Blogs from Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, Europe - page 16


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa September 5th 2008

Well, as it turns out I didn't have too long to wait to (hopefully) catch up in my blog. Josh and I are currently in Pisa after Kristin left early this morning to meet up with her school group for their tours. Pisa, it turns out, isn't really too exciting of a town, which is why I'm once again on the internet (plus it's siesta time here). If you happen to remember from my plan of destinations, you would probably be wondering why I'm in Pisa when that definitely wasn't on the list. Weeell Josh and I have decided that we didn't like the plans we had after Rome and are now going to change them. We don't know exactly what they will change to yet, but that's OK. We're pretty much just planning on making ... read more
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa September 1st 2008

The first stop in our trip through Italy was Pisa. We landed late in the afternoon, and immediately picked up our bags and started walking to the city center. Our plan was to stay in Pisa only until around noon of the following day. Looking back I think that was enough, considering that our intention was not so much to get to know in detail each location, but to get a high level overview of Italy. In about 30 minutes we were able to find our way to the Hostel we had booked (Michele Guest House). We found that even though it was around 15 minutes away from the main attractions, it was really only 100 meters away from the railway station - very convenient. The young lady that met us (Michele herself maybe?) was very ... read more
Leaning Tower Nightshot
Leaning Tower Closeup

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa August 15th 2008

Ok the title is a wee bit cheesy but sure you will forgive me. Thanks to Ray we had a car booking from La Spezia for the next 10 days, perfect for exploring Tuscany. To be honest I dont think you can practically do it any other way. I know I keep going on about having a car, but, it is a luxury I hope I do not take for granted in future travels. Thankfully Ray decided driving in Italy would be fun. Other than being concerned for his mental state, I was grateful not having to drive, especially after the tourment dished out by the French. We didn't have to wait long for proof that the Italian drivers are as bad as the French. Driving along towards Pisa, an elderly gentleman pulled out and abruptly ... read more
View overlooking Florence

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa August 6th 2008

A new Pen stick has been sourced and we are back up and running. For quickness we have pulled together a few days and nights as we write from an Internet cafe in Lisbon.................................... Ended up at the port of Livorno yesterday and visited Pisa. A very strange site when we saw a buliding that had been built by Stewart Milne...........Very lop- sided. ps..........Mega Hot too We have hit a major problem.............. The USB memory stick has picked up a virus at one of the Internet cafeĀ“s we used so unless we get hold of another one we will not be able to post piccies!!... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa August 4th 2008

We landed in Pisa on a balmy night and made our way to the camping ground we had found on the Internet earlier that day. This was made easier by the kindness of strangers who helped point us in the right direction. Once we had checked in and set up our tent in the dark (which was no small feat, considering it was our first time setting up this particular tent), we made a bee-line for the restaurant to dine on some pizza. I had been saving myself for some Italian pizza, always forcing myself to avoid looking at that part of the menu when we ate in France. Pizza is my favourite of all foods, and I plan on it forming the basis of my diet whilst in Italy. It would be an understatement to ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 23rd 2008

Hey all, This is basically a short blog just so my lil map says i've been to pisa! This was a stop over on the way to Florence. I literaly got to the train station, saw that i had and hour and half to get to the tower before the next train and then made a mad dash to the tower....with my backpack still was sooo heavy, so heavy. About 5 mins into it i regretted being cheap and not renting the locker. I met two irish girls who were awesome and led me to the tower all along chatting about italy, australia and how we were exploiting pisa by just seeing the tower..all in the funny accent of course! Got to the tower, ditched the pack, took the pushing photos and left struggling again ... read more
Me contributing to the lean

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 22nd 2008

Hullo! The train over from Cinque Terre to Florence stopped at Pisa, so the guys decided to take an hour and a half detour and see the leaning tower. It was about 20 minutes from the train station, so the three of us donned our backpacks and trekked over. Lots of tourists were in the area, but we got a couple good pictures in and marvelled at the fact that, yes, it's still leaning. Weird. We walked around for 5 more minutes, realized we needed to buy tickets to do anything else, and headed back in time for the next train to Firenze! Detour: success!... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 17th 2008

Ok lets face it...Pisa is a boring place! Once you've seen the tower, you've seen everything! Surrounded by LOTS of tourists and of course tourist stalls that only sell stuff you definitely WON'T need, I am not even sure you want to see that. Ok... a walk along the river ain't that bad, but if you have to decide how much time to spend in Pisa and at other places as f.e. Verona there is no way you wanna spend one more second in Pisa! So please do yourself a favour and delete Pisa from your travel plan and add "more time to spend in Verona". Why? Because this place is B E A U T I F U L! Not only the fact that you can see the real balcony of Juliet (sorry ladies, Romeo ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 15th 2008

here we are in Rome! lauren and i are having a great time here in europe. i love all of it but especially switzerland (probably because it rained so much) i dont have much time but i wanted to let you know we are just fine and loving it here. we even found some houses on our house hunt in tuscany. more soon and much love mindy... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 9th 2008

Today we started the Italian part of the tour! It was a beautiful hot day again. We left Nice and dropped in at Monaco for a short while. We went inside the cathedral where Princess Grace is buried. We also saw the palace of the Grimaldis, the flag was flying which meant that Prince Albert was in town. We then drove on to Pisa! Coaches aren't allowed to get too close to the tower anymore because they are so heavy so we got off the coach at a carpark and then headed in by a little street train. Once near the tower we were left to our own devices for an hour or so. We walked through all the stalls to the tower (the place was really busy) and we took photos. We tried to take ... read more
Mum at Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa

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