Blogs from Bremen, Germany, Europe - page 8


Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen June 10th 2008

Bremen Hello Everyone! Over the past 3 years I have taken many pictures in Bremen, and I have finally decided to upload them. Note: Many of the pictures were taken by my host family and friends! ----------- Hola a todos! En los ultimos 3 años tome muchas fotos en Bremen, y por fin decidi ponerlas en el internet. Atencion: Muchas fotos fueron tomadas por mi familia en Alemania y amigos! ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen April 22nd 2008

Morning: Woke up at 10am this morning and we decided to take our breakfast when we go out to the city. Left at abt 12pm and walked all the way to the town area. We have to cross 2 big rivers of Bremen and the sights are pretty. Afternoon: We were getting quite hungry so we stopped at the usual quick bites Doner Durum and ordered a chicken wrap and it was really huge and filling. After that we started our tour of the town and entered the St Petri Dom (St Peter's Church) which looks really huge inside w beautiful interiors. Bought some nice postcards from the shop inside and walked thru their free museum which is pretty interesting. We stepped out and walked past the Stadhuis and finally saw the Musicians of Bremen bronze ... read more
Inside St Petri Dom
The Musicians of Bremen
The Musicians of Bremen 2

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen April 22nd 2008

Und schnuppdiwupp, schon hatte die letzte Woche begonnen. Der Montag war fliegerisch nichts Besonderes, mal wieder eine Runde Kratzen am Berg plus Landung im Bombout. Dafür war der Dienstag umso besser. Ich hatte keine großen Erwartungen, hing eine ganze Weile am Start herum, bis ich mich endlich in die Luft begab. Am Anfang war mal wieder Kratzen angesagt, aber dann begann sich etwas zu regen, ein enger Bart. Diesmal biss ich, mit Funkunterstützung durch Tigran, richtig an. Je weiter ich nach oben kam, desto einfacher wurde es. 800 Meter über dem Start war ich dann beinahe an der Wolkenbasis. Da schöne Thermikwölkchen am Himmel standen, war das Obenbleiben ein Kinderspiel. Ich machte mich auf den Weg nach Norden, Richtung Barraba, und kam mit dem Rückenwind gut voran. Als ich beim etwa 15 Kilometer entfernten Split Rock ... read more
Der Bungalow
Lee und Holly
Die Crew vom Pub in Manilla

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen April 20th 2008

Morning: Today we will pack our bags and leave The Netherlands, the land of windmills and tulips and enter Germany, the land of sausages (oops!). We woke up at 9am and quickly got ready and head out to the nearby Vondelpark. It is situated right behind where we stayed so it's really just a few steps walk only. We went into the Vondel church first to take a quick look and then walked to the Film Museum inside the park to have a glimpse of what's on inside. Interesting info and nice merchandise inside but can't afford to buy any of them so took some free pamphlets and newspapers to read along the way cos it was their Amsterdam's film festival too. We started strolling in Vondelpark and it's bustling w people cycling, blading, kids playing, ... read more
Vonder Church Interior ceiling
Film Museum
At the Vondelpark

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen March 27th 2008

Hola!!! Pues que creen, ando por aca por Alemania, en realidad abri este blog para poder hacer las cosas mas faciles y para que todos pudieran estar enterados un poquito de lo que ando haciendo por aca por la zona alemana... Pues les cuento un poquito, hace tres semanas que empezamos este viaje y con el pretexto un poquito de que no teniamos clases hasta finales de marzo, pues decidimos convencer a nuestros padres de que amablemente nos invitaran un viajecin backpackero por las europas, jejeje, sip, lo conseguimos, pues le cuento primero los lugares y poco a poco les ire contando de cada una de las ciudades en que hemos estado, claro esta que con sus respectivas fotos y con los comentarios que considere bueno contarles... Pues nada mas por el momento, los quiero, les ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen March 13th 2008

