Blogs from Canada, North America - page 1257


North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary May 31st 2007

Only three days till I leave Calgary. Everything has snuck up on me so fast. I'm so excited to see what the future holds. My Dad arrives in Calgary tomorrow afternoon and he's here till Sunday morning. Dad and I will pack up his truck with the rest of my stuff and we will be off to Summerland B.C. I'm in Summerland for a few days then I hop on the plane in Kelowna and fly to Victoria. I get to kick it with my cousin Kelly& Alex, and my good friends Chrystal and Brent. Then the Friday that I'm there Shane flys in to spend our last weekend together before I head out on my adventure. I'm going to head to Whistler to see my friends Krista, Chantal, and Jeff till June 14. I ... read more

North America » Canada » Yukon May 31st 2007

Hello everyone! Well, as Jenica mentioned in her last message, I'm currently camped out in the Yukon, in a town of 100 known as Beaver Creek. This is my second year here and I'm looking forward to having more excellent adventures until I book it down to Mexico in August. Arriving in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon Territory, I met up with a few people I knew from two years before, and spent the next day hiking and hanging out with them. I saw my first glimpse of the northern lights, and even though it was somewhat unimpressive in comparison to how amazing they can be, I was still quite excited. Then day two was off on the staff bus headed for beaver creek with other staff members. Unfortunately the bus broke down right ... read more
Where we broke down
Welcome to Beaver Creek
The real beaver creek

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal » Old Montréal May 30th 2007

Bonjour, cava? We arrived safely in Toronto late last Saturday evening, after a particularly horrible domestic flight from San Francisco (who would have thought USA to Canada was domestic?), and after being collected by our friendly host, settled in for the night in our lovely new hostel, ready for an exploration of Toronto, and then Niagara Falls in a day's time. Canada is our last country before we head home, and although the neighbours next door looked slightly like they were running a drug's den and were nasty bits of work (it turned out they were and they are), we were excited about being here for a fresh adventure. Unfortunately overnight James was struck down with a nasty flu-like virus which manifested itself in aches, pains, a headache and a raging fever, leaving him bed ... read more
Old Montreal Cafe
Old Montreal Building
Old Montreal houses

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver May 30th 2007

I have finally left Vancouver for my summer vacation. I was a bit scared that the I might have an issue with fast expiring passport, but it all went well... enjoy the view of Vancouver from the sky as well as a cool picture of moon over the horizon from the bird's view. ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Delta May 29th 2007

Well lets see if this works. We leave for Europe in exactly 2 weeks... wonderful timing seeing as we just graduated. I will post a grad photo or two to see how it all works... talk to you all soon!... read more

Well hello there guys and gals. How's everyone doing? I don't know why I asked that because there is no real way for you to tell me how you are at this moment, well, I guess you could leave a comment telling me how you're doing, ah well. So as you can see by my location I have relocated myself to the lovely town of Tofino. I arrived here yesterday by bus and was feeling so awful that I checked into a motel and didn't leave for the rest of the day. Pretty lame I know, but I was feeling -that- awful. So yes, I guess I should get on with my update. Let me see, where was I last time... Oh yes, I believe the last time I wrote in here I was in Courtenay ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Kanata May 29th 2007

OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN! Hmm, that sounds like the name of some song from ‘way back - sung by some ditzy blonde babe - sorry Britney fans. But the idea is the same: For those not following hockey, our team, the Senators, did beat Buffalo to advance to the Stanley Cup Championship round - woohoo!!! They’re playing the Anaheim Ducks, a team we’ve not played since one time the previous season. Alas, we lost the first game, in Anaheim, after a long layoff, but there are seven games, so we hope to do better - maybe win the next four games! As a result, our departure date has now been changed a third time - now it will be June 12, which is the day after the final game of the Finals, should they go ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City May 29th 2007

C'est parti! Je pars dans quelques heures pour Zurich, Suisse, afin de pratiquer un peu mon allemand (ouf!) et de rejoindre mon petit frère Pascal à Neuchâtel! Le but de ce voyage est principalement d'assister et de participer à son mariage, mais également de voyager un peu, tant qu'à y être! Je vous tiendrai au courant dans les prochains jours avec tout plein de photos! Au plaisir de lire vos commentaires!... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario May 29th 2007

The moment we approached the US-Canadian border, we knew we were in for something special. We had been anticipating a fair amount of difficulty getting into Niagara Falls, what with our car laden down with everything but the kitchen sink, but instead we were greeted by what had to be the friendliest border guard in the planet. “Where you headed, eh?” “Niagara Falls, Toronto and then camping in Bruce Peninsula, sir” “Oh, Bruce Peninsula. Is that up by Tobermory? Great little place. Have a cabin up there…” Turns out it is up by Tobermory and he had quite the story to tell about. “You all do a lot of biking?” “Not yet but we hope to.” “I took a bike trip recently….” And indeed he had, all around the Great Lakes. In the end, several stories ... read more
Niagara Escarpment
Another View of Horseshoe Falls

North America » Canada » Ontario May 29th 2007

So my trip began as I flew from Vancouver to Toronto. My great aunt Susan picked me up from the airport and we drove northeast of the city to the farm where I met my great uncle David. I have never been a big fan of Toronto (I like cities, but not that much) and it was such a surprize and relief to discover beautiful, calm country so near to the city. I was introduced to the cows and the wild barn cats and I met my second cousin and her family. My relatives were super friendly and welcoming and I had a great visit. I was reminded that they drink milk out of bags in Ontario and that some grocery stores are open 24 hours. Then I headed back in to Toronto where I ... read more
The Sky Wheel
Maid of the Mist IV

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