Blogs from Meteora, Thessaly, Greece, Europe - page 13


Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora July 19th 2005

Hi Guys, here's Greece!... read more
On the high seas
The Girls
Sailing into Corfu Town

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora July 3rd 2005

Hey Everyone, well im about halfway through my amazing whirlwind Top Deck trip around Europe, havent been away long, but feel like its been a month!! So far seen Paris, France - Really good, have to go back to see more, Hiked up the Eiffel Tower, views are amazing! saw Monmartre and Sacre Coeur which I loved, did a big wonder around, then had a picnic dinner by the Tower, and a boozy river cruise down the Seine at night, my 'excusie moi monsieur' very authentic (worth 6 months of french lessons!) Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland - Rreally Really awesome, went up and played in the snow up the Jungfrau mountains, the views are amazing, had heaps of fun with everyone on the trip, because were were staying at a camp site soon became like school camp, lots ... read more

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora June 26th 2005

Sailing Holidays South-North Ionian Flotilla Sunday 26th June 2005 to Sunday 10th July 2005 What a great fortnight! Sailing our 27ft Jaguar Pandora (one of the special converted Shaguars) from Sivota on Lefkas up to Plataria on the Greek Mainland. Thanks to Martin, Kerris and Gavin on the good ship Helen for helping to make it such a great holiday, and to all the rest of the gang on the flot. Jim and Lesley (Pandora) ... read more

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora May 9th 2005

Slept in till 8 this morning and had another great breakfast - I love their yoghurt! Amanda wandered in slightly embarrased, but said she felt surprisingly fine after a decent sleep. We all caught the 10.30 bus into town, which was good cause we got to see a lot of the island. Amanda said that it was very different to what she expected too, so I wasn't the only one who thought it's be a lot greener and more 'tropical'. The town of Mykonos is amazing, with all the white buildings with blue roofs, like in the postcards. We all separated and wandered around the narrow streets, taking photos and getting lost. I climbed up to this tower thing to get some good photos over the rooftops, but the view wasn't as good as I'd expected ... read more

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora April 4th 2005

A Meteora talán Görögország leglátogatottabb része, nem véletlenül. A természet ismét fantasztikus dolgokat tartogat itt a számunkra. A tornyokként álló sziklák valaha a tenger fenekén helyezkedtek el. Úgy 10 millió éve függőleges irányú mozgások az egész környéket kiemelték a tengerből. Ugyanezen erők hatására a szomszédos hegyek közelebb csúsztak, így az üledékre hatalmas nyomás nehezedett, hálószerű törések és repedések alakultak ki, amit az időjárás, erózió tovább mélyített, kialakítva az ég felé nyúló tornyokat. A 11. században remeték éltek a sziklák között, majd a 14. században, ahogy a törökök ereje egyre növekedett és egyre többször látogattak el errefelé, a szerzetesek nyugodtabb helyeket kerestek, és így húzódtak a tornyok tetejére, hogy megközelíthetetlenek legyenek. Az első kolostorokat egymásra kötözött, felhúzható létrákon lehetett megközelíteni. Később kis kosár... read more
A Nagy Meteora kolostor
A régi konyha
Felvonó régen

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora April 4th 2005

Looking over the plains of Thessaly in the centre of Greece is an area of amazing rock formations, made yet still more impressive by the addition of monasteries perched on the top of some of the 400m columns of rock. Meteora so good Linkin Park named an album after it. Geologically the place was formed by the movement upwards of a ancient sea bed or river delta, then subsequent earth quakes and erosion. Though originally founded before the Ottoman empire reached the region, during the height of the occupation monks came to the remote monasteries to be able to practice their religion. The impression on the traveller is amazement - "how did people back in the 1400's get to the top of these towers of rock to build these monasteries?" and awe - "wow - this ... read more
Meteora Rocks
Holy Meteora
Holy Monastery of Grand Meteoron

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora March 30th 2005

Our holiday on Corfu was one to remember - these photos could accompany a travel story I've written.... read more

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora February 16th 2005

A Transzbalkán Expressz, vagyis életünk leghosszabb vonatútja. Pesten vettük meg a vonatjegyet, és már itt nem stimmelt minden, mert nem volt retúr jegy, csak úgy, ha max. 2 hónapra vesszük meg, de mi 2 és fél hónapot terveztünk eltölteni Thessalonikiben. Úgyhogy csak oda jegyet tudtunk venni, ami majdnem annyiba kerül, mint a retúr. Bár ezt minden kisasszony másképp tudta. Vonatunk este negyed 8-kor indult a Keletiből. Kb. 11-ig aludtunk, másnap dél körül értünk Bukarestbe. A város előtt hihetetlenül nagy szemétdomb éktelenkedett. Majd a nap eseménytelenül zajlott, elértük a román-bolgár határt, a Dunát. Azt hiszem, ez volt utunk fénypontja, mert egy ilyen 36 órás út veszettül hosszú és az ember nagyon kicsi helyre van bezárva. Este értük el Szófiát és a hegyeket, ahol ismét megjelent a hó. Jókat lehet aludni a vonaton, csak a nagyobb fékezéseknél ... read more
A Duna

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora December 27th 2004

CORFU (Oct 4) We docked in Corfu around 5 am with no accommodations booked. Most young travelers go to the party resort called the Pink Palace. It caters to booze guzzling twenty something travelers looking to party and perhaps share a little love. We wanted nothing to do with the place. However, by the time the ferry hit the unwelcoming port, the man standing at the port with a minivan and “PINK PALACE” sign somehow became very appealing. Next thing we knew, we walked onto the bus like zombies. As it turned out, the Pink Palace was not that bad, and relatively quiet; there was 300 people staying there as opposed to the regular 800 to 1000! We had to do a shot of pink Sambucca upon arrival at 6am and then slept for the majority ... read more
The view from the patio in Corfu
Smoggy Monument
A closer view

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora October 14th 2004

The Mainland. Here's our adventures so far on the mainland of greece. Athens to Thessaloniki and down to the Pelaponnese. More to come in Corfu and from Igomenitsa to Meteora and Thessaloniki again. GREEK INSIGHT: It seems, in their attempt to be helpful, Greeks will tell you how to get "THERE" even when "THERE" isn't "THERE", it's "HERE". But 'Greek-in-question'has never even heard of "THERE" only "SOMEWHERE" or "HERE" but never "THERE". Instead of saying "I don't know where "THERE" is he will pull the answer out of his butt and smile while he tells you that "SOMEWHERE" is indeed "THERE". After all he's got a 25% chance of being right as "THERE" can only be right, left back or straight ahead of "HERE" and assuming you take his advice you're too lost to find him ... read more

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