Blogs from Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 194


Mette went earlier to San Jose, Costa Rica, so Anna is the only one of the three amigos that can update the blog about Isla de Ometepe. And sorry amigos, I´m NOT sure about the date, because I don´t have a calendar and the days all blur into one... So here we go: From Granada we took a chicken bus to Rivas early in the morning. There we were met by the eager taxi drivers and told that there are no buses to San Jorge, which we thought was bullshit, until we saw all the other backpackers looking confused and sharing taxis. So we took one with a very silent British couple to the "ferry". For Finns the word ferry is quite another thing than the boat waiting for us. "Pakolaisvene" is what we would ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Nicaragua November 8th 2005

In beautiful colonial Granada, Nicaragua. Such a nice hostel (The Bearded Monkey) with hammocks, amazing food and an annoying night guard. He switches the fans on full power, and everytime I switch them to lower, because I wake up being cold. Here the group completes, besides a Canadian, Israeli, South African and me we have an American, Irish and 3 Ozzies. And besides all this amazingness, people are joining in here and there! We visited a market in Massaya, where I bought some art. We visited the crater lake Apoyo to do some acrobats in the water. We went all together on a fully loaded boat to Isla Ometepe, where afterwards we had a long bus ride and there seem to be no suspension and also a lot of puddles. Girls behind me were trying to ... read more
colonial Granada
pretty houses & lanes everywhere, Granada
pretty houses & lanes everywhere, Granada

THings are going great...we are now in Costa Rica after being in my favourite country so far. Nicaragua was so great. The weather wasn't very good but the people and the places we were in were amazing. First we went to Grenada where we stayed in the nicest hotel there. It was quite posh, and we got some funny looks when we all piled in with our back packs and muddy shoes. The town has so much character and history behind it. You could spend a few days just walking around looking at the historical sites. There was one cathedral that my friend Edd and I were visiting that was completely torched in the 1700's but is being restored. The original cement face of it is still scorched but inside is completely finished. We were walking ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Nicaragua October 25th 2005

An hour into Nicaragua and we came across our first problem - no bridge. We were attempting to satisfy the latest phase of Rachel's seemingly insatiable appetite for all things "local" and "crafty", by visiting a pottery co-operative in the village of Ducuale Grande. After a few miles of dirt road we saw the remains of what was once the only safe way to cross the river, until the fringes of hurricane Stan had played with it. The only way was to ford so I took all the necessary precautions that any self respecting over-lander would; asked the locals where best to cross, checked the entry and exit points, checked the flow rate, estimated the depth...finally I suggested that the vehicle behind us should go first. The pottery was an interesting place where a number of ... read more
Ducuale Grande Pottery
Part of the herd
Girls getting ready for the parade - El Sauce

my God, it´s extra hott here in granada. sweet jesus! i am sweating and all i am doing is sitting on a computer typing away. how sad...seriously....and last night felt like a sauna in my hostel/dorm room. and i´m on the top bunk next to the fans. given two of the four don´t work and the one above me can´t go faster than speed 2 or it will start making noises like a chimpazee (no joke...i´m for sounds exactaly like a chimp). absolutely incredible i´d say.... but Lord, it is sooo hott...absolutely scoring. i wonder what the temp is. i swear it´s at least 120....jk but i dunno. who sweats BUCKETS just sitting down????? seriously....all the sweat is going down my face and i swear, if i had a bucket next to me it would ... read more

hi guys...i´m here in granada, nicaragua just chilling. got in yesterday and i will be exploring this cute little town today. super excited. not much to tell. altho i had a great time in roatan and copan. the 14 plus hour bus ride from san pedro sula, honduras down to granada, nic was kinda boring, but not too horrible for a ride that long. anyways, gonna enjoy my time here in nicaragua before i head back to costa rica to fly out to go back home....just in time to start school...oh joy...anyways, i´m good and safe so laters!... read more

Venimos haces dos semanas casi... Estamos trabajando en San Judas... Escribiré más adelante de mi tierra.. Pero esto es lo ocurrido hasta ahorita... La cosa se puso mas interesante este martes.. Y desgraciadamente no puedo decir que no. Este mail ni se lo mando a mi familia. Prefiero contarles cuando llegue, sino, simplemente les estaré dando la razón desde lejos y se comenzaran por preocupar por mi. Les he escrito contandoles lo bonito y bien que me la he estado pasando, pero a la vez, les he mencionado acerca de la desorganización de este proyecto. No se si les conté que un día, el lunes creo que fue, me empezaron a pegar los niños.. Esque es tan tan falta de cariño. Reciben cero atención de los padres, y nos ven a a nosotros, lo quieren todo, ... read more

Well, this is a bonus...for you!...decided to stay another noche here in San Juan del Sur..although its pronounced sewer its not like the blind mullet barrage in one of the last beaches, in fact this is a paradise, really clean, friendly people, no security things, a very seductive little bay...went out with Vladamir this morning,(he spent 3 years in the Caspian Sea with the Russian naval academy, hence the nickname) we dropped Grant off at a surf spot and went on a fishing expedition...almost got a big one, but hey, thats fishing, we followed the birds and came across boiling mobs of bait fish, Vlad throws in the little line with bare hooks, pulls out 2 lttle bait fish, we put them onto hand lines and let them swim...I got 1 big bite but lost it..pulled ... read more

What an amazing thing time is! ..its my birthday where a lot of you are and its not til tomorrow for me thank you for the wishes....time warping from the ruinas back to the 21st century altho' the border x-ing into Nicaragua was not user friendly...I mean how hard would it be just to put up a couple of signs? like passports here and vehicle stuff here...felt like whipping out the felt nib and just writing on the wall...and no-one, even the people who work there, have much idea...a Panamanian english speaking guy asked several of the officials for directions for us...and they turned out to be wrong!!...anyway, we ultimately worked it out...passports were easy, and the bike stuff a black comedy of errors culminating in a waiting game with the last Honduran official who ... read more

Well, what a great day! E. and I decided to head to Masaya, a city 16 kms from Granada this morning. We hopped on an old school bus turned into an inter-city bus (with a bar added through the middle of the ceiling like in a subway car! We arrived in the city and went to the old market and wandered through it for nearly two hours. I bought a shirt for myself and a few things for loved ones and E. bought herself a great bag and earrings to go along with the scarf she bought here the other day. All in all, it was a very great experience! Little did we know though but the best was yet to come. After the market, we hired a driver to bring us to the Masaya Volcano ... read more

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