Blogs from Hesse, Germany, Europe - page 10


Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 19th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195Last day in Frankfurt. 10.20am is not generally known for drag queens but there they were in all their finery. Unfortunately no pics.... read more
Shopping centre
Roast ham

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 19th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195Have decided that we will stick by Malaysian airways. Putin is a monster that I will not bow down to. It's a gay day here in Frankfurt.... read more
White poofs
A beautiful day

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Hanau July 18th 2014

It has arrived -- our last day. What an absolutely amazing time we have had. We tried to make a list of our top 10 favorites but neither of us could limit it to 10. So the last list will be of our top 10ish trip highlights. Bullfight (both) Boating through Amsterdam on the canals (both) Standing at the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Jan) Crossing the Atlantic by boat (Jerry) Statue of David (both) Bicycling around Holland on the dikes (both) Venice (Jan) Deutches Museum in Munich (Jerry) Rhine River cruise (both) Gondola ride and view in Austria (both) Rock of Gibraltar (both) ZZ Top Concert (both) The most unusual city of Amsterdam (both) Bike paths throughout Europe (Jan) Being inside a windmill (Jerry) Public transportation systems, ease of riding around on trains and buses (Jan) ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 18th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195No plans as yet to change airline home... read more
Prost 2
City hall

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 18th 2014

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 18th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195Great night out with James who introduced me to copious amounts of Apfelwein or apple wine. Similar to a flat cider. Can't recall what I ate but it was yummy and thankfully the head this morning was fine.Woke up to the horrible news of yet another tragedy for Malaysian airlines. What is it with us and disasters every time we travel?Bought a new pair of trainers as I could not walk another step in my DM's.It's a lovely 31c so nice to be warm.... read more
Near city hall again

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 18th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195So we've purchased our lederhosen ready to celebrate CSD here in Frankfurt.Seriously....have you seen our legs?Plenty of drag queens, beer and food. Not a lot to report on this one.... read more

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Hanau July 17th 2014

We had so much fun on the Rhine River that we decided to take the cruise upriver on the Main River. The pictures speak for themselves. Later that evening back at the house we had a visitor - Bruni. She is a neighbor who has volunteered to take us to the airport on Saturday. We had an interesting visit with her and look forward to the drive on Saturday morning, so much nicer than a taxi.... read more
Cathedral on the river bank
Modern day castle?
Not a castle - a power plant using coal

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt July 17th 2014

Geo: 50.0924, 8.68195Frankfurt am main. Or Mainhatten as it is nicknamed, due to its glass skyscrapers. Unfortunately 80% of Frankfurt was bombed during WWII so hideous 50's architecture is everywhere. It's a beautiful sunny warm day and already we've covered 6km on foot. Sitting in Romeberg square having a rather large stein to ward off the heat.Omg! The religious convention people have just appeared. "Chris, grab me that scarf from the stall behind you. I need to disguise myself" Tomorrow is Christopher Street Day named after the gay riots at the Stonewall Inn NYC 1969. Rainbow flags are everywhere and the festivities look as though they'll be fun and the German people are not known for their prudishness. What timing! Met a couple from Melbourne well worn but well travelled. Walked on and through a flower ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hesse » Hanau July 16th 2014

One more road trip this time to the village of Seligenstadt only about 30 kilometers away. It was a pretty drive through the country and by a lake. We wished we would have known about the lake earlier in our stay, we could have ridden our bikes there. Oh well, you always should leave something for the next time. As we neared the town suddenly the road came to a stop right at the river's edge. Ohhhh there is a small ferry to take you the rest of the way. Funny we didn't see any signs about a ferry. So we wandered through the town which had many more half timber houses and a very large Abbey. Apparently the monks make bread on Thursday to sell to visitors--today was Wednesday, darn! The abbey has a beautiful ... read more
The Road Ends
Welcome to Seligenstadt

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