Blogs from Jordan, Middle East - page 88


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 16th 2008

We made it to Petra yesterday. Didnt do much after the flight and trip except eat and sleep. Today we got up early and checked out the ruins.... read more
Us and it

Middle East » Jordan » West » Al Karak August 15th 2008

Our next stop was the Crusader castle at Karak which was included in the movie Kingdom Of Heaven.... read more
Ethan at Karak
Me with the view

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea August 15th 2008

Ethan and I arrived at the Amman airport at 2am, pretty brutal flight times, felt like dead beats. We had a ride arranged for 6am so I slept a bit on the bench while Ethan read his book. Our first stop was the dead sea for a float in the high bouancy salt water.... read more
Easy to float

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 13th 2008

If you haven't already done so, you should all go see the video I posted with the last entry, which will show you around the apartment! OK, so every building here has a water tank that only fills up once a week, and you have to be careful not to run out of water before then, otherwise you can't flush the toilet or brush your teeth or do anything else that requires water. Wednesday, today, is our water day. So we scrub down the apartment and do all the laundry on Wednesdays. Or so we thought. Now, I just got my new mattress yesterday, so when I say I was sleeping, I mean I was passed out cold. When I finally woke up, I see Christina, my roommate, looking a little stressed out in the next ... read more
the un-natural disaster...
view from our balcony
room deco

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 9th 2008

Passage éclair en Jordanie 5 petits jours pour voir un des pays les plus touristiques du Moyen-Orient c'est pas assez diront les puristes, mais nous on cours pas vraiment derrière les sites touristiques, ce qui nous botte, vous l'aurez compris, c'est davantage les rencontres ! Et on en eu une belle, ou du moins marrante, dès le premier soir : on débarque de Syrie à 23h30, à Ramtha, petite ville du nord où ... nous l'apprenons sur place, il n'y pas d'hôtel ! Shadi, père de 5 enfants, solide chef de famille musulman, qui hélas ne parle pas un mot d'Anglais, se fait une joie de nous reçevoir. Belle expérience: jusqu'à cinq heures du mat' il nous fait découvrir sa ville, sa maison, ses photos de vacances (à côté desquels les nôtres sont des chef-d'œuvres !). ... read more
Dans la boucherie de Shadi
les coréens en force
1st expérience Couch Surfing

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman August 9th 2008

It's hard to believe I've only been here for three days, it's been such a whirlwind. So let's start at the beginning. August 5th - I headed off to the airport, and after finally finding the right terminal, discovered that I had one bag too many, and that bag would cost me nearly $1000 in excess weight to bring with me. So I left it in London, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get it here. My plane was delayed almost an hour, but once we boarded, everything went smoothly. We flew over the Alps, which was breathtaking, especially because it was right at sunset, and the light was reflected off of the snow. Got into Amman at quarter to 1 in the morning, got my visa, and met Rob, who would be ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 8th 2008

I left Egypt on a hot evening and arrived in Jordan on an even hotter night. A quick word of advice to everyone: try to avoid going to the Middle East during summer time. I have no idea what I was thinking. One nice thing was the lack of tourist which made it easy to get around and really enjoy Petra in peace and quiet. I spent two days in Amman seeing the sights and researching a good tour to take to Petra (one of the new Wonders of the world) if you have never heard of it then google it or watch "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". I ended up taking a bus down the Kings Highway which ran through an assortment of Castles and monasteries and breathtaking views of the Dead Sea. After ... read more
Dead Sea Scrolls
Temple of Hercules

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra August 7th 2008

MYYYY LAAAAAASSSSTTTTTT DAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo I headed back to Diala's house for my last night...tear! Apparently Wednesday nights are dead in Amman so we didn't last long and just headed back home to eat pita and lebanah! (this amazing cheese-like yogurt) It was perfect though because we had to wake up at 6am this morning to catch a ride to PETRAAAA!!!! (yes yes, the lost ancient temple in the 3rd Indiana Jones haha) Petra was amazing!!! THE SECOND WONDER OF THE WORLD!!! Took a few hours to get there but totally worth it! We hiked through the rock to finally get to one of the ancient temples of the 12 kings from back in the day. It was the only house of the 12 kings that got finished and took about 6 years with 20,000 workers..unbelieveable! If ... read more
do you see what i seeeee???

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea August 6th 2008

The past two nights, I stayed with another buddy from UBC, Mayss Naber in Abdoun!! woohoooo Crazy/lovely family and fun to see how she runs it in the summer. She has a wonderful family--mom, dad, brother, sister with amazing bob marley hair!!! omg! I love it so much! and their 14-cousin jimmy who is staying with them for the summer from lebanon and is absolutely hilariuos!!! love that lil gangstaaaa! Failing to go to the Dead sea or petra the past few days due to waking up too late...ooops!, I finally get my butt to the Dead Sea!!! ...About 45 minutes west of Amman...It's really close to the Jordan River where apparently Jesus was baptized. Mayss told me that they have replicated the holy water he was baptized in and it was a nice touristy gift ... read more
Jordan sonic haha
out with diala

Middle East » Jordan » South » Aqaba August 3rd 2008

ggaaaaaaaaa SO SORRRYYY it's taken foreverrrr but just got back with diala from an unbelievable weeeekend in wadi-rum and aqabaaaa!!! Thursday night, we headed out with a bunch of Diala's buddies on a bus 3-4 hours south to Wadi-Rum aka DESERTTTT! There was a huuuuge annual dance/dj show going on called Distant Heat that took place outside in the sand and in the middle of what looked like no where! Goes from 10pm-10am and so you can only imagine what it looks like as the sun rises in the desert as you've been dancing in the dark all night...WOW! **I am weak and unlike non-stop Jordanians, I couldn't make it past 4am hahaha but luckily, Diala woke me up around 5 or 6 and then went back on my dancing feet!!! hahaha truly an outstanding, kinda ... read more
At Miriam's swimming
the side of the way highway

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