Blogs from United States, North America - page 6512


LAX At about 3:30 am, it was time to start packing, so although everyone was wasted, the reality started setting in that we would be away for 5 weeks. After everything was packed, we walked everything over to Tumbleweed’s to get my car, and we threw everything in. Keith decided to come along to be the navigator, because I had no idea where or how to get to LAX. We left, and it was all I could do to stay awake and to drive in straight lines. I wasn’t just totally fucked up by any means -I’ve driven drunk plenty of times and know what I’m doing, as shitty as that is- but I wasn’t going to pass a breathalyzer if I were to get pulled over. That would have been especially unfortunate the night before ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii July 20th 2006

It was a beautiful sunrise on the ocean as we sailed along the coast of Kauai and into the small quiet harbour of Nawiliwili this morning. This northern island is the most tropical and diverse of all the islands. We look forward to exploring and searching where Captain Cook has gone before. As our journey continues each day brings more beauty and more fancy rum drinks with umbrellas.... read more

North America » United States July 20th 2006

This is a recap of my 3 day run from Kansas City to Cheyenne WY HOG rally with a detour to CO, NM, OK and southern KS. This was one of my ABC’s of Touring rides, where I am accumulating points toward HOG’s ABC’s of Touring challenge. It is my goal to get enough points in 2006 that I earn one of the top ten plaques. This was a solo trip just me and my 2005 883cc Harley Sportster ‘Effie’. The ride started after work on Thursday (20 July) heading west on I-70 the goal is to just get as far west as possible. Any miles I put on tonight gives me more time to play later. The weather was great heading out of KC, but it was HOT. I stopped at a Cracker Barrel, on ... read more
Denver Having a Bad Air Day
Harley Hog

Washington, DC American capital, chocolate city, marshmallow center, insensitive governance, brick, Embassy central, the grid, too many suits, metro, sweatin' humidity, Natties, Redskins DC. DC. DC.. DC... DC ......Dark City. Dense Center.. Drug Culture. Driving Circles.. Detailed Corruption. Doles & Clintons.. Drunk Collegiates. Doctored Constitution.. Dick Cheney.......... New York City Big Apple, "City that never sleeps", bums, Wall Street Jews, hipsters, subway trash, tall buildings that hurt your neck, hi-style sexuality, $8 beers, taxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... read more
Famous Hebrews
Oriole Park
Old Time Brick

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan July 20th 2006

Wow. After getting up at 7, but being awake since 4 am, I at least managed to get to the airport bus without problems. I actually even got the company of my second cousin's mother and her partner, who were going to Ireland. I told them to drink some Smithwick's for me :-) At Arlanda airport, I checked for where to check in, and there my flight was on the board, all in ... RED ... delayed take-off until 12:00. *swearwords* OK, at least I got my trip in business class, which meant being allowed into the SAS lounge, where I could relax with wonderful Danish rye bread and Västerbotten cheese, tomato juice, water, hot chocolate and finally coffee. Not to mention reading today's paper, of course. I'll nourish this memory a long time, I must ... read more
Soviet architecture at the airport
NJ Transit
Amsterdam Avenue

North America » United States » Montana » Missoula July 20th 2006

Shay here, from a hotel room in Missoula, MT. We are relaxing in relative luxury for a night before heading up to Glacier tomorrow. We have to drop the dogs off for a stay at a kennel, since they are not allowed in the park. They are not excited about it, as is evidenced by the fact that they are both pouting on the hotel room floor. I think they can smell the bath water coming, kind of like how you can smell a big storm blowing in on the wind. Sorry we haven't been keeping up with the blog. It's been great getting to see family and friends for the past few weeks, but it doesn't give us much time to log in and upload pics and stuff. And then there was the little mishap ... read more
Bear Harbor
Claire at BBQ
Flat Iron

We have arrived in California and have already met the psycho taxi drivers!!! We woke up early on Sunday the 16th of July and headed to the airport for our flight to San Francisco. The plane left at 7am and was due to arrive at 14.30pm after the time change (which is 3 hours later in Hawaii). Chris and I (in the interest of saving money) decided to skip the apparently very popular bacon and egg roll and wait for the in-flight breakkie. Much to our dismay when we got on we were advised that there would be no free food served... : ( We then had to make the difficult decision as to which snackbox we disliked the least and forked over our $5. We arrived safely a few hours later (and starving... as usual) ... read more
Sea Lions
Chocolate Covered Chips
Lollies galore

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan July 20th 2006

It's been incredibly hot on this side of the pond as well. The headline in the paper a few days back read "New York Sizzles', with daytime temperatures over 100 degrees and steamy nights in noisily air conditioned rooms; the kind of temperature as one New Yorker put it in which people start murdering one another! Fortunately nothing like that, although a cab driver lost his cool and left us momentarily marooned in a midtown traffic snarl up while he ran off in desperate search for a cold drink. Toby and I went to see USS Intrepid, a WW2 carrier now moored on the Hudson and the deck plates were so hot you could have fried an egg on them. Despite this we spent 2 days pounding the sidewalks of downtown and midtown and encountering curious ... read more

North America » United States July 20th 2006

We’re cruising down Interstate 10 and quickly approaching the end of our journey around the U.S. This of course means a lot of tying up of loose ends and lightening up our loads. This also means passing our little Subaru on to her new owner, Tyrone, a college student in El Paso who fell in love with her at first sight from our posting on Craig’s list. I hope it all works out; it’s comforting to know that her new owner is going to show her some love. Despite the work ahead of us, we’re also really getting excited for Mexico. We’ve seen some beautiful country over the last few days, but frankly I think we’ve reached our limit of National Parks and camping and long days at the wheel. We want to chill out a ... read more
Casey loving The Narrows
Bryce Canyon
The trail down into the canyon

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu July 19th 2006

Today was a very sobering experience as I visited the USS Arizona memorial in Pearl Habour it struck me as a little surreal but something about the place seemed very detached from what happened there, I can't actually put my finger on it maybe it was because I was British but when I think of the Killing Fields in Cambodia and the vivid reality of that I feel like there is some emotional connection missing in this memorial site. I must admit it felt strange and of course the names on the memorial are astonishing to look at as so many people perished on one vessel in such a quick period of time. The actual memorial site is a really peaceful place and thnakfully most people can observe the rules about being quiet whilst on this ... read more
The Stars and Stripes
The Crew that rest aboard
The Black Tears

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