brave to do what all you have done. I do know you will keep on going, to all the places you are so desired to see and do. You have so much ambition in your life. Please don't ever let anyone take that part of you down. Keep up your dreams. I LOVE YOU MOM - Mama (Sharon)

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