Blogs from Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, Europe - page 14


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa April 4th 2009

After breakfast this morning, we walked out the square near our apartment and bought tickets for the bus from the bar on the corner (odd how things work here). The bus takes a brief trip through town before heading up to the train station. We arrived at the station shortly before the next train to Pisa, but we ended up behind some slow people at the ticket machine and missed that first train. Fortunately there are plenty of trains to Pisa and we caught one 20 minutes later. In contrast to the train that got us here from Rome, this regional train moves slower but only cost 22 Euro for all four of us. From this slower train, you get more of a sense of the landscape. The backyards we passed reminded me of Evy's mother's ... read more
The local train
Walking through Pisa
Our first view

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa March 23rd 2009

Ciao everyone! Ok, so I know I am severely falling behind on my blogs. Lets not forget that my dear sister did not have to deal with classes, homework, and exams when she was being so diligent with hers! :-) But I don't really have a good excuse. I am going to buckle down and get each blog for my winter break in at LEAST before I leave for spring break, along with a couple others I owe you! So lets get started with the first leg of my break: Pisa! One of the wonderful things about the Study Abroad program I am doing right now is that they give us two full week long breaks! A winter break for the week of March 1st and a spring break for the week of April 19th. Factoring ... read more
Piazza dei Miracoli, thataway
Wall surrounding the Piazza dei Miracoli
The Leaning Tower of Pisa!!!

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa March 9th 2009

Hello all! The start of my winter break began with Pisa. Ben and I (along with two other IAU) students boarded a bus to Pisa/Florence at 10pm Thursday night (Feb. 26th). The bus trip lasted all night, and we arrived in Pisa at 6:45am. Not knowing where we were going, Ben and I debated between walking and riding the bus. In the end, we got bus tickets, but due to mass confusion with the directions given by our Bed and Breakfast, we ended up getting off only two stops away and walking an hour to find our room. This actually worked out to our advantage later, because we knew where to go, and in what direction all the major sites were in. Once there, we were exhausted, and despite being in a new city took a ... read more
Coming up the Stairs
Me and Pisa
View of Pisa

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa March 1st 2009

Before heading back to Rome from an exciting weekend we decided to take an hour train to a little town known as Pisa. Again like my first trip to Pisa two years earlier it was raining. Leaving the train station we hiked from one extreme side of the city where the train station was to the other extreme where Pisa and all the sights were. We walked 20 mins to reach the other side, to give you an idea of how big Pisa is. Arriving at this massive leaning tower, the 20 min walk was well worth it. We attempted to go up the Leaning Tower but they wanted us to dish out 15 euros, which quickly turned us away. The only thing poorer then a college student is a college student abroad. So we admired ... read more
Me kicking Pisa over
Laura holding Pisa up
Me balancing Pisa

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa March 1st 2009

I went to Pisa for the day with my friend Christina and her Undergrad program from when she studied in Florence. It was fun to spend the day somewhere else and go to a place that's close to Florence and a new place in Italy. Pisa is pretty and very similiar looking to Florence. It's about the same size and only around 45-60 minutes away by train. It was also a beautiful, sunny day that was around 60 degrees-gorgeous. Sorry for the beautiful weather for all of you in the snowy sad winter.... read more
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Photo 4

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa January 28th 2009

While visiting Florence, I took the opportunity one day to make the short train journey to Pisa for the obvious reason. Apart from the tower I knew nothing about Pisa, I hadn’t even bothered to consult my travel guide to see what else, if anything, was there. As far as I was concerned, Pisa owed it’s existence entirely to its tower and would otherwise be totally inconsequential. Indeed, had the tower not leaned, it would still be inconsequential; after all there must be plenty of towns in Italy with towers that no-one’s ever heard of. I began to gather during the journey that, in all likelihood, Pisa shared the river Arno with Florence, as we seemed to be trailing it all the way. I’m afraid I don’t have much time for the Arno, especially in Florence. ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa December 1st 2008

November 14-- Michelle and I took a day trip to Pisa! It was a 3 hour bus ride. We got in and were walking towards the city center when we saw our friend Eric sprinting down the middle of the street! They were such very small odds! Next, we headed to the tower and the couple of basicilicas surrounding it. Michelle's dream was to take pictures of tourists taking pictures holding the tower up, or pushing it over. We succeeded immensely, and I have the pictures to prove it. We walked everywhere we could without paying. We stopped at a market and bought some irrevelant tourist stuff. Including something for a certain grandmother hailing from Cleveland... We had an amazing lunch, surprisingly from a crappy food stand. I took a monumental picture of my hamburger knocking ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa November 4th 2008

Monday night continued We surfed the internet for a while and found a hotel, in a place called Ladispoli, down the coast from where we are now. Heading further South! Dinner was in the Hotel restaurant and was extremely nice. A starter of cured meats, was followed by Pork on a bed of spinach, and a local Tuscan dish, a pasta, with a meat sauce, followed by an apple tart with liquorice sauce and crepes with fresh fruit and vanilla custard. As we reached the table Pat had a complimentary glass of sparkling wine, later followed by another, then finally a glass of complimentary dessert wine. I had a diet coke. We surfed the net to try and find some accommodation, for later on around the Amalfi coast, we emailed a couple of people through owners ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa November 3rd 2008

Saturday night continued We went down to have something to eat about seven thirty. The restaurant, “the Pasta & Grill”, is another new experience for us. You are given a piece of paper with all the various food and drink options. You select your choices and then hand it in to the waitress. We got what we wanted, so must have done it right. We were given some tapenard as an appetiser and then had a buffet salad starter and vegetable soup, penne pasta carbonara and chicken breast with chips, and some cheese for dessert. All in all, not a bad meal. Sunday, 2nd November, 2008. Plan for today, more of Florence. We weren't to quick off the mark and left about elevenish, we had a coffee and croissant before we left the Hotel, as breakfast. ... read more

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