0845 IC2320@Wuppertal Hbf 天陰   看來是一個極度工業化的「部落」,很吸引啊……   坐上ICE/IC,罪疚感會稍輕一點……   幸好可以即時check-in,安置好東西後即刻去沖涼……先計算一下,3天沒有洗澡,2天半沒有洗頭(OMG!)(已計算時差在內),3天內正式入睡的時間,恐怕不足10小時。   跟自己說,無論怎樣,都要先睡1小時才說,醒後掙扎了一會,才肯出發去Bremen。   最騎呢是在Bremen買了Dortmund的襟章,店員說了一句說話,我打了個問號,他跟另外一人說了另一句話,這下我聽得明了,就是「他不懂德語」,唉。   老實說,當發現IC車內暖洋洋的,便已覺得沒有後悔外出了。坐IC感覺比ICE還要快,可能因為夠嘈。   Bremen Hbf的觀感與04年印象相差很遠,現在看來更像Köln Hbf。   來到Bremen才發現今天輪到Werder Bremen踢UEFA Cup,到訪者是Glasgow Rangers,它們的球迷一塌糊塗的,幾乎弄跌了踏單車的老伯,在河邊跟我說瘋話時,竟然覺得手臂灼痛,嚇得以為他用煙蒂燒我的外套。還有當街表演自己人打架,幾乎把我推出馬路……   去到Weser-Stadion空手而回是意料中事,它們完全沒有個人主義的產品,而我想要的只是Torsten Frings。一路上總覺得綠色車子特別多,回頭一段改行河邊,踏著草坪,望著日落下被漲潮淹了一半的長椅時,別有一番滋味。   也許是太過辛苦,"2nd-stop symptom"似乎提早來到,是IC/ICE/草地令我開始舒懷一點。 ... read more
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen February 24th 2008

Hallo an alle, Joe and I just got back from Bremen, and although I liked it there, I am SO glad to be home (Joe just noticed we have begun to call Hamburg home). Bremen was very beautiful, however not my type of city. It is very scenic there, with beautiful really old buildings dating back as old as 751, and it doesn't look at all like a city; nothing like Hamburg whatsoever. We also discovered upon arrival that there are no U Bahns, at all. We had to take cabs everywhere, but at least they were all Mercedes! Makes sense, since the factory is there. Apparently, as the taxi driver was explaining to us, the water table is too high to have an underground anything. This confuses me, because the city is on the Weser, ... read more
Our room

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen November 16th 2007

We didnát have english class Fridaz morning so we slept in. I woke up and did mz art paper, hung around the house--just relaxed. Around noon it hit me that I should probablz pack for Germanz. Me, sara, and mark were actuallly going to this Bremen place we still werenát sure actually existed. I was being terribly unproductive. I didnát pack, shower, or finish my art paper. and I was leaving at 1.30. whz was our bus elaving at 2 when our flight didnát leave until8? oh, zea, we let a boz bhandle that. haha I finished mz work and started packing, running out of time, i didnát shower. Sara and I got to the bus stop that was taking us to the airport ridiculous early. No mark...Heidi and Andrea were there to go to Barcelona. ... read more
our giraffes
the market at night
the market he next morning

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen September 8th 2007

hey everyone! WE just got a cable in our room for internet so I finally got on tonight and uploaded some pictures....of course of the ship and some of rehersals onboard and my castmates.. things here are still intense. We are rehersing all day and night, with lunch and dinner breaks..and sometimes time for a nap in between. Its long and really hard but we are almost done our 3rd show. I have a tap duet with laura in this show, kinda a stomp type number its really fun...and of course still working on the irish but its all coming along. Still waiting on a female singer but otherwise things are good. We have been getting off the ship when we can and going into papenburg but there really isnt much here:( at all! We are ... read more
cast dinner
out for a drink in papenburg

Europe » Germany » Bremen » Bremen September 1st 2007

hey everyone! I finally got an internet card and now I am sitting down to write everyone to say....well its been an interesting trip to Germany to say the least....where should I start..... Well before I left Nashville I got a bit of a head cold so that was not fun flying as you can imagine:) my head was so sore and felt like it was going to explode at the altitude we where flying at...and of course 8 hours later....did not help:( we took 3 flights and finally got to Papenburg was a long!!!!!! we got to the ship....and its really really really amazing....its still underconstruction but its coming along nicely. The first couple days were really hard tho and I was homesick...maybe it was the time change and food or me being ... read more

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