Blogs from Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii, United States, North America - page 20


North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki October 9th 2008

It was the last day so it was inevitable we had time to kill and no home in which to stay. This was the case with all travelling days on this trip; so we headed for an internet cafe to pass some time. As it was the last day (and we had no kithchen anymore), we actually ventured out to a 'real' restaurant in Chinatown for a fairwell supper before hitting the cinema. It was the first time in a real restaurant in the USA and the food was everything the guidebook had promised! With yet more time to kill before our midnight car drop-off time, we hit the cinema. Disgusted by the $10 entry fee we made it worth our while. After the first film had finished we sneaked into the next cinema, just as ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki October 7th 2008

Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii Monday 6th October 2008 Hanauma is very scenic, as our photos show, however the marine life isn’t as colourful or abundant as the travel guides indicate, or at least wasn’t yesterday. The coral is dull and the green turtles and parrotfish were elsewhere. We saw some nice fish though and John spotted a sea snake. The weather was glorious and despite being a Sunday the bay wasn’t crowded so it was a good day out. One annoying thing was that we were unable to rent fins (or flippers as we Brits like to call them); we took our own masks and snorkels so we just managed without the flippers. This meant that we didn’t venture too far out on the reef, in case of strong currents, but according to others we didn’t ... read more
A bit murky!

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki October 4th 2008

“Hawaii Five-O”or is it “Hawaii O-no“? Thursday 2nd October 2008 Waikiki, Oahu I know that we are spoilt, living in Spain close to beautiful big sandy beaches and that last week we were on the stunning Pacific coast of California, but to say that Waikiki beach is a disappointment is an understatement. Due to overdevelopment and hotels built too close to the beach, what is left is narrow, overcrowded (and this is ’low season’) and now has imported sand from the Philippines!!! Having driven 2,821 miles across California and in to Nevada and Arizona, we got here on Tuesday expecting some “chill time” by the kind of tropical beach that we chilled by in the Caribbean last year. On arrival Tuesday morning we were greeted by “Chill out! You are in Hawaii!” We are still awaiting ... read more
Kailua Beach

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki October 3rd 2008

Well our holiday is coming to an end but I will fill you in on what we have been doing, in San Francisco we went on a cruise out to Alcatraz which was an experience, the kids now want to watch a movie about the escape from alcatraz, they actually have a list of about 8 movies that they want to see regarding places we have been which is good because it isn't all about visiting theme parks and doing exactly what Georgia wants! Walking up and down the hilly streets in San Fran was good for the calf muscles but the diet has certainly gone out of the window for the moment. The plane flight from San Fran to Hawaii was good it takes about 5 hours and we had to be at the ariport ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki September 29th 2008

Today was a 'busy' day. As we didn't want to take the chance of getting on the public bus with all our bags again, Ollie and Dale left Mark in the hostel to guard the luggage. They took the bus back to the airport where they were to pick up the rental car. After a few hours, Mark was beginning to get a bit worried but then he caught site of a white convertible cruising into the parking lot of the hostel. It had turned out that the car we wanted to rent was not available and so we were upgraded for free to a convertible Chrysler Seabring! We loaded up the boot with our luggage, which unfortunately meant the roof had to be up, and then headed to Subway for our lunch. Since O'ahu was ... read more
Convertible Troubles
Sea Turtles
Haunama Bay

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki September 6th 2008

Jetzt habe ich wieder alles was ich soooo vermisst habe: Sonne, Strand und Meer!!!! Nach gerade mal einem halben Tag auf der Insel kann ich nur folgendes sagen, Hawaii ist fuer mich eine Mischung aus Australien und Fiji. Einfach nur traumhaft. Meine Unterkunft ist gleich ein paar Meter vom Strand von Waikiki entfernt (ich werde schaun hier wieder unterzukommen wenn ich zurueckfliege). Morgen geht es sehr zeitig los, muss um 5 Uhr bei der Faehre sein und dann geht es ab nach Maui, dort habe ich vorerst 5 Naechte gebucht. Ich lasse mich einmal ueberraschen wie es mir dort gefaellt und ob ich vielleicht nicht um ein paar Tage verlaengern werde. In dem Hostel in dem ich sein werde gibt es taeglich Touren die umsonst sind, man zahlt nur Trinkgeld - mal schaun wie das ist. ... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki September 6th 2008

HAWAII The Journey… Our flight here was our worst flight so far and indeed of the whole trip (now I am writing this at home!). Jetstar are the budget airline of Quantas, where you pay for all the extras - food, drinks, pillow, blanket, earphones etc. But because our RTW ticket was a BA/Quantas one, we did get all that stuff included (except the portable DVDs of which we bought x2 for the kids @ £15 & they didn’t really use). The process however, was a painful and annoying one. Those passengers who qualified were scribbled on a piece of paper with the aircrew handing them out. Drinks and food took ages to work their way through and I don’t know if the seats were really more uncomfortable or if it were just knowing we were ... read more
The Resort

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki September 3rd 2008

AWESOME is the only word to describe it... you go out about 1 mile off shore and get lowered into the water sitting on a scooter with a bubble head! it has air pushed into it from tanks and you zoom around the bottom of the ocean and feed the fish.. it was pretty cool... read more

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki August 30th 2008

went to sea life park today to swim with the sea lions and dolphins and attend the luau - it was amazing... too tired to type so here are some photos!... read more
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North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki August 29th 2008

Aloha from Hawaii! Hawaii was a bit of a surprise really. Wasn't expecting too much so I was pleasantly surprised. We stayed in Waikiki on the island of Oahu which is the most touristy part of Hawaii but also the easiest to get around. Waikiki beach was beautiful with the crystal clear water and palm trees. We lazed by the beach after our near 24 hour sojourn from Sydney via Fiji which was bliss after the cold of canberra. May have blissed out a little too much because I got a little burnt! For Samara it was a 48 hour birthday due to the time difference and of course we celebrated with a cocktail! Have allready experienced the difference in cultures etc. with trouble finding a good coffee and anything without sugar in it. Everything here ... read more
Da Fish Bowl

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