Blogs from Southeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 12


Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City July 23rd 2016

Geo: 10.7592, 106.662Vi ankom denne rare byen ved 17-18 tiden.  Vi tok en drosje inn til hotellet i sentrum.  Det kostet 10 dollar.   Trafikken her er helt vill og gal ! :-)  Det kryr av mopeder og det er ingen trafikk-kultur.  Mopedene er rundt på alle kanter og kjører i svermer - Det er tuting og helt vill kjøring både på bilene og mopedene - De voksne brukte hjelm, det var sjelden vi så at barna hadde på seg hjelm.  Det satt ofte flere på hver moped.  Det meste vi så var 5 stk, en hel familie - 2 voksne og 3 barn !  Det var fascinerende og morsomt - vi er iallefall glade for at ingen av oss skulle kjøre.  Hotellet ligger midt i sentrum - like ved Street Food market - Vi tok ... read more
Tsjing tsjong
Street food market

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 July 21st 2016

Decided that today would be another Sunday with a bit of a stroll in the park, a bit of sightseeing and a wander through one or two of the shopping malls. Grabbed a couple of croissants and headed to the park to have a quiet breakfast but was accosted by a couple of guys who wanted to practice English, an Irish junky who wanted to know where to get heroine and wouldn't leave even when I told him I didn't have a clue. Then the touts descended selling sunglasses and all manner of useless crap and the last straw was the hookers who wondered if I wanted a massage with a happy ending. The only bloody happy ending I wanted was to left in peace so I abandoned the park and headed for a shopping mall ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 July 20th 2016

A lazier day today. Walked down to my favourite cafe round the corner from the hotel and found the pavement blackened, fire engines and cops everywhere, asked if there had been a fire but no, they were filming a scene for a local movie. Sadly they already had a star and didnt need another but fun to watch. Then walked to the War Remnants museum. What a powerful display that is. It should be compulsory viewing for all Americans. I'm probably already coming across as rabidly anti-American but when you look at the thousands of tons of chemical and biological weapons they dropped here, defoliants, dioxins and gases, not to mention the massacres of women and children and the beheading of villagers in a country they had no place being at all, in direct contravention of ... read more
The modern face of HCMC
Notre dame

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 July 20th 2016

Departure from Singapore without a hitch. Nearly 2 hours flying to Saigon. Even tho it's officially Ho Chi Minh City since 1975 - most people in the "south", young and old, still call it Saigon - the name that the French gave to it. Very quick stop at the Visa on Arrival counter - and then through Passport Control. Now the big test - will I get through Vietnamese Customs X-ray with the health supplements for friends, the daily vitamins/tablets that I take, the diabetes insulin as well as the test strip and needles. The 3 persons manning the X-ray machine were too busy talking with each other, looking at their mobile fones (possible playing pokemon Go) to worry what I had in the bags. Out through the waiting hoards - then decision time. Will I ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 July 19th 2016

I felt good to be going back to Vietnam. Hard to believe my first visit since being there in 68/69/70 during the time of the war was in 2012 - and since this is my 10th visit! Sad to be going back without Kathie - but she will come over mid August with a small group we have that will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan - where we will visit the memorial at the site of there the battle took place and 18 Diggers lost their life. I had to come earlier because we have arranged to rent a 2-bedroom house from end of July until 17 Oct. This would be our attempt at "living" in Vietnam - a chance to see how we handle the heat, the food, the atmosphere ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 July 17th 2016

Deuxième partie de mon séjournau Vietnam : Saigon (à présent Ho Chi Minh Ville), puis le delta du Mekong. Saigon est, dans d'ambiance, un peu comme Hanoi, mais avec davantage de grandes avenues et des grattes ciels (pour faire bref). Lieux marquants : le musée de la guerre, qui décrit et présente pas mal de photos des horreurs perpétrées par les américains pendant la guerre. Là non plus, on est forcement pas trop dans l'objectivité, mais c'est tout de même très intéressant. Aussi, les tunnels de Cu Chi, galeries dans lesquelles se cachaient les Viet Cong, pas loin de Saigon. Là aussi, la nourriture est remarquable, et différente de celle de Hanoi et de celle de Hoi An. Le delta du Mekong est un endroit propice pour faire des balades en bateaux, voir des marchés flottants, ... read more
Delta du Mekong
Selfie balade en bateau dans le delta du Mekong
Delta du Mekong

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City July 4th 2016

This place was pretty cool so I'm adding a section just for it. It's located in Saigon District 7 pretty close by to the Lotteria Food Mall. Super cheap and super fun!... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast May 26th 2016

We were prepared for waits at Ho Chi Minh airport for up to 2 hours to get our visa and were surprised to be out of the airport with Vietnamese Vissa stamped in our passports and money exchanged after approx 30 mins of landing. Researching what to expect in advance had us very prepared. Many other tourists waiting alongside us had yet to fill in forms, have photos taken or exchange money to US dollars for the visa fee. We had applied for "Visa on arrival". We plonked all the necessary papers and cash on the desk when it was our turn and it took 15 mins to wait for the stamp. Outside the airport the bright yellow 109 bus was easy to spot. We could ignore all the people trying to get us in their ... read more
Street Food Vendors
Coloured Sticky Rice

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 May 7th 2016

Saturday morning was my last in Vietnam, and a hangover wasn't going to stop me from making the most of it. I had purposefully arranged a red-eye out that night so I had the full day, but this meant I'd arrive at 4:30am Sunday in Dubai, with Sunday being the start of the work week. I did manage to arrange for a 2pm checkout, so at least I'd be able to shower after inevitably sweating all morning and be slightly less gross for my flight that night. Around 9:30 I headed down to breakfast for one last amazing Asian buffet, then ran out to get more dongs since I'd be hitting up the market. My hotel had free shuttles to the main market, Ben Thanh, so I arranged for the 10:30 one and had a quick, ... read more
Just gutting some fish at Ben Thanh!
Aircraft outside the Vietnam War Remnants Museum
Fairly horrifying depiction of a war detainee

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 May 6th 2016

Thursday and Friday were overall pretty low-key. Finally I got a good night's sleep, so moving forward there should be no more jetlag :-) Thursday was a full day of work - I spent the first half of the day with my admissions counterpart and the second half leading a training for the whole Southeast Asia team. Lunch was catered by the restaurant I had gone to on my first day, propaganda, but they screwed up my order so instead of the duck curry I got duck spring rolls. Life goes on. After the work day was over I grabbed a Filipino beer with my trainee to kill time before our dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse. Lebanese, Brazilian - Ho Chi Minh City has it all - can't say I would have chosen to eat either ... read more
First motorbike ride!
Vietnamese Hot Pot
Vietnam team at Vuvuzela

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