Blogs from Montenegro, Europe - page 4


Europe » Montenegro » Žabljak July 10th 2020

Opustam fajn ubytko a smer blizka bus stanica. Vcera som este kukal ako je na tom okres zabljak, bo skoro vsetky severne a vychodne okresy su uz uzavrete, kvoli virusu. Zabljak nastastie zatial nie. Podla By mal ist priamy spoj do zabljak, no neni tomu tak. Musim ist do niksic a tam zobrat dalsi spoj. Odteraz sa riadim uz len spojmi zo stranky Ta ma reklamy na kazdej bus stanici, no i tak som zatial nikoho nevidel v mikrobusoch, zeby mal cez nich kupeny listok. Klasicke busy som tu zatial jazdit nevidel, vsetko obsluhuju mirkobusy roznych rocnikov. V buse opat bez rusky. Ideme cez budvu, podgoricu a konecna je v niksice, kde vystupujeme len dvaja. Bus stanica prazdna, v okienku kupujem dalsi listok. Mikrobus mi ide az o dve hodiny. To mi staci na ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor July 9th 2020

Z ubytka vypadavam nieco pred 8/00 a hrrr sa do ulic stareho mesta. Takto rano prakticky ludoprazdne. Kamenne uzke ulicky, pozatvarane obchodicky, restiky. Fajn kostolik aj s pevnostou. Nakuknutie na plaz hned za hradbami, tam restika, more ciste. Pri vonkajsich hradbach uz otvorene restiky a prvy kavickari. Domaci si objednaju jednu kavicku ci vodu a vydrzia pri tom sediet aj hodinu. Ja si davam capucino v restike hemingway pri vrchnej promenade. Vzdy tam bolo plno. Kava vsak dost horka na mna, mliekova pena super. Bus do kotoru mi ide o par minut. Klasika na stanici kupeny listok s 1€ prirazkou, listok pipnuty o citacku kodu a uz som na perone. Na tejto stanici moc rusky nedodrzuju. Prichadza fajn mikkrobus, opat nik rusky a smer kotor. Cesta bezproblemova. V kotore som uz o 1000. Check in je ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Budva July 8th 2020

Na ranajky vybehnute do pekarne pri obchodaku mega1. Dnes kupeny len syrovy burek. Kus riadny co cloveka zasiti. S jedlom popri skalach na plaz mogren 2. K nej sa ide cez skalny tunel kde je mensia drevenna lavka. Moj vcerajci vyhliadnuty plac pod stromom uz trosku okupovany dvoma rodinami ale zmestil som sa. Nevyhoda vsak ihlicnaneho stromu. Na zemi bolo dost ostreho velkeho ihlicia. Kupat ma to dnes nelakalo, tak som len lezal, mocil nohy a konecne som zacal citat knihu. Ta je po cesky ale nemam s nou problem ako so zaklinacom, ktoreho som ani nedocital. Okolo pobehoval neaky cech, co od domacich chalanov zistoval wifi a kde sa da kupit miesta simkarta. Fakt niektory ludia musia byt na nete nonstop. Nepochopim to, sak dovolenka. Teda ak nema clovek homeoffice. Inak 1tb na mesiac za ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Budva July 7th 2020

Na ranajky som si chcel dat uz konecne nieco balkanske. No ale podla majitela ubytka, pekarnicky v starom meste otvaraju az od 1000, cul je 800. Nuz tak smer centrum. Tu jednu nachadzam, samozrejme hned na mna predavacka krici aby som si dal rusku. Kupujem syrovy burek a makovu strudlu. Smer plaz morgen. Tam este takto skoro nikto nieje. Pod drobnohladom obsluhy z restiky natahujem plachtu a sup ho do slanej studenej vody. Voda pekna cista, dokonca su tu natiahnute bojky. Plaz neni kamenista ale taka jemne strkova, ovsem dno mora je kameniste. Chuj som zabudol na izbe knihu. Plavanie, slnenie zhruba do 1130. Na ubytku sprcha a otestovane kluce od dveri. Vcera v noci som sa nemohol dostat do izby bo bola zamknuta, dnes ma uz vybavili klucmi. Na izbe spanok. Ono vonku je strasny ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Budva July 6th 2020

