Blogs from Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 10


Just waiting for the right moment to get out of here...Tamarindo, a funny little place, been on the map for a million years, you know the Incas came down to surf on stone boards!...well, its been on the touries maps for yonks but still has a sort of unfinished feel to it....the roads are shit, some pavement but huge potholes, ridges, washouts, exposed drains, tree roots, construction crapola, mud, blood and beer, and thats just the main street of the straggles along the beach, lined with contrasting rundown dumps and new shmicko developments, feels a bit like Noosa about 50 years ago crossed with Kuta beach about the same time....and the service, or lack of it, is astounding, so many shop people, even in the boutiquey places is their all half asleep or couldn't ... read more

Well, no notes and almost dinner time...finally dragged ourselves out of San Juan this morning...after having a sunset G&Ts but with out the T at The Iguana bar/restaurant ion the beach...great views and a fabulous Thai chicken soup, best Thai food I've had in weeks! (Thanks Di)...but this morning we had to wait an hour or so until the credit card machine got working..all part of the seduction of that place...v hard to leave...and apart from El Salvador (boom boom) the bestest place yet... However, I started out feeling somewhat out of sorts...don't know if it was post birthday comedown or what but given all thats happened, happening and yet to happen I felt like David Bromberg with Someone else's Blues (I swear I don't know why) cruising nervously, its sort of strange after a couple ... read more
And we do get off road sometimes!
Beach view with palapas
Waiting for something in a restaurant somewhere!

Since, I didn´t post anything since thursday I´ll fill you in from there with lots of goodies. Thursday night Kate, Jeff, Marcos, Marcos´s host brother, and I went to some shady pool hall where there was a man with only 1 arm giving Kate the rape stare. Costa Rican men, especially those with missing body parts or teeth are unbelievably rude and obnoxious to american women. They take cat alling and lude farneti comments to new heights. however, if you so much as talk to a tica you get that same rape stare yet it has a whole new affect. Friday morning, I had my first exam at 10 am. It had been originally scheduled for 3 pm but we talked the teachers, mainly jorge, the sweetest teacher on earth,(possibly greater than the great john reid ... read more

hi everyone. my mom is home safe and sound now. 2 days ago we went ziplining over the cloud forest and it was one of the best days of my life! my mom felt the same way. i can't even explain how it felt to be sailing through the air attached to a wire. i felt like superwoman. and it was so ridiculously beautiful! there was also a tarzan rope where i jumped off of a platform and went flying so far into the jungle. i wanted to do it over and over and over. we also did another hike through the rainforest and walked over the hanging bridges and went to a hummingbird garden and a frog pond. i was in heaven looking at all of the creatures. now i am in a town ... read more
Kit ziplining
hot springs
Playa Tamarindo

Yesterday, we had a party at the school for the celebration of the anexción de Guanacaste. It´s a national holiday here, no one works, no one goes to school except us haha, there was lots of gallo pinto and rice and beans con juevos. I had to go to the butchers shop at 8 am to buy some churizo especial, aka, special sausage, no lie. Anywho, not a whole lot happened yesterday, classes same old same, but marcos, jeff and I did go to Pollo AP after class to score some 2 for 1 chalupas. Sweetness. I´ve recently become slightly perturbed at our traveling group. This one girl gets pissed at me cus, i don´t correctly pronounce all the words correctly. You see, Jeff and I are the only 2 out of us all that are ... read more

People have to understand that I have some serious moist problems. This entire weekend I was moist! And by “moist problems” I mean, I have profound objections to feeling moist, especially for long periods of time. Good thing I´m probably in the moistest country in the world at this time! This weekend was crazy. Guanacaste has extremely bumpy terrain. We were bouncing in our tour bus all the way to the beach. And can you imagine how that would be like if you had to go to the bathroom? I had just that problem. Despite my discomfort, I would say this was one of my favorite weekends. Sunset at the beach, geysers, mudbaths, pushing the bus up and down muddy hills…yep, that was this weekend. It started raining…hard…when we were in the rainforest of the Volcán ... read more
caminando a casa

Well we're leaving the beach tomorrow after a little over a week soaking up the rays. I'm currently in tamarindo with will, karin, and lucelena. For a group of strangers (all students except lucelena who teaches English) we get along great and have become very close. I loved the surfing here. The waves are great for the beginner but at the same time satisfying for the novice surfer. We also went on a nature trip and saw monkeys, porcupines, crocodiles and a plethora of birds. I hope all is well and i´ll talk to you all later. nick --for all the k-sigs..what happened to paul??-- ... read more

I have so much to tell, but only 15 minutes before we head back to the research station. I may come into town this weekend, but maybe not. Life is one minute at a time around here. I did get my first turtle on Tuesday night. I was patroling Playa Ventanas with Kaija on the early shift (7pm-11:30p) and we were on our second pass on the beach when we saw her. She was already up on the beach and was working on digging her nest. I made myself a body pit and layed down with my head at her tail. I watched as she dug and then she moved her fin over the nest and began to have contractions. I moved the fin out of the way and began counting. 65 eggs later, she started ... read more

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