Blogs from Czech Republic, Europe - page 270


Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 17th 2005

hi everyone ahoy (that means hi) i've been in prague for a week now, and it's not what i expected. the people are a little cold and bitter, but the city itself is amazing. the whole week involved a lot of time at school, which sucks because i felt a bit like a caged animal, sitting in a classroom a block away from the old town square, and not able to get out and explore. i've had chances here and there to get around though, so it hasn't been all that bad. the daily routine includes a half-hour metro ride from our apartment (in the easternbloc ghetto, lot's of identical huge apartment buildings and graffiti and people not really interested in making eye contact let alone say hello) to the town center, a quick stop at ... read more
my roommates
old town square
statue near the old town

Europe » Czech Republic » Olomouc Region » Olomouc September 11th 2005

Upon arriving in Olomouc, Brase and I were feeling the full effects of the lesson we learned in Cesky Krumlov - don't drink the tap water! We paid many a visit to the Olomouc McDonalds bathroom, and the long, bumpy bus ride to Olomouc was not a pleasant one. And we could not find a single pharmacy open on Sunday in the whole friggin town! So we did not really get to enjoy this quaint yet lively town. ... read more
Statue and town hall
They were big on the interspecies lovin in Olomouc
Pigeon drinking from statue

There's not a lot to do in Cesky Krumlov, but it is the greatest town ever to just chill out and relax. I can't tell you many people I met here who said they had only planned to be here for a night or two, and had been here four, or eight. The hostel we stayed at has a free keg for their guests every Wednesday night, and wouldn't luck have it, we arrived on a Wednesday. They also had this great big patio with a BBQ. The second night we were there, there was live Bohemian Jazz at the restaurant next door. Sitting on that patio, drinking a Budweiser (the real Budweiser, from nearby Cesky Budjovice, not the American stuff) , BBQing on the grill, listening to the Jazz band, let me tell you, life ... read more
Rafts floating down the river
Bears in the old castle moat - huh?!?!
Working the fields along the river

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 5th 2005

Good ol' super-touristy Prague. Beautiful city, but you can see how it has been transformed by tourism in recent years. One Czech guy told me that Prague people don't even go to the city center any more, it's all tourists. You can see the local backlash, especially against English stag parties (bachelor parties.) Signs with "no stag parties" or the like grace the front of a few bars. This statue is by David Cerni, a local artist. Although you can't really see the bottom of the pool in the pic, the image at the bottom of the pool that the two figures (presumably drunk tourists) are pissing on is the Czech flag.... read more
Cerni Statue
View of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle
Brase and I enjoying some Czech beer

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 1st 2005

Me and Charmaine decided with a long weekend upon us, we better go somewhere nice. So Prague it was! Jumped on the plane first thing (7:30am) Friday morning, we took off for the Czech Republic. When we were being driven to the hotel, we saw a little old lady get her bag snatched off her by some crim! Rough introduction to a place. Apart from that unpleasantness, the weather was amazing, everybody spoke English and with 40 Korun to the pound, it was going to be a good 4 days. So much to see, Prague is an incredibly old city but the people are so modern. They have some of the best beer in the world, great food, gorgeous women, and such culture. Over our 4 days we toured the Prague Castle, shot a crossbow, ate ... read more
Check out the colour of that water!
Lots of painted buildings
This is a top drop

This city is amazing. South of Prague about 3 hours set in the hills surounded by a river is the beatuiful city of Cesky Krulove (pronounced Chesky). It was founded in the early 14th century. The city streets are all cobblestone, and little restaurants lined the streets and rivers. We stayed in the attic of an old hospital set in the city walls. Unfortunately lloyd is not a women for it is quite romantic. Everyday from 3pm till 9pm there are free concerts in the town square, where beer is a 15 crowns (equivilent to 60 cents) and hot dogs are the same. This five women band played a rousing rendition of John Denver's I'm leavin on a "Jumbo Jet" Lloyd and I tried not to laugh but it was just too funny. They also sang ... read more
More City

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague August 29th 2005

I've found a better blog host, with lovely maps that show you everything, so I've moved this here - and added more updates. It's not quite fully up to date yet, but I'm working on it. It can be found at: Kat... read more

Europe » Czech Republic August 27th 2005

Just came back from our favourite restuarant in Prague, had two half liters of beer(33 ounces) and a massive plate of 'assorted chicken in special sauce on potato pancakes' so good. We're actually still in Prague, going to Plzen(home of pilsner beer) for the day tomorrow then spending the night in Cescky Krumlov a riverside town in the south near Austria. Went to the "largest club in central europe " last night. I was there untill 5am when it closed, watched the sun rise. Adam and i had a Becherovka night, that is all we drank, its a locally produced alcohol here. A scotsman described as tasting like christmas. Had a blast. We plan to have a Absinth night shortly, should be interesting. Perhaps we'll see some green fairies. Found myself in H and M with ... read more
Busting out
Charles Bridge
Beer at McDonalds?

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague August 27th 2005

Well Lloyd and I have succesfully navigated the city of prague as well as the Busses around the country. After spending two nights in Prague we decided to take a break from the bad weather and head north to Karlovy Vary, a little town where since the 1400s people, like Mozart, Bethoven, Freud, Marx, and Michael Douglas have been going to the "sanitariums" for hydrocolonoscapies, mud baths, massages, and good scenerey. The city is pretty spectacular as it is set in the valley on a river. Every house is huge and one can tell this is the American equivilant to a fancy second home town. We found a little room in a pension for 15 dollars a night each. The lady didn't speak english but invited us into her house and through sign language and ... read more
Our Street

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague August 23rd 2005

Hello all I write to you from the pub district of Zizow in Prague. It is gorgeous here. Truly fantastic. My last night in London a couple of days ago i had 2 pounds and 14 pence to my name for dinner, for 2 pounds and 13 pence i managed to purchase 2 small yoghurts, a blueberry muffin, kitkat and a twix. Living the high life indeed. That same night i was flossing in the hostel when this Aussie comes in to the bath room and gives me a funny look, i ask him if everything is alright. He proceeds to ask me what exactly i am doing, i explain to him what flossing is, he asks me "so are you supposed to stick that stuff in between your teeth?" wow. He leaves and then another ... read more

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