goodsue's Guestbook

5th October 2006

You are having a ball. How are you feeling? I have to have a gastroscopy because of a cough I have had. The doc said my throat is red and put something down to look. Also reflux and a type of asthma where you cough rather than sneeze. Trying to get mom into a nursing home for about a month. Want to take a a little vacation somewhere close and get some rest. Have to see him in a month and also get some bloodwork. Keep on trucking. How is your job? What are you doing for the month off? Madge
5th October 2006

Wow, what a jazzy there a rock bank on board? We are here in Buffalo Our rep Tom Reynolds in the midst of the Foley mess...sure youve read a bout it if you can get US news. Can you? We need a hero from WNY, not the past locals of Timothy McVeigh or long time resident of O.J. We can however boast Tim Russert and Wolf Blitzer and that wonderful Associated Press columnist Laurie Kellman.... Rich sends regards....keep the blogs coming and take care! Ann
5th October 2006

Hi Susan, Good to hear your comments about trucks unloading far from downtown. It would be good in the US to regulate them more, for pollution, size, and process in the city. I'm here in Nashville a couple weeks now, and already feel more relaxed with less trucks and traffic. In an area like Little 5, (also Little 5, in E. Nashville), but with much, much less traffic, like what's become so intense on Moreland. I don't know if I could handle the horns you describe without JUMPING all the time. But your happy visit inclines me also to want to go there. HOLIDAYS..WHEN, what day and month, does the holiday you refer to begin, and when does the "month" of holiday take place. First I knew of this....Hope your travels continue well and to the many billion and U...Howard M. Romaine, 811 Riverside Dr., Nashville, TN 37206
5th October 2006

NYC's Chinatown is like that! No one pays attention to street lights, and I've seen at LEAST 3 or 4 accidents on Canal Street alone. I can't imagine what China's traffic would be like, since Chinatown's is terrible! Stay alert and safe!
28th September 2006

Did you buy me some comics?
I was tempted to buy comics, but they were all from the 60's and 70's about the revolution here. No Archie or Superman.
28th September 2006

Your Tues. weather report was not true for the Phila. region!! Colder here. The photos are so clear on your site and the moon cake wrapping so beautiful! Have you seen any candy that looks like Necco wafers? Alisha had some in school one day for snack and pointed to the Chinese symbols, read them with a tone of, "Can't you read this for yourself??" Today she said she is so excited cuz her grandma and grandpa who have been back in China since last summer are coming home very soon. Hope you are well! That days of the week stuff is wild! Imagine being absent minded there about what day it is?!? Love, Gailey
24th September 2006

Did you buy me some comics?
24th September 2006

Ahh. Friends. Nothing like friends.
24th September 2006

Hope you are much better! Love, Gailey
From Blog: Illness
23rd September 2006

Was one of them Flagyl/metronidazole? So sorry---next time god forbid---add a little salt to the glass. Only a small amount (to make Normal Saline; that's how I treated Mother's dehydration and she plumped up COMPLETELY in less than 24 hours)
From Blog: Illness
22nd September 2006

These blogs are great! especially the pictures. I see that besides working in the classroom, you are having some wonderful experiences. Skip and I watched a movie we hadn"t seen in a long time: Close to Eden: about a family living in a yurt in Inner Mongolia around the early 80s. I think. A somewhat different culture other than what you are experiencing, but very interesting, and with a neat twist at the very end. Hope you can see it. We miss you.
22nd September 2006

The market looks like loads of fun to browse. Hooray for new friends!
22nd September 2006

Eek! That sounds horrible! I'm glad you are feeling better! What a thorough check-up! I'm actually kind of jealous. =P
From Blog: Illness
22nd September 2006

Sounds like a rough time. Thank Buddha you're OK now!!
From Blog: Illness
22nd September 2006

Sounds great
Friends, food, and fun. Sounds like things are going great. Glad you're getting time to enjoy yourself! Praise Buddha!
22nd September 2006

