Page 7 of DawnW Travel Blog Posts

Now in San Jose San Jose is a busy city but it is full of small parks which have nice landscaping and are cool and restful places to sit and enjoy the activity around them. I am surprised at how much I remember about the area from all the walking my group did from the Global and Community Health Field School last year. We spent a lot of time in the Barrio Amon and this time i am looking at Barrio California. These areas appear to be safer in San Jose based on what I read in my guide book. I ended up staying at Casa Ridgeway which is a really humble but clean and comfortable place. The staff is very friendly and helpful and without a reservation all I could get was a 6 bed ... read more
Outside the Dorm Room
Dining Room

Finally, I put the photo card in and now the computer can read it! It is so strange that I cannot figure out why it works sometimes and other times not. So here are some of my favorite pictures as I leave the Yoga Farm and Punto Banco.... read more
Outside my dormotory

All night there were thunder rumblings while I tried to sleep. Then before 5 am the howlers started up a full chorus of their yelling. It seemed as if one group from the one hill to the south would yell to another to the other direction. It is not possible to sleep through it but many stayed in their beds and went back to sleep when they were done. The morning is overcast, cool and damp and I am worried that the clothes I washed on Sunday will have to go into the suitcase damp. Someone in the valley nearby is burning something. I can see the smoke now but was coughing from it earlier in the morning. I would have liked for this to be a beach day and been able to walk to the ... read more

Hi again! Every day at some point during the day we make the 15 minute trek down the hill to the beach. If you see more than one other person on the beach, it would be crowded. The water is really wonderful, but you have to watch out for rocks in some areas. On Saturday, I rented a bike and road about 6 or 7 miles to Pavones, which is where lots of surfers hang out. Here are some pictures from that day. ... read more
Surfers catch a wave
Dangerous Surf
The Pacific from the air

Hello everyone! Life here at the yoga farm has been great. Lots of things to do every day. Typically we get up and have yoga at 6:30 am and then have breakfast at 8 am. Everyone pitches in to cook and clean up and do chores around the farm. Here are some pictures of where I am staying!... read more
View from my dorm room
Sink in my dorm room
Composting toilet

The day at the yoga farm starts at least by 6:30 am when the yoga class is held. It was actually light by 5 am and I got up shortly after that. I used the time to get unpacked somewhat and get a cup of coffee before class. Class was very good and just right for me. There were lots of breathing exercise and some challenging poses and I enjoyed it. I had awoken with a headache but after yoga it was gone and forgotten. The instructor's name is Barney and he is a real student of the eastern yoga philosophy and language. I do not know the names of all the vinyasas? but I might be able to learn them. After breakfast I walked back down the steep hill and went to the beach. I ... read more

I arrived at the yoga farm as all the guests and employees were finishing up their dinner. I was so exhausted and sweaty I just wanted a shower and bed. But I had to wait until they were done and someone could show me where to stow my stuff and get settled. One girl, Sarah helped me get my luggage up many terraced stones up from the kitchen and garden area to the yoga studio and dormitories. I lucked out for now since I got a bed in a dorm but no one else was sleeping there. Most people were either in other rooms or were sleeping outside on the yoga deck. I got a cold shower (actually it felt really good once I got out of it) and got into clean clothes. I spent some ... read more

I am now in Costa Rica at the San Jose Airport waiting for my 3rd flight of the day to Golfito. My flight from Miami to San Jose was really early and immigration lines were really short so I will move my flight up and arrive in Golfito at 1:30. This means that I can catch the 3 pm bus south to the Yoga Farm. In the past I have had to wait so long in immigration that I booked a later flight to allow time to make the connection. I suppose the economy is affected here since the lines in immigration and customs were very short. If I arrive at the farm it will be a day earlier than they are expecting me, but I still don't know my way around Golfito so I cannot ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Tampa May 5th 2009

Hello friends and family! I am off again to Costa Rica for a couple of different projects. I thought you might like to hear what I am up to on my cross country adventure. Tomorrow (actually 6 hours from now!) I will be going to Tampa then Miami and then on to the main airport near San Jose, Costa Rica. I will then take a smaller plane to the south to Golfito. I wanted to spend some time in an area in Costa Rica where I hadn't visited before. So, I will be at a Yoga Farm in the very south of CR, almost to Panama on the Pacific Ocean. The views from the yoga studio deck are going to be stupendous! At the yoga retreat I will get vegetarian meals made from the fruit harvested ... read more
Sydney, Dawn and Rumi

I haven't had much time to write at my blog because I have been working with the group to finish our research and put together our project. After the group returned from Arenal we started putting together a focus group for the women in the area to learn about their perceptions of the local farmers' market. I am so glad that we got to choose the farmers' market as the focus of our research. Local economy surrounding food is very interesting to me, especially since I get to focus more on the anthropological perspective here. We also began interviewing individual farmers to see what their thoughts and perceptions of the local agricultural economy are. We worked most of the week on this and began putting together our own booth at the farmers' market for our last ... read more
Farmers' Market ii

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