Blogs from Cornwall, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 14


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » St Ives April 22nd 2013

Well, after bemoaning the lack of photos on the blog you'll be delighted to know that on looking at the full iPhoto file there are about 3500 pics! So to make life a tad less soporific I'm in the process of deleting vast swathes of seriously awful shots. Me in the tent, me and the bike, me cooking pasta and ragout for the zillionth time and a lot of other rubbish shots. I hope to post a couple of dozen exquisitely composed works of photographic art to encapsulate the glories and futilities of peddling 19800km. Don't hold your breath. It'll take a minute or two to create. Meanwhile, apart from some readjustment to single figure temperatures, wearing socks and shoes, saying 'Yes dear' to almost all Lins suggestions, getting the hang of grandfatherhood, life is continuing ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Tintagel April 20th 2013

St.Nectan's glen & waterfall Well, what a beautiful place! St Nectan's waterfall is truly one of Cornwall’s hidden gems! It’s in Trethevy and you have to park up and take about a 20 minute walk through an ancient woodland to the waterfall. We waked along the bank of the river Trevillet admiring all the beautiful flowers and ivy clad trees. Since spring seems to have come upon us now, daffodils are out and the lesser celandine is glowing. The Glen has been appointed a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to rare specimens of plants. The sound of the waterfall can be heard as you walk towards it, even though there were a few other roads we could have taken, we seemed to instinctively know which direction to walk. There is a small fee to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Penzance April 20th 2013

Many signs and business names at Land's End, and throughout this southwestern part of Cornwall, reflect the theme of "start and finish" or "beginning and end" or "first and last." This is because, for end-to-enders like us, this area is either the completion of a long, tiring journey or the initiation of the same. For us, it is the start. While we still have the energy, enthusiasm, and optimism of journey starters, still it required a bit of effort, and a few adventures, to reach the beginning today, and we are already feeling a sense of accomplishment for that. The flight over from Seattle via Iceland to Gatwick went surprisingly well even though we were surprised that Icelandair did not provide complimentary meals and we had to satisfy ourselves with mediocre chef's salads at $14 per. ... read more
Karen and Kathy getting ready to take bike cases to post office
Smoked fish and cheese seller at farmers market
Jim and Karen headed through the Cornish countryside towards Land's End

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Penzance April 17th 2013

Whan that Aprille, with hise shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne, And smale foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open eye- So priketh hem Nature in hir corages- Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages ... If our lives are a repeating cycle, like the seasons, then the springtime of life can happen more than once. The four of us: Kathy, Kit, Jim, and Karen, are experiencing new energy as we leave the world of full time jobs and d... read more
Jim, Kathy, and Kit
Jim and Karen

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Boscastle April 13th 2013

At the weekends we are free to roam Devon and Cornwall. This particular Saturday we decided to visit Boscastle. It is a small town much like most of them round these here parts. We went to the witch museum which we both found interesting and also disturbing as there were many witch hunts and trials during the 15th to 17th centuries, these were known as the 'burning times'. Pretty nasty stuff, torture was used to obtain confessions of being a witch. One of the many ways to do this was to strap them on a chair and weigh them against a bible, if they were lighter than the bible they were hung. Another form of torture was to put them in a sack and throw them into the water, if they floated they were witches and ... read more
With a retouch!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Lostwithiel April 9th 2013

So we did our test camp and I'm very glad we did as it we found some things that didn't work and found things that worked very well and things that need some work. We left Wiltshire at 0600 on the 30th March and headed to Cornwall. Traffic was very light and we got to Liskeard just after 0900 where we dropped the kids off at with their dad and headed on down towards Perranporth. We got there just before lunch and had a look around and got fish and chips. We Chicks got Fish and Chips and I had cheesy chips. We turned the seats round in Gabby had had lunch. We then went up to Chicks Aunt and had supper before going to bed. The next day Chicken had realized that she had left ... read more
View of Perranporth Beach
Packed Car
Space for tent

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Lostwithiel March 26th 2013

We decided that a test camp would be a good idea. The plan was to pack all the kit and take it for a test run to make sure we knew how everything works and make sure we had everything we need. Last year we went camping in Cornwall so we could have some time on our own and the kids (squids) can spend some time with there dad who lives down there. So we packed up what we had and went. We had a few issues once down there. One being our tent leaked along with other things like our airbed being way to small and not holding air. Anyway. This Easter weekend we are going back down the Cornwall to go camping and use all our kit. Now for those of you reading this ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Lostwithiel March 26th 2013

Glamping................. the act of going camping in glamor. Now to me this sounds good for several reasons. The first being that you have as many home comforts with me as possible and also means lots of kit, which I love. So we decided it would suit us nicely. The initial outlay may be slightly higher but the comfort level is good. Now some people say why not spend the money on going to B&Bs. Well here's my answer: Because I like camping and B&Bs are good and all... BUT.... now i have the kit i can use it time and time again. So we thought "what do we want to make camping nicer". We have a nice 2 burner and grill cooker already and this runs of a 4.5kg Calor Gas tank which doesn't seem to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » St Just March 24th 2013

Throughout the night the wind buffeted Georgie and the rain continued to hit her at every angle, we stayed snug and warm inside her, a great shower this morning while Woolly slept…… Woolly says – I was conserving energy!!! The rain was still lashing down although the wind had calmed somewhat we regretfully decided to head onwards and leave Padstow behind us. With gusts blowing Georgie every which way and Ian working hard at the wheel and, the girls attached to the windscreen actually agreeing for once, we set sail for the end of the world!!! No not the end of the world Woolly, Lands End, it’s the most south westerly point of the UK and is famous for the distance between there and John O’Groats in Scotland. Woolly says – going past strange fields of ... read more
it's not so good outside now!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » St Just March 22nd 2013

SORRY - Hoping that the whole blog comes through now!!!!! Throughout the night the wind buffeted Georgie and the rain continued to hit her at every angle, we stayed snug and warm inside her, a great shower this morning while Woolly slept…… Woolly says – I was conserving energy!!! The rain was still lashing down although the wind had calmed somewhat we regretfully decided to head onwards and leave Padstow behind us. With gusts blowing Georgie every which way and Ian working hard at the wheel and, the girls attached to the windscreen actually agreeing for once, we set sail for the end of the world!!! No not the end of the world Woolly, Lands End, it’s the most south westerly point of the UK and is famous for the distance between there and John O’Groats ... read more
wolly eyes up the lighthouse

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