Blogs from Verapaz Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 19


Letztes Mal hatte ich ja nur kurz angedeutet, dass wir inzwischen in Coban angekommen waren. Und auch wenn wir inzwischen schon laengst wieder weiter sind, muss ich auf das "Ankommen" doch noch mal zurueck kommen. Wir hatten uns naemlich entschieden, von Todos Santos ueber das Bergland nach Coban zu fahren. Eigentlich sind das nur 150 km (eher weniger) von West nach Ost, und auf der Karte ist auch eine Strasse eingezeichnet. Wir wurden allerdings schon gewarnt, dass wir evtl. 2-3 Tage brauchen koennten, da ein Grossteil dieser Strasse noch nicht fertiggestellt ist. Also sind wir am letzten Montag morgen ganz frueh aufgestanden, um den ersten Bus um 4:30 zu nehmen. Da standen wir also, warteten.... und als der erste Bus endlich kam, war er voll. Insgesamt haben wir eine Stunde und vier Busse abgewartet, bis wir ... read more
Fluggefuehle am Fluss bei Semuc
Schlumpfhausunterkunft in El Remate
El Remate

Hi all !! After three days in Antigua we thought it was high time to get moving again. We have discovered that both of us rather like being in one place for a while . This whole ' living out a backpack thing' is seriously over-rated! Weird how we have this overwhelming desire to unpack our bags and feel like we belong it only for 2 or 3 days. We caught yet another bus, again at sparrow's fart in the morning... first to Guatemala City and then onto a place to called Coban. From Coban we caught a combi (packed with 22 of us !!) to Lanquin. There landed up being 8 gringo travellers in the same combi....all heading to the same backpackers in Lanquin! It was seriously hot and so when we arrived in ... read more
Semuc Champey
Semuc Champey cascades
Bat Cave

Les transports au Guatemala sont d'un cote assez pratique - les bus s'arretent absolument ou tu veux - mais sur les longs trajets ca devient plus difficile: pour aller de Tikal a Coban, j'ai du prendre 4 microbuses differents... Ceux ci sont des mini-vans dans lesquels le conducteur essaie de de caser le plus de monde possible, donc sur un trajet de 4h, c'est assez hardos, mais bon, ca forge le caractere! Perdue dans les montagnes, Coban est une bonne ville etape entre Tikal et Antigua, et est toute proche d'une merveille naturelle: Semuc Champey: a cet endroit, le fleuve plonge litteralement dans un tunnel au-dessus duquel se trouve des piscines naturelles superbes. Comme c'est quand meme a 4h de route de Coban, j'ai passe la nuit dans le petit village de montagne de Lanquin: 2h ... read more
Semuc Champey 2
Semuc Champey 3
Hotel Lanquin

What can be said about Semuc Champey? Every traveler I have met has said that it is quite possibly the most beautiful site in all of Guatemala. After visiting the crystal waters I would have to agree. The falls and pools of water range from aqua marine to emerald green in color. The pools are an excellent temperature for swimming and the view from El Mirado is spectacular. Further upstream is the tunnel where the river rushes underground through, you guessed it, a tunnel. So how do you top off an amazing day of hiking and swimming in pristine waters? Bridge jumping, of course. At the entrance to the park is a bridge spanning the river some 40 feet from the waters surface. Not the largest leap, but definitely fun and it seems to entertain the ... read more
Semuc Champey Pools
Semuc Champey Tunnel

So after another marathon trip across Guatemala, I find myself in Lanquin, just outside of Semuc Champey. I made it to Copan yesterday, but since there was so much rain the shuttles had stopped running to Lanquin. I stayed in a beautiful little place called Hostal de Dona Victoria. It has a nice garden courtyard which is surrounded by an overhang filled with wooden sculptures and a collection of masks and other unique items. This morning I hopped a shuttle up to Lanquin. Now here's the thing. When you jump on a chicken bus you expect to be pummeled by as many bodies as they can cram into the damn thing. On a shuttle it should be a straight shot to your destination, no extra passengers, supposedly a great little trip. However, this is Guatemala. How ... read more
Twenty-six, baby!

Well, there's been a change in plans. I spoke with Joann Dwyer Sunday evening after arriving in Panajachel and she informed me that the work in Chi Chi had been cancelled and that she would not have anything for me to do until Saturday. I was left with an entire week to find something to do, so I decided to head North to Semuc Champey to enjoy it's emerald pools, waterfalls and caves. The next morning I took off in a shuttle at 6am toward Guatemala City. I made it there just in time to catch the 10am bus to Coban. On the bus I met a girl from England (Sarah) and a guy from Switzerland (Viktor) that were travelling together. I also met a guy from France (Cyril) that sat beside me the entire trip. ... read more
In the Back of a Pickup Truck
Emerald Pools of Semuc Champey
Cascades All Around

Mandag skrev jeg et laaangt blogginnlegg - men tror dere ikke at det forsvant? Argh! Men jeg prover igjen! I helgen skulle Marjatta (norsk-finsk, 44 aar, kjempestilig dame!) og jeg vaere med skoleturen til Coban. Men da vi kom paa skolen viste det seg at skolen hadde misforstatt og det bare var plass til en av oss. Festlig. Saa vi fant ut at vi skulle arrangere turen paa egen haand da! Problemet var bare at klokken var 1415 - og Coban er seks timer unna. Med andre ord er det ikke mange shuttlebyraaer som reiser etter klokken to. Vi sprang iallefall rundt byen og to paa tre fant vi et byraa som dro klokken tre! Da hoppet vi i taket av glede! Shuttle til Coban med vaart reiseselskap viste seg aa vaere bil med sjaafor til ... read more

So I arrived in Lanquin after two long bus rides (one bumpy as hell) and made it to this place called El Retiro. It´s a lodge with bungalows and dormitories for travellers just outside of Lanquin on the side of a crystal clear river. The reason I came here was to visit Semuc Champey which is a series of natural pools and waterfalls that you can swim in. There are also tons of hiking trails around the area with lots of different flowers and wildlife I have never seen before (there was this one spot that had so many bright orange butterflies). I think that this place was the most beautiful spot in Guatemala I have been to yet! I have never swam in such blue natural pools that run in a series of steps throughout ... read more
Semuc Champey
crazy flora...

Caving in Semuc Chempey with nothing but a little flame to guide us We left Lanquin somewhere around 9h00am and got to the little hostal Santa Maria (the only one in Semuc Chempey) around 10h30. We could have just toured the pools till somewhere around two and taken the shuttle back to El Retiro, but we had been told that the Santa Maria offered a caving tour at 3h00pm that was not to be missed. Chris loves caving even more than I do, so we couldn't pass this up. We walked the fifteen minutes to national parc they've put up to preserve this natural wonder in the sweltering heat. There are two rivers that flow together here. One coming from overland and one that's underground. The two have formed a series of natural limestone pools that ... read more

As we drive through the dusty little streets of Lanquin the shuttle driver asked us whether we were on our way to El Retiro, the hostal we were planning on staying at. We smiled and nodded sheepishly knowing what predictable gringos we were. Dropped at the top of the small hill we made our way towards the thatch-covered roof of the main building. The place was a series of small wood bungalows some with private porches and hammocks everywhere. On our way down the small path we passed horses and roosters that roamed free on the ground. The place overlooked a green river that reminded me of something out of the Crocodile Dundee movies. On the opposite bank cows and sheep grazed. In short, the place was perfect. We dumped our bags and were shown to ... read more

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