Blogs from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe - page 120


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich April 17th 2005

Well guys i am in Munich now. So far Germany seems really cool....the food and the beer are so good. In fact there isn,t really too many sites here...just alot of statues and beer halls. In case it,s pouring rain right now so i,ll be inside chillin at the beer hall for a while. Later in the day the rain cleared up however and I had a great time sitting in a beer garden watching a Bavarian band. Then at nite I went on a brewery tour that lasted into the early hours were we ended up at some club with a rock band playing Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park covers. And the crowd was a good 200 strong rockin out. ... read more
bavarian band

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich April 15th 2005

ok, leaving off from rome sightseeing. it was one of the guy's birthday so we had a fun night at the bar at the campsite. we stay in cabins most of the time. so far it's been between 2 and 5 people. some have bathrooms, otherwise it's a communal toilet block. oh by the way, italy doesn't use toilet seats!! just the cold porcelain bowl - very uncomfortable but oh well. anyway, greg's birthday was good. he turned 19 and was not too well the next day but he definitely had fun the night before!! i wasn't going to stay long - onlq til they played a bad song, but they never did. left rome and went to venice. i'm in love with that city. it's gorgeous - so romantic. we went in at about 3ish ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich March 19th 2005

Sometimes you go to something and you wish you hadn't. Sometimes, like last night, you go to something and wish you had gone in for a root canal instead. It gives new meaning to the old Heinrich Boell short story, Der Politische Zahnarzt ("The Political Dentist"); in that story, Boell complains about how Germans always have to start every encounter with foreigners by arguing Hitler's historical uniqueness, pulling a rhetorical tooth that causes many foreigners to want to relativize Nazi crimes (a quaint concern in light of today's full-blown relativization that has towns like Nuremberg and Dresden observing both their destruction and their "liberation" by allied forces). A diplomatic gadfly invited us to see the curiosities of his home town and then have dinner at his house. My staff assured me that the trip to the ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich March 4th 2005

Germany lives in a fantasy world -- it's a kind of Emperor's New Clothes story, but there are no little boys, so nobody ever sees past the transparent lies of the con-artists. Just look at the new BMW 3-series, introduced with a lavish floor show on March 3 in the old bicycle stadium at the Munich Olmpic Park. The show started with a warmup bit of patter byMonica Lierhaus, a lithe German sportscaster of 25 or so in a series of sculpting, slit-skirted dresses. She talked about how carefully she normally evaluates requests to endorse products, only wanting to endorse products she personally knows and cares about (gimme a break!), but how easy it was to agree to endorse the new Beemer because she has always loved them and drives them herself (gag me!). Then she ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich February 28th 2005

Just spent 3 nights in Munich and it wasn’t enough. What a fun town. There is so much to see and do. We (did I mention Claude is here? YAY!) managed to pack in a lot of sightseeing during our short stay. We visited Nymphenburg Palace where the Wittelsbach family spent their summers. There is a canal that divides the boulevard leading to the palace and there were people actually curling on it. Of course we also took in the Glockenspiel “show” at the Neues Rathaus (New City Hall) at Marienplatz. Every day at 11AM this glockenspiel performs a tournament story where the figures parade, joust and dance. The highlight was a walking tour of the Altstadt (Old City) where the guide showed us lots of historical sights, shopping, parks and of course beer halls. No ... read more
Nymphenberg Palace
Curlers on the canal

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 26th 2005

Sounds crazy but when you meet Katy's mom your only option is to eat like crazy. I ate 2 huge lunches at their house and didn't have to eat again, but of course we did. We drank a great meal at the HofBrauHouse. We spent one day visiting Ludwig's catles, very nice and super snowy. We visited Dachau (a concentration camp) on the 60 aniversary of Auschwitz, very sobering. Overall Munich proved to be a vry fun place to visit and it lived up to my expectations that all of Germany should eb covered in snow...... read more
Snow infront of Ludwig's residence
Katy with the funny snow formation

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 18th 2004

I had the opportunity to go to Oktoberfest in Munchen, Germany. I was not about to pass that up. It was a blast, though one day of that fun was all I can handle.... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 17th 2004

Up at 6:15am this morning, which was way too early, though I was first in the showers, which was the best thing. I was fully refreshed then when we all had breakfast. Today we depart Venice and head through the Austria Tyrol, passing Innsbruck, and onto München (Munich), the capital of Bavaria, in Germany. We stopped off at Krisallwelten Crystal Gallery, just past Innsbruck, the capital of the Austrian Tyrol. This was a weird place, as it wasn't actually clear why it was there. It was more an exhibition place on crystals, where you could buy pretty much anything in crystal. I bought a small crystal for 30 euros, and it looks really good in the sunlight. From here we had a few photo stops, and then arrived at München at around 4pm. Our first port ... read more
Austrian Tyrol
Austrian Tyrol
Austrian Tyrol

