Blogs from Europe - page 11926


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Acton May 15th 2007

Evening all! This is just a test blog to make sure everyone can read this entry, I'll using this site for a travel blog place thingy, you should recieve an e-mail if I update my blog so you'll know when I've written something :) I'll try and write my first entry once I'm in Beijing with Dom tomorrow or the next day to let you know I'm still alive and Areoflot hasn't brought my life to an abrupt end!... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 15th 2007

highs got my first glimpse of the eiffel tower lows i'm in a mixed dorm and there's no door on the bathroom, just a shower curtain people i've met 3 people in my dorm room (didnt ask their names) - a guy from melbourne, a girl from sydney & a guy from india I left Bec's today and caught the Eurostar to Paris, which I would highly recommend over flying anyday. I then caught the Paris Metro to my hostel, which was much easier than I thought it would be. I walked out of the Metro station and tried to orientate myself and in the end just followed my nose. I came to where I thought the hostel should be and there was a big staircase right in front of me. I then had to decide ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 15th 2007

Greetings from Dublin! It seems crazy to believe, but we are finally here! It's happening! and it's COLD!!! When we landed in Dublin it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Brr! But, we got our flight changed to Turkey (yay!) and (finally) found and checked into our hostel. Which is pretty nice: a private bath & shower with HOT water! We spent the day taking a giant nap and then wandering around Dublin. Can't wait to get more into things tomorrow. In a haircutting accident, I, John, had to correct some mistakes by shaving my head. I look like the Comic book supervillan, Bullseye, who is incidentally Irish. My head is cold. Another kind of funny thing (the above is funny to me as I, Janie, still have all my hair is that I thought we ... read more
Janie's chocolate ad

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Nice May 15th 2007

Texte à venir...... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent » Dover May 15th 2007

Since my last blog entry James and I have been pretty much everywhere in London, down to the southeastern coast of England, back to London, and now on the move to France. We were supposed to leave last Thursday, but decided to stay on the weekend and this week to get some more business stuff done. James has been working a lot, and I’ve been trying to help as best as I could for the last week, and not drive him totally crazy! So what have we been up to….well the highlights have been; James getting great tickets for us to see the play Wicked (the untold story of The Wizard of Oz). 8th row! It was really good! By the end of the week, both James and I had had enough of the run ... read more
Our first meal in Ernie
Windy Beach
Windy Beach - James

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 15th 2007

paris is a pretty awesome city. busseling at all hours of the day in the downtown area near the arc de triomphe and champs de elyeese. that is the shopping road. made a trip to LV but just looked. the food though is not so good. the crepes and the croissants and the sandwiches are sufficent though. being here makes me want to learn french. it sounds so cool. we went on a tourbus around the city as well as did some metro exploring of our own. the metro is super convienent. like that of new york. actually this place really reminds me of the nyc. i´ve noticed that everyone has awesome shoes. and everyone know´s i cant pass up a chance to buy cool shoes!!!! we´will see. rajiv isnt one to give me much space ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Naxos May 15th 2007

Our first ferry trip in Greece!! We were so excited to take the Greek version of Bart to the port, but of course they were on strike - just our luck so we had to take a taxi... and traffic was ridiculous because of the strike so it took forever to get there. Lambrose our driver was super nice, he helped us map out our island hopping excursions. At the port we had our first Gyro's!! and free beer!!! It was so friggin hot! 31 degrees which is over 90!!! Hot hot hot. The ferry was super nice - we got suckered into upgrading to the "airplane seats" that reclined in the ac section of the boat where they showed movies in english!! We figured out later that no one checks your tickets and you ... read more
The boat
The boat was HUGE!!!
Don't know what islands these are

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 15th 2007

As mentioned before, we visited the Glasgow Cathedral after giving the Shoda Lecture at the University of Glasgow. Professor Galbraith, chair of the Shoda Endowment Lecture was a most gracious host.... read more
University of Glasgow arch
University of Glasgow
Presentation of the Shoda Medallion

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg May 15th 2007

Zdrah'stvooite! No, I am not insulting you. That's how we'd say HELLO in Russian. If you guessed that I have been saying "hello" instead, you were right! I can manange "da" (yes) and "nyet" (no), and "spasee'ba" (thanks). The 10 hr flight from Atlanta to Moscow was okay. I read my "travel bible" (lonely planet) to get a refresher on Russian history, from Ivan the Terrible, to Peter the Great, to Lenin, Stalin, ... and all the way to president Putin. Than... the American by me started to talk (yeap! I was not the one talking, believe me). He happened to be working on building a facility to destroy Russian chemical weapons!!! US brings personnel and money for the plant, and contributes with other projects like hospital, orphanage, etc. According to him, the new cold war ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam May 15th 2007

I know I've been MIA for a bit. I DO have entries from Queen's Day and Germany and the island excursion, but I'll wait until I figure out my camera to put them up. My camera randomly decided to fail me. It worked fine in Germany. The battery was running low so I decided to turn it off. A few days later I went to recharge it....and it wouldn't turn back on. It works fine when its in the dock, but it won't turn on independently. Boo. Of course this happens right before I go to Italy. I've researched it a bit online and it looks like I'm not the only person to have this problem. Some people say that is a problem with misaligned gears and others say that the battery is busted. Very frustrating, ... read more

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