Blogs from Canada, North America - page 1255


North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg June 3rd 2007

Beaudry Provincial Park North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg By Krista TJune 3rd 2007A short ways out of Winnipeg, this park is good for a short hike. Unfortunately, some trails that cross the creek can only be accessed in winter.... read more
Muddy Creek
Sideways tree

North America » Canada » Alberta » Jasper June 3rd 2007

Jasper Revisited The Columbia Ice Field Highway, Jasper, Lake Louis and Banff are places to be revisited Fifteen years later the town is much as it was. The tourist office and the railroad station are in the same place; as are the tracks. The shops have increased in number and the facilities offered seem to have been extended. Only few views are familiar. The truck arrived early thru morning rain and after a rained on breakfast of eggs and toast. For a second night we had camped at the side of the road...this time on a logging trail. The fire was built in a sandy clearing where cut trees had already been burnt. The tents were pitched on the flatness of the road. Huge transports struggling up a mountain grade was the nightlong lullaby. A ... read more
Info in stone
Rocky Mountain Railroad
Approaching Downtown

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls June 3rd 2007

Note: The Canada blogs have been rewritten and reposted due to requests for anonymity. Ahhh Sunday! The perfect day to sleep in, particularly on the last leg of your four-month vacation and round-the-world trip. So why in heavens am I up at 5:30am again??? It is what it is. I check craigslist for apartments and do other online errands, then crawl into bed to try to get more shuteye with no success. When the house is astir, I get up and join them for pancakes and eggs before we make a late morning departure for the Falls. Niagara Falls I have never seen it, so this trip is mainly for my benefit. My aunt has seen it many times and Leroy has been here once or twice before. I’m a little dubious, however, because I visited ... read more
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls

Saint Pierre et Miquelon North America » At Sea By abangell June 3rd 2007 angellSome views of Saint Pierre Miquelon and Langlade the beautiful French territories in North Atlantic near of Canadian coasts.... read more
Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Saint Pierre et Miquelon

Once again sorry I haven't written in a while. I have no excuse this time since I have the internet in my apartment now. Anyways in the past couple weeks i've done quite a bit. Well two week i did a trip to Victoria, Vancouver Island. It was a beautiful little place. I stayed at the Strathcona Hotel that had a couple pub attached to it. There was even a cricket themed pub called the Sticky Wicket which my aussie friend went crazy for. It also had 5 different bars including a patio bar on the roof. Attached to it is 2 beach volleyball courts. I did mostly touristy stuff while i was there. I saw the Fairmont Empress Hotel. It was a massive building that took up a whole city block right on the ... read more

On May 27, 2007, the worst thing I could have possibly imagined happened just outside of Sucre, Bolivia. The bus we were on was involved in an accident and crashed. My girlfriend of four years was tragically taken from us. This was our second bus crash in 4 weeks. It is a difficult thing trying to deal with something as unfair as this. It just isn't supposed to happen this way, especially to someone I loved so much. She was so young, so innocent and so sincere. It just doesn't make sense why. We need to find the strength within ourselves to remember the joys that her presence brought us. Nastassia reached out and touched all of us and we need to be grateful that we were able to have known such an amazing person ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto June 2nd 2007

Note: The Canada blogs have been rewritten and reposted due to requests for anonymity. Walk of Shame We drive back through Toronto’s downtown in the bright light of an early Saturday morning. The CN Tower, having been unlit the night before save for a few blinking red lights, is fully visible now. My friend Andrea, who lives here, climbed 150 flights of stairs to the top of this tower for a wildlife charity this year. Staring at the “world's tallest freestanding structure on land,” which stands 553.33 meters (1815 ft 5 in) high, all I have to say is you go, girl, feel the burn. The apartment is quiet as we unlock the door, but I’m sure our hostess knows we’ve come home at an hour fit for her wild days in Rome. We get up ... read more
On Golden Pond
On Golden Pond
BBQ: The Essentials!

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto June 2nd 2007

Home. Somehow I'm still amazed and disbelieving that I'm here. Even almost a week into being back, it's still emotional for me. I have missed Haldimand and Toronto so much. I have missed people so much. And it's so good to be back here. But I miss the ship, the people, the sense of every day being a grand adventure. I hope to hold onto that, make every day an adventure no matter where I am. Embrace each day. Challenge myself. Since coming home, I've spent lots of time journalling, blogging, trying to reflect and get the closure I didn't feel that I got with my sudden departure from the ship. The rest of my time, I've been visiting family and friends. Really really wonderful to be with everyone again. Last night I too the Go-Train ... read more
More Friendship Arches in Nathan Philips Square
Old City Hall

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 2nd 2007

Hello all... well the adventure has begun. Brian headed off from Cairns on Wednesday morning at 0630 and arrived safely into Vancouver on Friday afternoon via LA and Dallas. There he was met by Michael and Matthew and they will now all be on a ferry heading north along the west coast of Canada. Apparently they are going budget style and so will be sleeping on the deck! Nice and chilly.... If I understand correctly it will take them about a week to get to Anchorage via the Glacier National Park and Skagway where the ferry stops. I will add more as I hear. Jacqui.... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary June 2nd 2007

We made it home - safe and sound - after 2 long days of travel. As we settle back into things familiar, it's easy to leave the lessons learned behind. So we are trying to stay in touch with what we learned and experienced on the other side of this great big planet. Our lessons include: 1. Be grateful - we are so fortunate. We have health, safety, shelter, food and many luxuries beyond that. As Canadians, we are so privileged with an abundance of "things", yet we often take it for granted (and consequently forget) the abundance of simple pleasures that surround us -- love, laughter, beauty, 2. Gather with those you love. It’s a source of great joy and satisfaction. 3. The "real" journey is within -- the outer journey mirrors our inner ... read more

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