Blogs from Czech Republic, Europe - page 277


Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 13th 2005

So, in Berlin I couldn't figure out the computer I was using so I didn't update. We had a good time there. We saw most of the monuments and cathedrals and castles and and and and and there. We went to the underground headquarters of the Gustapo, the Wall, and Checkpoint Charlie. I went to several museums that were fantastic. i saw so many Vemeers, Rembrandts, Van Eyke, Botecelli, Carravagio and so many others that I can't even mention them all. I also got to see the Temple of Zeus and the Ischar Gate of Bablyon! I was absolutely amazing!!! The next day we took a tour of Sauchenhausen (a concentration camp). That was facinating and the guide was great. We experienced a bit of the famous Berlin nightlife. They dance worse that me...which says a ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 13th 2005

The best day of the year. If you don't believe this, just ask Nancy. Of course everyone in the world has this date on their calendar saying "Best Day"-- relax, have fun. This morning I asked a dear little boy named Brandon if he knew what day this was. He said, Saturday? I said, no it is Monday but it is my birthday too. He immediately asked, What kind of cake will you have? I told him Johanna got me a piece of Czech cake yesterday and that it was very good but I would not have a big cake. He then asked what I would do, I said I would work in the library. He looked strained. Then he said, Will you need a gift? It was obvious he was thinking about the need for ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 12th 2005

Cemeteries always bring to my mind my own mortality. I expect it is the same with others. Today Nancy, Johanna and I took a long walk through the Sarka Valley and then up a trail into a residential area of Prague. There is a church on a high point there, visible for miles in the direction of the seminary. We walked to the church, which was locked, and then through the cemetery. European cemeteries have quite a different look than those I am familiar with in the States. The families take a much more active role in attending the gravesites by planting flowers or other plants where there is soil. Many are totally covered by stone or cement coverings. After strolling through the cemetery Johanna took us to a nearby restaurant, a real family run business, ... read more
More grief.
The dessert shop.

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 12th 2005

Well We thought it was about time you all heard from me and some of my thoughts on the journey so far. The cycling has got a lot easier even though i will never catch up with Robin, he does stop quite a lot to look at birds and this gives me the chance to catch him. My legs have got much stronger and my calves will never look the same again. I think we are eating enough too which is great and we have really enjoyed German bakeries and chocolate, but unfortunately last night I bought some non chocolate from an all night shop in Prague. It beats even Chris´ choclate flavoured cake covering at only 10% cocoa it was horrible. That has been our biggest food folly so far. The cheese in the Czech ... read more
Free Luxury Accomodation
Not so Vejprty

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 11th 2005

I'd like to open this entry with a response to an anonymous "Matt," who apparently failed to notice the sarcastic tone behind my "criticism" of Turks for not speaking English. "Matt" left me a really angry message saying I'm the uneducated one. While I am a product of the public school system, I would hope that is not the case. I appreciate the attempts to cleanse my blog of its customary ethnocentrism, but I would hope that anyone bright enough to be offended would also be able to pick up on the subtlety of sarcasm. The inability to communicate with anyone has really brought home how helpless someone is in a foreign country, and it has made me feel like a huge moron for a large portion of this trip. When the lady in front of ... read more

Como já disse aqui, o plano original era termos seguido de Viena (Àustria) para CESKY KRUMLOV (no sul da República Tcheca) e, depois, para Praga, até porque esta cidadezinha fica quase no meio do caminho entra as duas capitais. Entretanto, com a confusão dos trens, tivemos que ir direto pra Praga e transformar a visita a Cesky Krumlov numa day trip, não mais numa parada pra passar a noite. O fato é que eu tinha visto muitas coisas sobre este lugar e não queria deixá-lo pra trás de jeito nenhum!!! Pra reforçar essa ideia, os ingleses que conhecemos na Romênia falaram muito bem daqui também. Não me lembro exatamente o horário, mas lembro que acordamos cedo pra pegar o trem. A grande vantagem do albergue onde estávamos é que ele oferecia um senhor café da manhã, ... read more
Portão Viena
A Torre do Castelo
A Praça Central de Cesky Krumlov

There are many sights to see in Cesky Krumlov, some very old and some not so old. Certainly these chairs are on the lighter side. June 29th, our departure date for home, is rushing toward us very quickly. It has become obvious that we will not complete the reports of our time here before we head home, that we will add more once we are at home. For instance I suddenly realized we did not give a report of the castle in Krakow, nor have we given any report of our hiking in the National Park at Hrensko, on the German border. We are going to be very busy from now until the 29th, so I am not sure how many new postings we will be able to make before we fly home. Stay tuned. ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague June 10th 2005

Prague, at least to Nancy and to me, is a fascinating city to in which to wander around. We find it fun to just wander from street to street, seeing what we can see. There are so many beautiful buildings here, so many interesting nooks, corners, passageways, staircases, so many surprises to see. I believe if I am able to return to Prague for another extended period of time I will concentrate on taking pictures of the buildings. It is not that there is a beautiful building here and another in a separate part of town. They are everywhere, often sitting side by side. Here is a very small sampling of buildings we have enjoyed .......................... read more
The Dancing Buldings -- two new buildings in New Town
Old and new, side by side
This is a city full of music.

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Old Town June 9th 2005

Depois de todo o chá de cadeira em Viena, encaramos mais de 5 horas de trem até chegarmos a PRAGA, capital da REPÚBLICA TCHECA. O problema é que nossas reservas eram apenas para o dia seguinte e ainda eram, mais ou menos, 3:30 da madrugada. Achamos que se chegássemos naquele horário, eles certamente nos cobrariam uma diária a mais. Como nosso orçamento era limitado, decidimos fazer uma hora na estação de trem e seguir para o albergue quando amanhecesse. Estações de trem são lugares bizarros, que reúnem muita gente bizarra!!! Estávamos cochilando nos bancos, quando precebi dois policiais abordando de maneira truculenta os locais que também dormiam nos bancos da estação. O esquema era agressivo mesmo: chegaram chutando os pés dos caras e falando grosso, tipo "sai fora, vagabundo, aqui não é lugar pra dormir!". Só ... read more
Foto tirada do bonde

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Old Town June 9th 2005

Em primeiro lugar, antes que os especialistas em geografia me corrijam, eu sei que a República Tcheca fica na Europa Central, não no leste, de maneira que o título deste post estaria tecnicamente errado. Sei lá, pode ser. Minha visão de leste europeu é mais política do que geográfica, mas isso daria outra discussão, que não cabe aqui. Retomando. Acordei perto das 13h e tomei um banho. Pegamos o bonde rumo ao centro velho de PRAGA. O dia estava ótimo, ensolarado, mas sem aquele calor infernal que atrapalha qualquer passeio. Descemos na Stare Miasto, a região central da cidade velha, na boca da belíssima Starometske Namesti, a praça central da cidade velha, que reúne dois dos principais pontos turísticos da capital tcheca: o Relógio Astronômico e a Catedral de Nossa Senhora diante de Týn, ou Catedral ... read more
Starometske Namesti (ou a Praça da Cidade Velha)
Belíssima vista de Praga do Castelo
Starometska Restaurace - Olha só o Marcião e o velho, na última mesa, no canto esquerdo da foto...

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