Blogs from Asia - page 14918


Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka » Dhaka March 30th 2006

Dhaka has to be one of the craziest places ive ever been too. It has to be one of the only places where you can go to, where you will not see another single white person in sight. The people are really friendly and everyone looks bemused at seeing a white girl with blonde hair. I enquired at the hotel about hiring a guide to take me around the city. The guy working behind the desk was only too happy to finish work and take me around himself!! We went on a rickshaw to the local palace. As soon as I got out, within a couple of seconds I had, and I kid you not, sixty or so guys circled around me….just looking in bewilderment! Its so funny as you would think that when you make ... read more
basket on heads

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai March 30th 2006

Here are just a few of my photos from Chaing Mai, Thailand. I was there back in March of this year. I visited the temples, markets, and the Hmong mountain tribe. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai March 30th 2006

Here are a few photos of the temples in Chaing Mai. ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan March 30th 2006

Pushkar, a holy city surrounding a holy lake. This place is famous for the annual Pushkar Camel Fare, when thousands of camels are gathered here. It's a small town, very peaceful and quiet, which is due to the ban on rickshaw in these streets. We travelled here for an overnight Camel safari into the desert.... read more
Riding out of town
Shiva the camel
Me and Shiva 01

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 30th 2006

Wow, my last full day here in Taipei, Taiwan. Four weeks ago I arrived, and tomorrow I fly out. What an amazing four weeks it has been!! I will surely miss this place and my friends, but I will be back. Today I got up early-about 9am. I showered and charged up my spare camera battery, then went to exchange some money. I spent all my money yesterday on beer and Hello Kitty souvenirs. I tried to call Anita, but no luck-I'll try her again later. Today I walked up Xinhai, Keelong, DunHua and Xinyi Roads. Basically just wandering around taking a few photos and hanging out in parks. I'm soaking in my last day here. I met Dido at 3 at Starbucks for coffee. She's a nice girl, very sweet and very mature for her ... read more
Shiny And New
The Tippity Top
Illustrations by Candy

Asia March 30th 2006

Up early (notice the pattern?), had breakfast in the hotel and checked out. Took the bus to some small motor boats and then headed out into the Cai Rang Floating Market. Each boat that had something to sell would have it hanging on a bamboo pole to advertise their wares. There were all types of things being sold…we even had a tiny boat come up to our boat to see if anyone needed drinks. Boated down small canals to see “life on the Delta.” Stopped to see rice noodle making. Back on the boat and stopped to walk through a fruit orchard. Saw jackfruit, mango, pineapple, breadfruit, starfruit, longan, roseapple. Back on the boat to a rice processing facility, which was interesting. A word of advice, though—wash your rice. Always thought washing the rice was just ... read more
Tilley Brigade

Asia » Malaysia March 30th 2006

Our first port of call was Singapore which is even more westernised than Hong Kong and very easy to get around. This was a welcome relief from trying to guess what the street signs meant! Singapore is nice but nothing to write home about unless you are staying in 5 star luxury which we definitely didn't do, although we did have a great meal in the Indian quarter at a restaurant called Banana chicken vindaloo I've ever had! After a couple of days we took the bus to Kuala Lumpur which is also a very modern city. The scenic highlight has to be the Twin Towers, which do look like something out of the latest science fiction movie! While in KL we also met up with our neighbours' parents who very kindly invited us over ... read more
A Mosque in Penang
Sunset in Penang
River in Taman Negara (Worlds Oldest Jungle!)

Asia » Japan » Hyogo » Kobe March 30th 2006

The next day after coming back from Noashima, we decided to catch a Ferry across to Kobe as the ferry's from Takamatsu were much cheaper than any of the trains. With some time to kill in the morning, we first decided to check out Takamatsu's garden. I'm really glad we did as it has been my favourite garden so far. It was a lot bigger at more open than any other garden I've been to, and there are beautiful bridges and mountain backdrops. There are also masses of fish in the garden ponds who will swim up to you hoping for food. Not the best survial technique in the wild, but the kids love them. Anyway, for those who know of my legendary sea sickness I actually handled the four hour ferry pretty well. The ferry ... read more
Takamatsu Garden
Samuri Armour at Himejijo

Asia » China » Shanghai March 30th 2006

Got up really early yesterday to go on a trip to Chongming Island. It's a large island, about 80km by 15km, at the mouth of the yangzi river. We had to get up at 5 to catch the first ferry, which was a bit of a shock because its the time we usually come in. There were six of us on the trip, me, Jerome and Pippa, the three interns and Shamus, his wife and a chinese journalist Zat. Zat was born on Chongming Island so she came along to show us around. It was about an hour's ferry ride up the Huang Po river and in to the yangzi basin. When we arrived on the island we managed to arrange for a guy with a van to drive us round for the day. First we ... read more
Chongming Island Trip
Chongming Island Trip
Chongming Island Trip

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka March 30th 2006

Cherry blossoms in Japan are a big deal because they only flower for a couple of weeks each year, so Amy and I went for a drive around Shizuoka to do some cherry blossom viewing! We went to a park fairly close to our house, then to Nihondaira where there was a huge park and nice views of Mt Fuji.... read more
Cherry Blossom Park
Cherry Blossom Park
Mt Fuji from Nihondaira

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