Blogs from Jordan, Middle East - page 86


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra September 5th 2008

27 Aug - today we visit Petra, an extremely famous UNESCO site and eighth wonder of the ancient world / one of the Modern wonders of the world. We have a guided tour in morning with our guide Ibrahim. Even the approach to Petra is spectacular with out of this world rock formations. Petra is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabateans. Walking through the Siq is like walking through a huge canyon but steeped in history. After a few hours walking, Ibrahim takes us aside and spins us a story about looking for gold, we are so distracted that we follow his every is of course a well-known plot for tourists so that we step back and face the iconic view from the Siq looking on to the ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » West » Madaba September 5th 2008

1 Sep - Ramadan starts. Officially on my own now...ho hum. I gave Nafis my mobile number so he keeps calling. Finally, I pick up and agree that he can drive me to Madaba. Found a great, cheap wee hotel online. Nafis has difficulty finding it but eventually, we find it and he drops me off. After various conversations that he thinks of me as his sister, if I have any problems I call him and that I should find a husband when I get home. What a guy! 2 - 5 September - v relaxing week just chilling out in this great, family run hotel. Read loads, email, get the blog up to date, sort through my photos (even manage to get them onto disk!), eat two nights in the hotel on their terrace and ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » West » Madaba September 5th 2008

26 Aug - feeling back to normal today. We start our journey south through Jordan. First stop, Madaba - the City of Mosaics. I instantly get a good vibe about this town and definitely think I'll come back here next week when the tour finishes and I have 5 days on my own in Jordan. It's laid back, not too touristy, friendly and mostly Christian. Mosaic rules in this area, culminating in the oldest Mosaic map - the Great Map of Palestine from the 6th century, which is housed within a cute, wee Greek Orthodox church. We then head just 15 mins west of Madaba to Mount Nebo, where Moses was shown the Holy Land and is believed to be buried. It is completely breathtaking and beyond belief to look out over Israel, Jericho, Jerusalem and ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash September 5th 2008

25 Aug - after crossing into Jordan, our 10th and final country for this trip, we drive to Jerash. This is one of the best preserved cities within the Decapolis / Greco ruins - it's reminds me of Pompeii and Herculaneum, only MUCH bigger. It's an amazing site with forum, main street, shops, ampitheatre (with Jordanian bagpipe band??!!) and a temple to Diana - the goddess of hunting, with the incredible moving Corinthian pillars. It's early evening before we arrive in Amman, the capital of Jordan and check into the Toledo. Nice hotel, shame about the room...ours appears to be getting rennovated. Helpful man on reception though puts us in another room though immediately. I'm amused by the 'kibblah' on the ceiling - this is a sticker showing the direction of Mecca, to keep Muslims right ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Aqaba September 5th 2008

Arrived in Aqaba the biggest sea port you have ever seen. It has existed in this form as a port for 6000 years. This apparently is the lung of this country. Getting off the ferry was the most organised, incredibly efficient system that should be in place in Egypt.. but then don't hold your breath!! Met by the Geckos group who channelled our entry so smoothly it was like just home. Arrived at our hotel which feels like 5 star! compared to what we had previously. It can only get better than this I am sure. Went had had a fish dinner which was great last night. Then to bed. Oh I forgot to tell you.. getting off the bus to get the ferry I rolled my ankle!! so sore, could not walk on it for ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra September 4th 2008

Jordan vet sannelig hvordan. Det er kveld i Midtoesten, solen har just gaatt ned, og alle er i full aktivitet med aa fylle opp tomme mager og roeyke inn tomme lunger etter nok en lang og varm fastedag. Siden forrige gang har vi forflyttet oss ganske langt. Og dere som frekventerer bloggen vaar, vet at saa snart vi flytter paa oss, kommer det gode historier. Denne gangen er intet unntak. Mandag morgen pakket vi sekkene vaare, sa ha det til alle vaare nye venner fra Paris (her i Midtoesten treffer vi av en eller annen grunn mennesker fra Paris) og trasket bort til busstasjonen. Vi gikk selvfoelgelig feil, og sto plutselig midt paa en voldsomt traffikert bro. Men vi snudde, saa paa kartet, tenkte oss om, og fant fram. Planen var aa finne en saakallet shared ... read more
Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 1st 2008

Well, as it turns out (as of now) the University of Jordan doesn't allow their wireless users onto any email websites. Thankfully this internet cafe is close enough that I can get out and do my thing. Ramadan began this morning, no eating/drinking/chewing gum in public from dawn until nightfall. It is an incredible sacrifice that these people all make. It is 100 degrees here and they go for 16 hours without any water... for a month! It really is impressive. The program here is really great, the kids are a lot of fun and most of them are pretty cool. A lot of people are kinda similar to me... politically interested and historically knowledgable. It makes discussions quite interesting and rewarding... as lame as that sounds hahaha. My apartment is huge! its maybe a 5 ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 31st 2008

Here is a test post to see if I can get pictures up... read more
TV Room

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 27th 2008

Well, this past week has been somewhat uneventful. No major disasters, thankfully! The first two days of school were good, although it's tough to adjust to being in school again. Friday, our first day off, was like a breath of fresh air. I slept in, watched a movie, and then went to bake a fresh peach and blueberry cobbler. Got everything ready, turned on the oven, and went to simmer the peaches when the gas wouldn't light. We had run out of gas. So i changed the tank, which also ran out of gas after about a minute. So we talked to our landlord, who gave us the name of a guy could come fill our tanks for us. My unbaked cobbler went into the fridge. Christina and I then headed off to Starbucks to study ... read more
me, rami, jasmine, and rami's friend
the chair....
my new roommate...

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 26th 2008

Initially, we were considering heading back into Petra early in the morning before getting the bus up north. But our feet were killing us due to a full day of walking the day before (my blisters from Kili still haven't gone away), and waking up at 7 am was a lot less of a good idea once the time actually came. We also managed to see everything in Petra on the first day sans a hike to the top of a cliff that overlooks the Treasury. So we slept in and then went down to the bus station. We found out there was no bus that goes directly to the Dead Sea, so instead we booked a bus to Amman and were told to get off near some airport in the middle of nowhere, get to ... read more

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