Blogs from Czech Republic, Europe - page 269


hi, this weekend went to a town called Kutna Hora, in a region called Ledec. It's about an hour outside of Prague by train. Why'd we go there you ask? As you can probably see from the pics, theres an ossuary inside of a church there. apparently several centuries ago the town was almost entirely wiped out by a plague. so a nearly blind monk decided that it'd be fun to assemble the bones of the 40,000 plague victims into a nice cozy chapel. he died before finishing it, so an artist took over it's construction. it's by far the most amazing, crazy, extraordinary thing i've seen. i'll let the pictures speak for themselves. on sunday we walked around prague a bit, saw the communist museum, interesting but nothing to write home about. all for now, ... read more
what a lovely chandelier
what a lovely chandelier
this is a church?

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague October 6th 2005

hi y'all, in a much better mood today, just one more day of teaching in the program tomorrow, and i have my tefl certificate, so needless to say i'm pretty happy. feels like a huge burden's been lifted off of my shoulders. now i'll finally have some time to do a bit of traveling, probably around eastern europe, and then off to spain, that's the plan anyway. through the whole program i've gotten mostly "pass" grades on my lessons. the grading scale is below pass, pass, strong pass, very strong pass. yesterday i finally received a strong pass. apparently, 90% of the people have gotten mostly passes like me, so i can finally say i've broken through and done well on a lesson. although i guess it's nearly impossible to get a v.s.p, it was nice ... read more
vltava river
calm before the storm

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague October 5th 2005

Hi All So.. me and overnight trains do not get along. I was waiting for my train to Prague, in the bar, and as I was giving up my table to a couple the woman says to me, but you know that no trains are running? I said no.. well I guess there was a power outage and no trains were coming in or out.. so I waited for a bit.. then I went to the ticket sales and spoke to the poor woman there who was being yelled at and treated really rudely. She said I was so patient and she ended up booking me a new ticket and also a hotel room right beside the train station and charged the train company for it.. it was awesome. So I finally arrive in Prague and ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague October 1st 2005

DEUTSCHE VERSION WEITER UNTEN/GERMAN VERSION FURTHER DOWN After I’d been in Germany to look after Mum for about 2 months, Pierre came to visit me, and we decided to get to know a bit more of Eastern Europe (it’s cheap :-)). So, we got a car, threw in our backpacks and off we went for 2 weeks. Our first stop was in Munich as far as I remember (but I actually don’t remember a whole lot, maybe I should dig out my diary:-) - oh damn, it’s not here, it must be in Germany - hm, not easy if you don’t have a home…), then we moved on to Prague in one go. What a beautiful little city (apart from the truckloads of tourists!! Oooops, guess I’m one too?!!). The city center is right by the ... read more
Teyn Church near Market Square
Charles Bridge with Casle
Charles Bridge (Karluv Most)

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 29th 2005

Hello my beloved followers. Well, this is my last night in Prague and it has been interesting. It definetly is a beautiful place, but I think I am just overwhelmed by the tourists. THe only language I have heard in 3 days in English. From the unintelligible English of the rowdy Irish in the Irish pub, to the little old British couples sipping their tea to the scores of Americans and Aussies. I dont' think there are any Czech people in Prague. Everyone I know said "oh the people are beautiful, you'll be amazed." Well that is a vicious rumor. This is land of the mullets. I really think its not their fault, I really think this country is stuck in the 80's (which is A-OK by me!!!). I think what happened is that they had ... read more
Skater kids...
Charles Bridge
Beautiful sunset

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 29th 2005

Any and all email love is most appreciated. ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 27th 2005

I just have time for a quick entry, but I wanted to send a quick update that I survived yet another night train with no problems...phew. Now i am in beautiful Prague. So for your entertainment, here are some stories about food. As many of you know, I am not exactly the most open-minded eater. I used to say nothing east of Italy...but now I have realized that really I should reconsider. make the area smaller. In Germany, I actually tried not a weiner schnitzal, but a schweiner schnitzal...consisting of swine of course. I felt quite proud. Then aside from my occasional stops at Burger King and the beloved kebab stops in Poland, I have branched out other times...whether I chose to or not. The first time happened in Germany. I was dying of thirst ... read more
what a great view...

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 24th 2005

here are some more pics, these are from last sunday. hopefully will have some time to walk around this weekend, and will post more pics when/if that happens. lots of homework to do this weekend, so we'll see.... read more
fred and ginger building
view opposite prague castle
view opposite prague castle

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 22nd 2005

hi everyone, well last weekend i finally got to see some of Prague. On Saturday I walked all over the place for several hours, happy to have some much-needed freedom. As you will see in the photos there are some pretty beautiful areas of this place. On Sunday my roommate Mike and I started out by checking out a Hussite Church during their morning service, a pretty amazing experience, old-school organ music, that sort of thing. No photos from there, didn't think it'd be appreciated by the church-folk. Then a generic bus tour all around the major attractions of Prague, which was cool because it gave us an overview of the city and all of it's major landmarks/historical spots. Later that night we saw a classical guitar performance by two Czech guitarists, pretty darn amazing if ... read more
side of charles bridge
charles bridge
charles bridge

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 21st 2005

We arrived in Prague on the 17th. We enjoyed many things from the incredible architecture to the very reasonable beer prices (less than $1.00US in some places). The first pic is of the Charles Bridge. There were several musicians and artists on the bridge selling their artwork and/or CD's. The second pic is the St. Vitus cathedral inside of the castle grounds. We climbed 287 steps to see a great view from the cathedrals's tower (the third pic). For the fourth one, this picture of Mary was taken by the castle. You can see the St. Nicholas cathedral (with the green dome) to the left. We went to an organ, trumpet, and voice concert there one evening. The fifth pic is one of the street and a good example of the different architectural styles. There are ... read more
St. Vitus Cathedral
Shot from Cathedral Tower
Mary at the Castle

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