Blogs from New York, United States, North America - page 448


North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 21st 2006

Its now Wednesday 21st June and we are leaving for our trip next Monday 26th of June, thanks to everyone for making it to our leaving party on Saturday, it was a great night. So goodbye to all, is been an absolute pleasure knowing you all, looking forward to seeing you over in London... To all of you back in the UK, looking forward to seeing you in September or hopefully before that at the weddings throughout the summer. 5 Continents, 12 Countries, 79 Days, 26650 miles... Time to hit the road… Take care, John and Rox ... read more
What a sky...
Steamy night in New York City...
Le Gang !

North America » United States » New York » New York June 21st 2006

On June 21st, Larry and I headed to Narita Airport to fly home to NYC for about a week for his brother Terry's wedding. I was able to leave because, luckily, I was on a two-week vacation due to renovations of the theatre that my show takes place. Larry had to get work a few 7-day weeks to get the time off, but after our short visit, we both knew that it was a trip well worth our time - Not only for the beautiful wedding that we got to attend, but also to be able to see some of our friends and family. On our second night in New York, we decided it would be fun to go out with a bunch of our friends to the restaurant Larry used to work in - the ... read more
Silly brother, Terry
keep your eye on the frisbee, Sean
Headed out to dinner at A&M

North America » United States » New York » Long Island June 20th 2006

Ok I am almost there. Alot of stuff had to happen for all this to fall into place. The plane is ready, the bike is ready. I have either tuned up, repaired and collected all the items needed for my trip. Heres just a smattering of the things I need(ed): 1. My Bellanca Super Viking. 2. Tools 3. Charts 4. Electronic Gear 5. Camping Gear 6. Clothes ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Finger Lakes June 20th 2006

A week from today I will be in Vermont to show my boyfriend, Jorge (AKA George), where I grew up. Next Wednesday I will be on my way to Mexico City with him, and from there we will take a bus to Puebla - the city he grew up in. I'll start blogging soon. I just bought a replacement digital camera for my HP 733 that broke. I'll be sure to post plenty of pictures! Here's my route to Vermont: ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 20th 2006

Fødderne er ømme og jetlaggen hærger i hovedet, - vi er lige kommet til New York. Efter en ankomst uden de forventede lange køer ved indrejsechecket gik turen med tog direkte ind til Manhattan og ind på hotellet nogle få blokke fra stationen. Ind med kufferne, lidt omklædning til noget tyndere tøj for bedre kunne klare de 35 grader i den solbeskinnede by. Mens sulten blev stillet i en af de utallige fast food restauranter, blev planerne lagt for aftenens aktiviteter. Målet var at holde os vågne så længe som muligt i et forsøg på at få vent tiden i kroppen. Valget faldt på Empire State Building. En søndag aften ved solnedgang var tydeligvis et rigtigt godt valg. Der var næsten ingen mennesker. En ventetid på 15 min var som at gå lige igennem. På turen ... read more
I Love NY
Sightseeing NYC

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 19th 2006

Well we hit the ground running, straight off the red eye, taxi to hotel to drop off bags, then first to the Rockefeller Centre at around 8.30. With my mouth feeling like it had been hoovered and my legs trying to buckle and my brain screaming don’t get in the lift (I don’t mind being in them its the overriding fear it’s gonna break down) forward I went. The first lift is just two floors to the exhibition floor, and then a cheery person greets you, one hit on the button and you get whooshed up 67 floors! With a glass ceiling so you can see all the workings and pretty flashing lights. Great views from the top, but the lift back down seemed much slower. Still then it was off to the Staten Island Ferry ... read more
view of Manhattan
the green lady

North America » United States » New York » New York June 16th 2006

Well I am officially back in the US, but not officially "home" yet. I am in New York, staying with my good ol UPS friend Darrel Frost. I spent my last night in London with a bunch of Englishmen at a bar watching Brazil vs. Croatia in the World Cup. I had one last run in the morning on European soil to Regent's Park in London and then strapped my pack on my back for one of the last times and caught my flight to New York... It is nice to be back in the states, to understand what people are saying and to be able to read all the signs I see and to have grocery stores that are open past 6 in the evening and don't take siestas, and yesterday while I was strolling ... read more
The bus from Amsterdam to London
Me and my bike in Amsterdam
The best hosts ever!!!

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 16th 2006

We slept in a bit and headed out to sightsee after the morning rush. We were staying in a place off Park Ave set up a bit like a hostel so it was nice to wake up and not have to fight for the bathroom or see people in the hallway while I was in my glasses and boxers. We walked a few blocks, got some breakfast food at a local deli and headed to the closest subway station. We had purchased a day pass for each of us from the hotel lobby for the metro system and planned to use it to the max. We took the train (a couple of them) to the southern part of the Central Park and explored a while, taking lots of pictures and even getting a geocache under out ... read more
Amazing Architecture
May We Never Forget
New York Stock Exchange

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 16th 2006

Hej alle gamle læsere og nytilkomne Nu tager vi igen på en stor tur med forhåbenlig mange fantastiske oplevelser. Turen går til USA og de store nationalparker i vest. Grand Canyon, Teton, Yellowstone m.fl. Vi besøger også en række byer New York, Las Vegas, Chicago for at nævne nogle. Under vejs kryder vi oplevelsesgenet med en tur på en ranch for at leve livet som Cowboy. Under hele turen vil jeg skrive om oplevelserne og bringe en masse fantastiske fotos. Er du ikke allerede på listen kan du trykke på linket Subscribe og skrive dit navn og din mail-adresse, så vil du modtage en mail hver gang jeg lægge en ny historie ud på nettet. Turen starter på søndag d. 18/6 i New York. God fornøjelse Carsten... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan June 15th 2006

We spent the last two weeks of our travels in Miami, Florida Keys, Orlando, Niagara Falls and NYC. First we flew into Miami and stayed at an art deco hotel called The Tropics on Collins Ave, just behind the famous Ocean Drive, South Beach. The first thing we realised about Florida was it was extremely humid. We hadn't had heat like that since leaving Bangkok. The sweating started there and then!!! The second thing we noticed was the unbelievable amount of gorgeous people, tanned, svelte and sexy walking around with their designer pooch, dressed in matching clothes and accessories, wow! Being near the end of our travels and we were looking more and more scruffy. Well in Miami we stood out like sore thumbs! We went for a walk down Lincoln and all the beautiful ... read more
Feeding Dolphins at SeaWorld!

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