Blogs from Île-de-France, France, Europe - page 485


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 23rd 2005

Today was the last day in Paris, and the first with Internet. With an expired museum pass, we were left with the Eiffel Tower and shopping. So we started with the tower. Took the elevator to the top... wow is that a view. I didn't remember it being so high. Mike kept sticking his arm out the gate to take pictures and it was making me nervous. It didn't make me as nervous as the line to buy tickets, though. It was one of those Disney World lines that wrapped around so much that you weren't quite sure what you were getting in line for at the end b/c you couldn't see the entrance. After the top of the tower, we went to each of the 3 stages. On the second, we grabbed a super hot ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 22nd 2005

First was the boulangerie I keep smelling around here. Awesome. We got up early to go to the Louvre, so we went there and the line was insane b/c it hadn't opened yet for some reason. We gave up on that and went to the Centre Pompidou for some modern art. After all, we did have a museum pass. I fail to understand how most of that stuff is art. It's how I might want my living room to look, but Target has the same designs! Maybe I just can't appreciate a huge canvas painted solid blue. The building was pretty cool, though, as was the square. We had lunch in the Toulleries, and that was very picturesque. We then headed back out to the Louvre. The line was much better, but the Japanese tourists were ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 20th 2005

This is Ben and Nate and Jen and we found a web kiosk in the airport here in Paris. We want everyone to know that we are safe and well and super tired! We will certainly write again when we get to Chennai. Love, Ben Hello to all!!!!! We are in Paris!!!! Nothing much to say yet. The flight was long from JFK...even longer flight awaits us to Chennai. God has protected us so far and we can,t wait to meet Paul and the disciples in India!! Jen Hey all, Nasty Nate here, it's very early here and I am tired beyond all belief. The flight was long and the "night" only lasted about three hours which was weird. All is well right now for now but there are no guarantees for the future. Pray that ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 19th 2005

It's actually Paris Day 5 but I just got the Internet working. Day 1 we basically were really really tired after emerging from the chunnel. We struggled with the Metro b/c the billet machines were very unkind and the station was very very busy. My french was beginning to be tested as I had to figure out what metro pass I needed. I got carte d'oranges for Mike and I and we were set for the entire time here. After finding the hotel, right beside the Arc de Triumph, we took naps. After that we headed out to the Champs Elysees to sit at a cafe for dinner. We headed to a bar after that and had some wine and glace (ice cream... chocolate of course). Then went back to sleep. The bulk of the day ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau June 18th 2005

On our way home - not happy but unfortunately the time does come round and you have to bite the bullet and accept you can do nothing about it. The weather back home was dull and miserable and I knew I would miss the French weather and the way of life that went with it. I would have to resort to Tesco french baguettes and croissants to remind me of a way of life I love and wish I could take more of it in. Work gets in the way of travel unless you are very rich or don't give a damn and throw caution to the wind and set off into the sunset. Perhaps retirement when it comes will give us the opportunity of our missed gap year. We booked a hotel close to Fontainebleu ... read more
American Cemetery Suresnes

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 17th 2005

I usually create independent entries for my personal journal and this blog, but in this case, I'm posting an edited version of my private journal I guess I'm doing Paris kind of backwards. My last day in Paris, and only now do I go to the Eiffel Tower. I was convinced last night to do the tower the "authentic" way. Let me tell you, those 600 or so steps to platform 2 were definitely authentic - brutally so. This morning's trip on the metro was rather eventful as well. You see, with the Carte-Orange, you're supposed to attach a photo to the card, sign your name, etc. Lets just say I neglected that part, and had the fortune of running into Metro enforcement. It was quite an experience trying to talk myself out of a ... read more
Meal with the Locals
View of the Seine
L'Arc Triomphe

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 16th 2005

Hey everyone... Sorry i havent been updating in a while...kinda hard to get time to write anymore. And for those of you who were wondering, i havent gotten robbed yet. Paris is awesome. What a beautiful city. And the people, very friendly and willing to help out. I did almost everything: went to the top of the eiffel tower, saw the louvre, and the busiest roundabout in the world - the arc de triumphe, and also Notre Dame. I couldnt get enough of the food here: crepes, baguettes, paninni and more. I have some bad news though, somehow my lcd screen of my camera broke, so i cant see the pics i take until i hook it up on my mac. =(... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 16th 2005

The 24 euro night's sleep was definitely better than the 13 pound's night's sleep. I actually felt rested this morning.... I wouldn't say I'm in love with Paris, but I'm definitely loking this place. I got a bit of a late start today (walked out at 8:50). The first stop was the Louvre. Now that place I am in love with. Just the building alone. If it was initially built as a fort, it doesn't show. I especially like the Apartments of Napolean III. The fellow knew how to live. Burgandy walls, what I presume to be gold-leafed moulding, elaborately painted ceilings, etc. I won't even get started on the paintings. It was interesting to see the one of Napolean's coronation up close. It doesn't look like much in textbooks, but the thing's massive. Lunch was ... read more
Mona Lisa
Living in Style

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 13th 2005

I'm still alive! And still in France. Since the knowledge that all of my classmates are in the thick summer right now, things have felt diffrent. Another big change was getting settled in a new apartment. My trusty home of 317 Vaugirard was cleaned out and abanoned, and I hauled all my stuff to an apartment on the outer edge of southern Paris. Bertrand, the exchange student who went to Calarts has retured to Gobelins with a gorgeous film and familiar stories. In a few days my flatmate will move in, a 50 year old Chinese fellow named Ming. I don't have telephone, internet, or a mailbox, and the metro station is a fair walk away. All of these changes mark the last leg of my France stay and give life totally diffrent flavor. I spent ... read more
The lawn
Bonlieu Theatre

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 12th 2005

As we write our third installment of the blog, we would like to welcome several new readers to the blog who have been added and tell everyone that our trip is still going marvelously. Right now, we are sitting on a train from Paris to Amsterdam (Jacob is napping…surprise surprise) as I sit and have my second espresso (a definite new favorite) of the morning. Between the two of us we churned out a little description of our four full days in Paris. We know its long, but we hope you enjoy our musings wherever you may be reading them. As to pictures, many are finally up and others are loading as you read this on our pic site at and although many do not have titles feel free to just scroll and enjoy. If ... read more

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