Blogs from Warsaw, Masovia, Poland, Europe - page 13


Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw » Anin March 8th 2010

I think I might have illegally got the tram to the zoo today. I put my ticket into the machine and it beeped and the light went red. But no one checked so I got away with it. The tram was harder to find that I thought. The website and guidebook said it was in a square, but in acctual fact its just around the corner. I got on tram 23, which made me happy. I was a bit early for opening so I went for a walk around the park its set in and saw lots of red squirrels. They have better ears but the grey ones have the best tails. First thing I saw at the zoo was some ducks sliding around on the frozen ice of their pond- very funny. The gibbons were ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw » Anin March 7th 2010

well its almost half 5 here and Ive just finished my first proper day sight seeing in poland. Firstly I went to get a Warsaw card from the tourist information. Its about the size of a credit card and allows you discounted entry into museum etc and covers all your public transport. I was going to get a 3 day one to cover all the days I'm here for but the bloke in the tourist information told me that a lot of the museums are shut on a monday so there wasn't much point. So I just got a one day one, but what he also didnt tell me was that the museums are free on a sunday so I havent used it yet. So Im going to activate the transport one when I head to ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw » Anin March 7th 2010

Yep, thats right-me. Nothing much of interest to report since yesterday. I hung out in the common room till about half 9 ish, then thought Id head to bed. BUt when I got to my room there were some people from Japan, poland, Austria and Germany sat around chatting, so I got changed into my PJ's but stayed up to chat with them. It was really interesting talking about how things were different in out countries. We also tried to decide what the national souviner of Poland was. It was tricker that you'd think. I think I must have turned in about half 10-ish when they left for the pub and woke up about half 8, so I got a good nights sleep. Im off to make some butties for breakfast and lunch-try to save the ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw » Anin March 6th 2010

well last night fairly early night ended about 2am. I went to the hostel's bar and had a few beers and several shots with a couple of people who worked there. I managed to have a fairly sensible conversation about footie with two americans. I managed to be up and ready to leave about 9ish. couldnt work out what tram to get so ended up walking to the station. next time i go away im getting a bag with wheels. I was a bit hungover, so was not at all a happy bunny. I ended up having to talk to 3 cashiers to get my ticket sorted. the trains over here are so comfy, you get loads of leg room. most of the polish countryside passed me by because I was asleep, but the bits I ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw February 19th 2010

Second step of the MBA is in Warsaw, Poland. We found a place directly in the center of the old town and the downtown, train station area. 111a Marszałkowska or Marshal Street. Great location near to metro Świętokrzyska, one stop or 10 minute walk to Centrum. Our time in Warsaw was destroyed by a very hectic schedule of nine classes very randomly placed all over the place. We would have a 8am to 8pm day then the following day 8am - 10am and 4pm - 8pm... it was annoying and took up much of our time. A couple weeks before we left, I had the realization that I didn't really know anything about where to go out. We had some visitors and almost didn't know where to take them. Warsaw is a cool city, not much ... read more
Boy Soldier

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw December 29th 2009

Budapest, Hungria, 2 de noviembre del 2öö8. Saludos (en polaco se pronuncia "yendobre", no me acuerdo como se escribe): Ahi van algunas fotos de Varsovia, Polonia, la cual es una ciudad "moderna", que tendra algo asi como 2 millones de varsovianos (o como se les diga). Lo que existe ahorita es una reconstruccion de las ruinas que quedaron en la 2a guerra mundial, no hay mucho edificio viejo y para rematar le toco reconstruirla a los comunistas. Su centro historico es chico, pero tranquilo y limpio. Su gente es muy ordenada, no tira basura en la calle (aunque no limpian las hojas de las calles), no se ven problemas,todo tranquilo. Una de las peculiaridades de Polonia es que esta prohibido cruzarse la calle cuando el semaforo peatonal esta en rojo o cruzarse la calle por en ... read more
Royal Palace.
Photo 5
Photo 6

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw November 26th 2009

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I wish you all a wonderful day with your family and friends! I'm a bit bummed that I'm missing Thanksgiving this year - this is the first time in my 20 years that I'm not going over to Aunt Donna's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I've made some friends from Hungary here. Apparently there is a program through there University that goes to the US/Poand/Hungary. So, they've spent a year in the United States and know all about Thanksgiving and Black Friday. They asked me yesterday if I was going to make my own Thanksgiving here in Warsaw and I said I didn't think it was possible - 1. Where am I going to buy a whole turkey? 2. I wouldn't know what to do with it once I got it home..(I could see myself ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw November 7th 2009

Good afternoon! Everything in Poland is going well and I have great news - according to the infamous USOS I now have classes! Therefore, I am now officially a student here...about frickin time, it only took about a month and a half :) Soon I will also have my student ID, which, in Poland is actually useful as opposed to having a student ID at UWM. In Poland, students get discounts in many, many places. The main discount I'm looking forward to is a 50% discount on public transportation in Warsaw. Yesterday my friend Ana (Slovenia) and I decided to take a trip to Łódź - a city that's about an hour and a half away from Warsaw by train. We actually wanted to go to Gdańsk (northern city of Poland located right on the Baltic ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw October 29th 2009

Well hello again! :) I've got some great stories for you all this time :) First - the funny one. So, yesterday as I'm riding in the metro on my way home from class, a mom and her young daughter get on at one of the stops. In every single metro car there is a sign "Po usłyszeniu sygnału dźwiękowego - nie wysiadać!" (After hearing the signal - don't get out ). So, the young girl points to the sign and asks her mother WHY we aren't allowed to get out after the doors beep and begin to close. The mother tells her "Dear, you know how there are people on the street asking for money who have no legs?? Well, THEY got out after hearing the signal...and look where they are now!" It took all ... read more

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw October 14th 2009

I have loft aspirations of posting the rest of my Berlin photos today (all backdated, of course), but before anything, so pictures of what I awoke to this morning... ... read more
Glad I don't have to shovel...
Or wake up and head to work...

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