How awful
It was probably a sulfa drug you got. That's what they use here but in China it it may be diffferent. I am interested in Chinese med. Glad your tests came out ok. In spite of all it looks like you are having fun. Nothing new here.
From Blog: Illness
21st September 2006

Laptops in HK are cheaper, if you have a friend go there, you can ask him/her to buy one for you.I'm not sure about their quality, some shoddy goods are so well made that even experts can't tell it... The rainbow, I've got that picture, too.It's been years for me not see it! Do you know how to bargin with the vendors?They may offer you a high price because you know little Chinese! S,Naomi
From Blog: I’m Official
19th September 2006

haha :)
Susan, you're so yong! ; ) Lucky to have you as our conversation teacher~~~
From Blog: I’m Official
17th September 2006

The government taking you on tours is a bonus! Getting to see surrounding places! Sounds as though you are settling in more and more and enjoying yourself! GREAT! With love, G.
From Blog: I’m Official
11th September 2006

try more
The beginning of studyin' a new language is really hard. I almost killed myself in my early days of Japanese ! How could I remember those words without someone to talk? Wish you could get through it.Someday you can speak fabulous Chinese!
10th September 2006

I love your pictures
I guess I'm a natural born girl lacking of skills of photography. Pictures taken by me are always quite ugly. I love beatles because I consider them to be the most talented band of rock n' roll history. George Harrison is my favourite band-member. I have his CD. NIRVANA is a great band, from seattle., worth listening to. It's my blog, but all in CHinese. :-)
9th September 2006

Your apt. looks great!! Spacious and clean! Must be such an adventure, though tiring! Stay well! Love, Gailey
9th September 2006

Wonderful report
Bob sent me your blog. I must admit you sound like my students! Except in reverse. Keep writing, I love the street details. Let me know if you want analysis of Chinese grammar and I will see if I can get it sent to you. It might be useful. Stephanie Coffin
7th September 2006

Living with illiteracy
Being illiterate does take getting used to. Your frustration makes me ask myself how I cope with it. I have been here for years and still do not read Chinese, so I sincerely doubt that you will be literate by the end of a year here. My advice is, forget literacy. It is overrated. Instead focus on listening and speaking and non-verbal communication. I learned the numbers by listening to students doing their morning exercises - yi, er, san si (1,2,3,4) wu, liu, qi, ba (5,6,7,8). This method assures that you will learn the proper tones. Another tip: Get a student to open up and shut down the computer in the classroom. I just hand the student my flash disk and say, I want the ppt named . . . Chinese students expect to help their teachers. In fact, they often run up and take the eraser out of my hand when I start erasing the blackboard. Another thing - Chinese society is so commercialized that you can assume that any unsolicited messages you receive are advertisements. Throw them away or delete them immediately. What you might want to read are the notices on the boards in the foreign languages department. I hang out in front of them, and then when an English speaker approaches I say, "Is there anything here I should know?" Usually there isn't, but it is nice to know that you don't have to know all that stuff. Look on the bright side. You are immune from all sales pitches. You form relationships with people when you ask them to help you. You empathize with the millions around the world who are also illiterate. Some of the English translations you find in China will make you laugh.
7th September 2006

Great to hear from you!
Love the account of your first days! and the photos. Are you expecting company with that spare bed? room? I didn't know you could eat fresh grapes from a steet vendor and handle that, intestinally speaking? Am I way behind the times? what don't I know that you do? Spoke fondly of you last night at dinner at coffins: howard, wise, b goodman, and Anne and Tom Perry!!! who passed thru from Fla. to NY, w pix of 2d grandchild! planning their retirement in 3 to 5 years! Bush is here today, big demo mounted of course. Mark Marshall coming by to perform miracles on my back porch! Think of you every time I pass your house. You were so smart to take off on this great adventure! Much love and warmest wishes for incredible awakenings and experiences!

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