Blogs from Miami Beach, Florida, United States, North America - page 15


North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach March 17th 2009

(Ja, der vel nogle, der har set Friends?) Så har jeg også været en bette tur i Miami. Kom hjem i lørdags med en brun/rød krop, gode oplevelser og et solskinsmættet sind i bagagen. Og det var vist gidt at jeg fik så meget sol dernede, for da vi kom "hjem" til DC regende det hele aftenen. I dag er gråbejret dog ved at fortage sig og der er solskin og varmere grader på vej! Vi ankom til Newport Beach Resort lørdag efter at have ventet på et forsinket fly i lufthavnen (det er vi efterhånden vant til) og det var superlækkert med flotte værelser, adskillige barer og restauranter og lækkert pool og strandområde. Eller... Zabina og jeg syns det var lækkert, mens de forkælede egyptere ikke syns det var det helt vilde. Vi blev dog ... read more
South Beach
italiensk middag
art deco bygninger

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach February 28th 2009

25th Feb On the 3 ½ hours round trip back to Buenos Aires I didn’t really sleep that much and to be honest I think I was still quite hungover as when I collected my rucksack as I had managed to get it checked in this time, there was a big queue which I joined thinking it was some kind of landing fee so I handed over my $10 US bill and gave the address I was staying at like everybody else. I was putting my hostel details back in my daypack and this hand grabs my rucksack, I was like what the fuck and ran after the man who had taken it. This man chucked my bag into the boot of a car and he was about to shut it when I grabbed it back ... read more
Eva Peron's Mausoleum
Sunrise Over South Beach
The Everglades

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach February 13th 2009

I've been in Miami for a couple of days now and I'm loving it. The beaches and art deco buildings are stunning and the girls aren't too bad to look at either. I'm staying at the Ohana hostel which is right in the middle of south beach 2 blocks from the beach which is really cool. Everyone in the hostel is really chilled and friendly. They have a cool courtyard that you can hang out in for the evening and free breakfast, dinner and wireless internet which is all good. I've met loads of cool people, on the first night I met these 5 french guys who had a two litre bottle of vodka and beers and between us we finished that off. The next day I found myself in an Argentinian bar with these 5 ... read more
me and the french guys
new best friend
yahcht show

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach January 21st 2009

WE ARE ERE AND IT IS WARM The weather for the first week here has been lovely…24 degC ish during the day and sunny. Managed to get my first sunburn while taking the old name stickers of the boat hull. The boat now had nice new name stickers across her stern and as of today is fully Aussie registered. Yay!. Miami is warm and mostly sunny, but uwe have had a couple of cold fronts moving in from the north over the past week so the morning temperatures are a little chilly (by that I mean 15ish  ). The locals here are not particularly friendly, but the Hispanic, Cuban and Mexican population are. Unfortunately Everyone speaks Spanish, and not Spanish like in spain is very colloquial , fast and has a different accent. The boat ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach January 4th 2009

Happy New Year! Here's to 2009. Have you been keeping your resolutions? No, thought not. Anyway we just wanted to wish you good luck for 2009 and make the most of the free internet before we leave Miami tomorrow. NYE was pretty cool here. We headed out for a late meal and tried to figure out which club to go to (most starting at $200 a head). In the end we decided to make the most of being in a warmer climate and so we decided to hit the beach. We went down towards Ocean Drive and it was packed with revellers. It is a bit strange in the US as there is no countdown to the New Year, so you had different groups cheering at different times, which was odd. Anyway we sang Auld Lang ... read more
NYE on the beach
New Year, New Dawn

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach December 30th 2008

Hi Everybody. I hope you've all got over your Christmas hangovers and gut aches and are ready for another dose tomorrow night! Well what with travelling, time issues and blank spots we've kind of skipped over, forgotten a few things that have happened to us. We had such a good time in Koinonia that it was really sad to leave. On our last day we had a great meal, with good company. We all brought small presents along and stood in a circle. Then one of the leaders told a story which included many lefts and rights, and we passed the present around accordingly. I ended up with some meditation cds and tea (which I don't drink), whilst Fiona got some peanut butter cake mix! Fiona was also awarded her Musical Chair award (which sits proudly ... read more
By the river
Our Presents

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach December 26th 2008

First and foremost hello and a belated Merry Christmas to y'all! Well here we are in Miami and the weather is hot hot hot baby! It took a fair while to drive here from Savannah, not least because we wanted to take scenic routes down the coast but ended up getting nowhere fast and to boot it was hot and sticky in the car so in the end we opted for the fastest way south down the interstate. We've left the peaceful existence that was Koinonia (Fi has forgotten to mention that we had a lovely Xmas meal there on our last day where I delivered a poem I had written to the assembled masses. They really liked it and asked me to send them copies - M) and entered the mad, crazy, noisy and sublime ... read more
Tree-lined square, Savannah
Jewish church

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach December 17th 2008

Bahamas 2008-2009 14 Décembre 2008 Bonjour à tous, Voici le 3e chapitre de notre petit périple à bord de Grand Style. Nous espérons à travers ce blogue vous donner de nos nouvelles, de mettre un peu de soleil dans votre hiver et un peu de rêve aussi. Nous sommes donc partis en voiture le 21 novembre dernier jusquà l’endroit où nous avions laissé le bateau en avril dernier Tiger Point Marina, Fernandina Beach Floride. Aucune mauvaise surprise nous attendait tout était comme nous l’avions laissé. Même la toile avec laquelle nous l’avions couvert a résisté à l’ouragan Faye. Nous nous sommes mis au boulot le lendemain de notre arrivée afin de réinstaller tous les équipements que nous avions enlevés au printemps dernier (dodger, bimini, panneaux solaires,voiles etc.),refaire une toilette à la grandeur à l’intérieur, cirer la ... read more
Un peu de menage...
Et voila le travail
Et nous voila en route

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach December 13th 2008

Samedi, le 13 décembre 2008 Nous sommes en Florida depuis le 26 novembre. Notre départ de Beaufort, Caroline du Nord s’est effectué le 14 novembre. Nous avons dû continuer dans l’Intracostal, la météo n’étant pas favorable pour prendre la mer à cet endroit. D’une bouée à l’autre, d’un village à l’autre, nous avons traversé la Caroline du Nord, du Sud et une partie de la Géorgie. Naviguer dans les Carolines, c’est souvent naviguer entre deux terrains de golf ou deux rangées de maisons cossues. Mais c’est aussi parfois dans des régions désertiques, parmi des dunes de sable et des marais. Il y a des dauphins partout, à croire qu’ils en élèvent. Ils sont parfois enjoués et très près du bateau, parfois indifférents à nous. Nous devons aussi ajuster notre vitesse en fonction des ouvertures de ponts. ... read more
Des quais qui n'en finissent plus
Forest Gump s'en va à la pêche
Départ à  l'aurore

North America » United States » Florida » Miami Beach December 11th 2008

Hey all , Landed in Florida to glorious sunshine at last , its been a while since ive seen it . I had planned on spending around 2 nights in Fort Lauderdale 3 night in Fort Myers and then head over to California , i picked up my hire car from the airport and was shafted for $700 but i should have looked more into it than being just plain stupid , so i set off for my hostel and as i arrived i instantly took a dislike to the place ,it was quite grubby and full of weirdos and in the midle of nowhere , i set off out to find somewhere to eat but as Fort Lauderdale is pretty quiet and the place i was staying at was in the middle of nowhere i ... read more
my ride
south beach

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