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich August 14th 2004

0846 Deutsches Museum入口外 雨   回München的路上已經很睏,到旅舍已是11:20,另外兩人也睡了,只好洗了腳便睡。是因為今天下午的球賽吧,久久不能入睡,同時又心想過了今晚便要離開München,很是捨不得。 1239 3/F Deutsches Museum   「文盲」的好處是可以不用留心看每一段解說,花了約三個半小時,大致上博物館裡想看的都已經參觀過了。這裡多實物展出不在話下,更優勝之處是有很多情景模型。想起香港科學館……一輛飛機……唉。   今早乘S-Bahn時打開簡介才發現這主要是一所科學、技術的博物館,本來想臨陣退縮的,但再看書的介紹,說它是全球同類型中最大的,最後才沒有改變主意,幸好也「不負所託」。   我九時入場時只有十來人在等候,但先前在某一展覽廳往入口廣場再看,竟然大排長龍,今次可謂有眼不識泰山。 炎熱或大雨時候看博物館最好不過,印象最深的是火車模型示範,連on-board camera也出動,厲害。 Bundesliga: FC Bayern München v Hertha BSC Berlin~ The First Match of the Last Season in Olympiastadion 來到U- Bahn站,已見有一班又一班拜仁球迷集結,此時問題來了──怎樣購票?那是我首次乘坐(要購票的)U- Bahn(「法蘭克福時代」搭錯車的可不算數)!問了數人,終於有一位拖著孩子的男人教我(忘了是他還是他的孩子,身穿了拜仁上一代白色'T-Mobile'字樣的作客球衣,因此我才敢向他們求助)。 到了Olympia Zenturm站,球迷兵團沉靜得很,只是從月台上電梯時間中聽到一兩句歌聲。走上地面,根本不用怕迷路,跟著大隊行便是了。沿著天橋橫過公路,開始見到「黃牛黨」。進入奧林匹克公園,仍然刮風下雨。不知再走了多久,終於到達奧林匹克球場。不得了,一定要立即找人為我拍照。 找到自己的座位,球場大熒幕宣佈上季最受球迷歡迎球員獎由Roy M... read more
Façade of Deutsches Museum
Real Thing...
Fake...But I Like Them

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich August 12th 2004

FC BAYERN TRAINING@SÄBENER STRAßE 1443 ICE 1090 München-Pasing   昨晚那台灣客又夠搞笑的,自己是最後一人上床也不關燈,我想那兩名Dortmund人正在苦笑,我唯有自告奮勇爬下床關燈好了。夜晚9時才飲可樂,所以遲了入睡。   昨天之前的行程設計是Füssen,但清早起來又想,我可以先到Säbenerstraße看Bayern的練習,之後可以到車程較近的Augsburg+Nürnberg,豈非一舉數得?   S-Bahn離基地很遠,我帶來的簡圖只有幾條主要大街,中間的路要自由發揮。雖然被一條L型的街擺了一道,但還是給我摸上了。 在發現自己即將摸對了門、從側門進入場地,發現越來越多的球迷時,腦裡想著的是:我竟然到了二十多歲才學那些小孩子去追星!!   網頁說練習9:00開始,我到場時已經是9:25,但仍未見球員出現。我見大門口有一大堆人聚集,於是也跟了上去,又無端給我鑽進了最前的位置,但又有何用?等了很久,球員從另一個出口進場,我只好先上商店,買了Frings的金色球衣(€75!!),可惜長袖版還有約4星期才上市,等不及了。   我再走到場邊,望了很久也不見Scholl的蹤影。我左邊的女人(傳媒是嗎?)架起「大炮」,不斷轉來轉去發炮,有時鏡頭幾乎架在我的頭上。我問她"Ist Mehmet Scholl nicht hier"她說不在,因為「他年過三十。」唉! 1500 ICE 1090 (con’t)之後換場作盤扭練習,我最想看的Frings,Salihamidzic常背向我,我們給鐵絲網隔著,拍照很不方便。最好笑的是當Santa Cruz入球時,對面立即會有一班女士尖叫;Salihamidzic本來一直背著我們的,但當有小孩用極嬌嗔的語氣叫'Brazzo'時,他也忍不住轉過臉來露一露有趣的笑容。 當天的程序是這樣的:一隊球員魚貫進場,擁有最多歡呼聲的是Michael Ballack,之後便要數到Roy Makaay。首先在旁邊草... read more
Bayern Fan Shop
Wealthy Dad, Poor Dad?
Where My Jersey Comes From

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