Noc na letisku je zamnou. Lezalo sa pohodlne, ziadne zvuky okolo, no i tak som spal len na pol oka. Ludia sa okolo 400 uz zacali trusit na letisko. Ja idem na pasovku a smer moja gate. Pri kontrole obcanky som si musel dat dole satku. Inak satku som mal len pred kontrolou. Vacsina ludi ju vsak nosi stale na letisku. Ranajky vybavene sladkostami z domu a to zapite docapovanou vodou zo zachoda. Do lietadla nastupuju zvacsa domaci, pocul som cestinu i rustinu. Pobavila wizzair pracovnicka ked podgoricu citala ako podgorika. Druhy pracovnik kontroloval pasy, kazdy mimo eu a ciernej hory overoval v systeme ci clovek vlastne moze vstupit na uzemie ciernej hory Sadam si na sedadlo 9b, vedla mna ciernohorka a obrovsky nemec, mohol mat okolo 2m. Pred startom pobehovala letuska a kontrolovala rozopnutie pasov. ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Žabljak October 20th 2019

After breakfast at our apartment in Kotor we hopped into the car and set off for the UNESCO World Heritage Listed Durmitor National Park. After driving for a while on good quality new roads we wondered when they would run out….and discovered the answer not long after as we pulled up behind some cars. The cars had obviously been stationary for quite some time as people were milling around. After we’d been sitting there for a while I hopped out of the car and walked to the front of the traffic jam to see what the hold up was. There were concrete barriers blocking the road… As one of the cars at the front of the traffic jam was a taxi I figured we’d be moving at some stage so headed back to the car. On ... read more
Snake Lake
Black Lake
Đurđevića Tara Bridge

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor » Kotor October 18th 2019

We left Berat at about 9am and retraced our steps back to Shkoder. After stopping briefly in Shkoder to spend our last Albanian lek on some soft drink we continued on back across the same border crossing we’d entered Albania at. The border was busier than on the way through, but still not too bad. After crossing the border we continued on to Podgorica. Our first task back in Montenegro was to sort out sim cards for our phones. We entered the phone store and asked the assistant whether they sold tourist sim cards, to which she replied no. Then asked if they had any short term sims, to which she replied no. When I asked if they said do you sell prepaid sim cards, she said they did and that they had one which lasted ... read more
Pavlova Strana viewpoint, Lake Skadar National Park
Bay of Kotor

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor » Kotor September 5th 2019

We were ready to visit a new country to us, Montenegro. In fact it is not only new to us, but is quite a new country as it had been part of Yugoslavia and became an independent country in 2006. We sailed from Cavtat in Croatia after doing our official check out paperwork to the Bay of Kotor. Montenegro actually only has a total of 182 miles of coastline, with a third of it being the shores of the Bay of Kotor indicating how large it is. While going along the coastline of Croatia we continued to see numerous bunkers and even at the border of the country at the entrance of the Bay of Kotor there was a fortification still standing proudly over the cliff there. On the other side of the bay which is ... read more
There Are 6 US Flags Here - Can You Find
This Russian Boat Actually States It Is From Russia
The Coastal Walk From the Marina

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor August 4th 2019

Four ports in Four days. Dubrovnik, Croatia We stepped out on the pier and into a wooden boat for a short sail to the Old Town. There are now hotels along the coast as tourism continues to grow in importance here. The old town is walled against invaders but during the Balkan war it was besieged by the Yugoslav troops and it took weeks before the siege was broken. Bullet holes are visible on the walls as a re I dear of that dreadful time. In 1666 a massive earthquake devastated more f the Romanesque architecture and the town was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. I would love to show you the wonderful pictures I took but (Drat, Damn, and Oh Sh-t) I deleted them by mistake. That was a first. After a walk around in ... read more

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor » Kotor June 26th 2019

And off to Montenegro the land of the second tallest people in Europe apparently - or so we thought! Not long before we were due to catch the ferry to Bar we found out we needed the original V5 documentation to travel on the ferry - which of course we didn’t have. An hour or so later and after a call to Chris he kindly searched their house to find the original - once found he sent us a pdf and we tried to use that. Clearly it’s the info on the document they want not just to see a piece of paper but no! First the ferry agents berated us for not having such an important document in the car. Then checked they asked us to send the PDF to them and after talking with ... read more
Sveti Stefan - view from our balcony
Sunset Sveti Stefan
Lilies on Lake Skadar

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