Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 82


Our final travels in Central America were around the beautiful natural beauty of Costa Rica. It also turned out to be a bit of an adrenaline-pumping section of our trip. Highlights have included: - white-water rafting down 45 rapids on the Class 4 Rio Torro ("Bull River'); with our raft setting a new record of capsizing once and losing someone overboard on another 2 occasions! Nothing like being stuck under a capisized raft for a while, bouncing off the rocks below - we had the brusies afterwards to prove it!! - Watching the red hot lava flow out of the Arenal volcano at night. (Luckily we were at a distance away though!) - flying through the tree canopy of cloud forest at Monteverde, on a series off 11 zip lines. One way to travel around the ... read more
Monteverde Cloud Forest
Zip line at Monteverde
Sunset at Manuel Antonio

buongiorno tutti, it feels like it has been a lot longer than 2.5 weeks since I last wrote because of my extremely rich and full experience across the seas in the caribbean. I must admit that it was quite nice to be away from any form of contact for a while, so that I could put all of my energy into my experience on that wacky, magestic island. At the same time it is very nice to be back in a more familiar environment, where I can find out what I missed in the news, sports, and the life of my family and friends. Also being able to buy little things like sunblock, rootbeer, eat something other than rice and beans (though it ain't that much different here in Costa Rica) is all pretty nice. I'm ... read more

Martes 4 de abril de 2006 ¡Hoola de nuevo! ¿Cómo va? Por aquí todo sigue Tuanis (=guay). La semana mucho trabajillo, pero encantada porque voy proponiendo cosas y la mayoría les parecen bien. Incluso me ha dicho mi jefa que va a proponer en la reunión de la Junta Administrativa del próximo jueves una moción para que me paguen…je, je, a ver que pasa. También mucho lío por aquello de andar visitando apartamentos, lo cual también ha dado sus frutos. ¡Ya encontré! Me mudo el viernes. El dueño es un tipo belga que alquila una casa por habitaciones. Le gusté por mi currículum de nómada, ya que la política de la casa es la “mezcla internacional”. Voy a vivir en una habitación chiquita, pero con lo necesario (es decir cama, armario, mesa, estantería y silla). Me ... read more
Casa del Mar

Salut tout le monde!!! Ça va?! J’espère bien! Moi ça va niiiiquel. Finalement je me suis motivée pour donner des nouvelles !! Désolée pour le retard ! Ce pays est incroyable, au moins ce que j’ai déjà vu, et ce n’est pas peu ! Je suis arrivée il y a quinze jours à S. José (le 13 mars), une ville ne pas très jolie avec une activité de ouf, et où il faut bien regarder où est-ce qu’on se promène car il y a des trous de partout et les voitures ne s’arrêtent pour rien! Si non, ce n’est pas dangereux (la journée), ou ça n’a pas l’air, les buses marchent très bien, et la température est parfaite pour être en t-shirt et des sandales toute la journée. La nuit il refroidit et on dort très ... read more
Pont Suspendu

26 de marzo de 2006 ¡Hoola! Todo sigue increíble. ¡Qué semanita! Después del viaje con Beatrice en autobús hasta Uvita (5horas para recorrer 120km), un lindo pueblo en la costa pacífico, tuve la oportunidad de conocer el sitio más bonito de todos los que he visto por el momento. El ecolodge “La Cusinga” y sus alrededores. Está situado dentro del Parque Nacional Marino Ballena, y tiene una gran finca con bosque primario, secundario y unos senderos de lo más interesantes. El dueño es americano, está casado con una Tica (autóctona) y lleva por estos lares como 35 años. Su trabajo es todo un ejemplo de sostenibilidad, nunca creí que pudiese haber algo tan conseguido. Si algún día venís tenéis que ir a verlo. Tuve la suerte de ver monos congo, mapaches, una tortuga laúd, pájaros varios, ... read more
Playa de Arco
Ave por identificar

Last time I updated I was in Golfito. From Golfito I went down to Pavones, a small surf town near the Panama border. I only stayed one night. I wasn't really in the mood for the whole surfer-fashion-show scene. I ended up staying in San Isidro the day I left. There's nothing in San Isidro, but I was able to get a new guide book. My own "walked away" somewhere in Panama. I find it difficult to travel without one, especially to place I've never been. I then went to Playa Uvita for the three nights I had before I had to be back in San Jose to meet Keturah (my sister). Uvita was tranquil as usual. There was a good bunch of people staying at The Toucan. I had a really good time with them. ... read more
The family we stayed with during carnevales

14 de marzo de 2006 ¡Hola! ¡Ya llegué! El viaje muy bien, solo media hora de retraso. Me vinieron a buscar al aeropuerto y fui directa a una casa de huéspedes que es de un amigo de la responsable de mi asociación (tardamos hora y media para recorrer 30 Km). Además nada de jet lag, ya que la noche anterior al viaje no dormí más que una hora y en el avión estuve casi todo el día durmiendo. El chico vive con su hermana (y Joaquín, el perro) y tienen habitaciones para alquilar. La casa está bastante bien, a 20 minutos del centro, lo que pasa es que es un poco caro y evidentemente tengo menos intimidad que si tuviera un apartamento, así que la idea es buscarme otra cosa, ¡¡en cuanto pueda orientarme un ... read more
Desde mi ventana

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 28th 2006

My flight from Lima landed in San Jose around 1.30pm. Costa Rica is 6 hours behind GMT time. At the airport I was supposed to be met by somebody for a transfer to the hotel, who-ever that was and where-ever the hotel was!! The transfer person did not show up, and the airport was manic with taxi drivers and hoteliers acosting you. This made it worse that my guy didn't show, especially as I had no idea where I was staying. One taxi driver wouldn't leave me alone, and in the end was a help. I had no money to phone home, so he called the operator and put me through, where my brother found out the name of the hotel. Tired from my long journey and escapades in Rio, I agreed for him to drive ... read more
San Jose, Costa Rica

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 22nd 2006

Well after the rain of jungle camp we had the most fantastic barbeque back at fieldbase followed by an idyllic sunny day playing cricket against a side from Limon. Limon is on the Caribbean coast of costa rica and is a fascinating place by all accounts. The locals there are descendants of slaves from Africa who escaped the banana plantations in jamaica or who came to find work building bridges and roads in central america. The work was pretty horrific so they headed instead to the coast and have kept themselves to themselves for the last couple of hundred years. They speak a mix of caribbean english and spanish and play a mean game of cricket. We won at the last, beating their 65 runs with only one over left to play (of 30 overs). I ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José February 19th 2006

For the first 10 days in Costa Rica, we AFSers stayed a farm nearby Cartago called La Finca de la Flor, where we took roughly 40 hrs of Spanish courses. It was a surprise for all of us when we learned that the nights were really cold. I mean, I had to wear all my clothes and coat in bed just to keep from shivering! Because we were in the mountains, it rained very sporadically. Sometimes it would be a downpour and other times there would be rain for only 30 seconds. The wildlife wasn't all that plentiful. There would be the occasional bird, centipede, or gecko, but nothing really spectacular. Still, it was an interesting experience staying with 20 other Europeans. I never thought that in addition to Spanish, I would come into contact with ... read more

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